Peerless Emperor System

v2 Chapter 87: His Majesty!

After hearing the words of the bald elders, the bald elders could not see the face with the soil, but he clearly felt a chill from the eyes of the soil!

Just as the bald elders looked white, they said with a cold voice: "Did I get it wrong? Or, you forgot what I asked for?"

Saying, a powerful and indescribable momentum suddenly emerged from the soil!

Feel the momentum of this killing, the bald elders have a soft foot, and they "slammed" and slammed on the ground. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

"Big... adults... we haven't forgotten, sorry... In fact, we have already caught the beauty before, just because a little accident let her run, you can rest assured that we will definitely catch her again soon... ...just one day is enough!"

Looking at the bald elders, screaming like a dog, many fogs clenched their fists, and there was anger in their eyes.

But even so, no one dared to stand up.

At this time, looking at the bald elders who looked at the eyes like a dog without any dignity, the murderousness with the soil did not disappear, but it strengthened a lot.

"Are you telling me about the conditions?" 11

"No... I don't dare... I..."

"Shut up, can I allow you to talk?"

When I heard the soil, the bald elder immediately closed his mouth, but the body could not help but start to tremble.

At this time, the people with the soil raised their heads and glanced at the fog, and then they looked at the play with some enthusiasm: "I said it yesterday... In a day, the fog must be surrendered, and the beauty will be surrendered... but... ”

"It seems... it seems that you have not fulfilled my request... If so... then you will die..."

Just after the soil was finished, the ten-blade body suddenly released its own spiritual pressure. After the horrible spiritual pressure of these dozens of people appeared, the whole world was discolored in an instant!

At the foot of the ten-footed, the land that was originally covered with vegetation seemed to be scraped by a hurricane of the 12th level. All the vegetation in the blink of an eye turned into a fly ash...

The white clouds of the sky were shredded at the moment when the spiritual pressure appeared. Even the sun seemed to be suppressed by this spiritual pressure. After the clouds disappeared, the heavens and the earth not only did not brighten, but they appeared dim...

The earth began to tremble slightly, and the amplitude of the tremors was getting bigger and bigger, and a huge crack began to appear on the surface...

All this is like the end of the day. See 1 wool 3 Chinese network

Feel the destruction caused by the ten-blade and the soil only relying on the "momentum", and the fog is forbearing.

How can such an opponent win?

However, at this moment, it seems that the soil that is about to be shot is what it is perceived. The three-necked writing wheel immediately turns into a kaleidoscope to write the eye!


Just in the moment when Shenwei appeared, a scuffle sounded almost together.

"Solution and dissolution of the blame!"

Seeing this, a figure wearing a black dark costume came to the field and spit out a bunch of green solutions against the ten blades and the soil!

After the solution appeared, it seemed as if the air was corroded, giving off a pungent smell.

Can you use dissolved sputum, and now in the country of water, who can be in addition to beauty?

However, according to the beauty of this sneak attack, it has not been successful.

Seeing this corrosive solution, it is necessary to wrap the ten-blade and others, but at this moment, there is a strange wave of fluctuation around the solution. Then, the solution disappears into the air in the gaze of the beautiful eyes. in.

Seeing this scene, the face of the beautiful face is instantly ugly.

At this time, the bald elders lying on the ground saw the arrival of the beautiful, and the face immediately appeared happy, and quickly opened the door to the earth: "Adult, this person is beautiful, you wait a moment, I will send people now. Take him down..."

But before the bald elders finished saying this, the next moment, he widened his eyes!

At this time, all the fog that saw the scene in front of him could not help but widen his eyes.

I don’t know when, the soil appeared in front of the bald elders, and at this time, the bitterness of the hand holding the soil has already pierced the bald elder heart!

"Noisy! I haven't told you already, don't just talk nonsense without my permission?"

Speaking, the soil evoked the corner of his mouth and put his gaze on the face of the beautiful face.

"Since all have escaped, why are you coming back? Look, if you just come back, they want to catch you."

"What about this? The old lady is going to kill you now!"

While roaring, the beauty of the meditation did not stop, using a variety of reluctance to continue to bring the bandages over!

However, for the land with the gods, the attack of the beauty is obviously not effective.


The power of beauty is really good. In this grade, there are not a few Lin Lin people who are stronger than her.

However, this power is far from being an opponent with soil.

However, in just a few minutes, even if the soil did not use the power of the reincarnation, it was quickly defeated.

Soon, according to the beauty, a spit of blood fell to the ground.

However, after the fight, according to Mei Ming also found a somewhat strange thing, that is, these people seem to be not ready to kill themselves!

According to Mei Ming’s discovery, when he just played against him, he had a chance to kill himself on the 373 side, just like the one that was just hit. If the other party is aiming at his own vitality, it is estimated that he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.

Can be biased towards the other party's key moments!



Looking at the soil in front of me, the beauty lying on the ground wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

"Tread... step... step..."

At this time, with a footstep sound, Zhao Mei suddenly found himself with a good hand in front of his eyes.

When Zhao Mei looked up and saw the owner of the hand, his face changed suddenly.

"Bastard! How come you come here, do you know..."

At this moment, the scene that shocked the beauty of the United States occurred.

I saw the mask that was able to easily kill her. The man suddenly looked at him and kneeled down on one knee!

Not only the mask man, but also a dozen other strong men who also exudes a powerful momentum at the same time, the man knees down in front of the beautiful eyes.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing this scene, Zhao Mei was like a moment of thought, and his eyes stared at Luo Tian in front of him.

Later, according to Mei Ming, she did not reach out and let Luo Tian pull her up, but her eyes opened in a complicated way: "They are all your men?"
