Peerless Emperor System

v3 Chapter 212: The purpose of the canopy!

"Too white gold star!"


Hearing that the Jade Emperor suddenly called himself, Taibai Jinxing was still thinking about whether he would like to give a gift to Xuanwu Emperor. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

Looking at the Taibai Venus is just a way of responding to it, and the Jade Emperor is even more angry.

"Too white gold star!"

"In! We are in!"

Too white gold star stunned, and quickly stood up, he is not the North Xuanwu Emperor, still can not and Jade Emperor.

After looking at the fierce Jade Emperor, I took another look at the North Xuanwu Emperor. The Taibai Venus Eyeball turned. At this moment, Taibai Jinxing suddenly decided!

The Jade Emperor should not be able to stay for a few days, it is time to "be loyal"!

Thinking, Taibaijinxing seriously opened his mouth: "Jade Emperor, I just didn't see the canopy stepping on you like a dead dog!"

! ! !

On the temple of Ling Xiaobao, suddenly it was quiet again. Many of the gods looked at the eyes of Taibai Jinxing and became super strange.

This kind of gaze, how to look like how to look like a dead little expert.

When I licked my little face, I felt the pain of the small face uploading, and I stopped.

"Not a dream? Why is the Platinum so dead? The Jade Emperor asked him what the sin of the fairy should be. What did he mention that the canopy was like a stepping on a jade?"



In the hall of Ling Xiaobao, Taibai Jinxing felt the eyes of everyone, and the thin body smashed.

"I missed something? Who am I, where am I, why am I living..."

Before Taibai Jinxing was really thinking about it, I didn’t hear anything after the Jade Emperor.



On the throne, the Jade Emperor took a picture of the table and heard the hearts of the immortals in an instant, stopping the cranky thoughts.

The example of the death of Platinum in the past is still there, they don't want to be the next one!

"Too! White! Gold! Star!"

Listening to the Jade Emperor's gnashing teeth, Taibai Jinxing stunned again.

"What is your command?"

The Jade Emperor took a deep breath and calmed down the idea that he wanted to kill the Platinum.

"I just asked you, the fairy is private, and what should be sin!"

Because he just offended the Jade Emperor, Taibai Jinxing did not dare to annoy the Jade Emperor at this moment.

To get up, the white gold star turned over and turned out a red book.

"What should I pay attention to when the sow is pregnant?"

Zhongxian: "..."

Looking at the book in hand, too white gold star almost cried!


Soon, Platinum Star took out another book again.

Looking at the "Tianting 10086 Days" on the cover, Taibai Jinxing breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, this time did not take the wrong.

After a few pages of mouthwash, Taibai Jinxing looked seriously: "Your Majesty, the fairy is privately descended. According to the Tianzhu, the law should be taken to Xiangen and enter the animal path for the tenth cycle!"

Upon hearing this, the face of Jade Emperor finally showed a satisfied smile.

Looking at the canopy with a vicious gaze, the Jade Emperor said: "The canopy, I heard that it is now privately below the bounds. Do you think it is appropriate to do so?"

When I heard this, everyone turned their eyes to the canopy!

poison! Poisonous!

After the last trouble, who does not know the relationship between the cockroach and the canopy?

Jade Emperor's hand is really poisonous!

Looking at the canopy of a silver armor, the eyes of the celestial beings are complicated.

How to choose a canopy?

For the canopy, most of the gods have a good view of the canopy.

Work hard, be motivated, obey the law...

Compared to some gods who die and eat, the canopy is a model of heaven and a good model.

Such a person now has the support of the northern basaltic emperor. If it is to develop in heaven in the future, it will definitely have a promising future.

Will he give up all this in front of him?


In the temple, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of the canopy.

"Private from the lower bound, this sin is true!"

When I heard the canopy, many gods sighed.

Although this possibility has been expected, this scene really happened, and the mood of the people is still complicated.

In the end, these gods have not really been detached. (bbfd)

When he heard the canopy, the Jade Emperor also frowned. This is not what he wants.


At this moment, the voice of the canopy came again, once again attracting everyone's attention.

"Chen, willing to sin for her!"

Said, a sudden smile on the face of the canopy.

This, this is the purpose of the canopy!

Looking at the smile on the face of the canopy, this moment, many fairies suddenly looked up in the eyes of the canopy, just like the discovery of rare treasures!

At the same time, the face of the public also appeared in a stunned look.

In the sky, it is allowed to sin.

After all, who has no relationship in the heavens?

In order to protect the interests of some amnesty, there is a welfare of "top crime."

Of course, the average person is not qualified to use this welfare, but as the Marshal of the Tianhe River, the canopy has this qualification.


When I heard the canopy, the face of Jade Emperor finally showed a smile.

"Too white, the canopy is going to be a crime for the dome, and you check what criminal law should he receive?"

Upon hearing this, Taibaijinxing glanced at the canopy and sighed, and once again took out a copy of the "Tianting Power Book".

Dipped in damp water, too white gold star flipped through again.


"Responding to the situation, according to the situation, the canopy should be stripped of the immortality and into the animal."

"What? So light?"

The face of Jade Emperor is full of incredulity!

Although Heaven has a "top sin" this day, it does not mean that it will be easy to use.

In fact, this day has not been used several times since its appearance!

Although the "top crime law" can make people replace the top crime, but the crime is not reduced at all!

Otherwise, this day has long been chaotic!

Therefore, the canopy should be subject to the same punishment as the peace.

But now, how easy is it to say that Platinum is too?


Looking at the ugly face of Jade Emperor, Taibaijinxing swallowed his mouth.

"Your Majesty, because the canopy has merit, it can reduce the punishment..."

"Hey! What credit can replace so many punishments?"

Taibai Jinxing smiled dryly and pointed to the book opening in his hand: "One thousand eight hundred years ago, Tianhe broke the embankment, and the canopy led the Tianhe River to turn the tide. This great power can offset the reincarnation of the world."

"One thousand seven hundred years ago, there were eight-order big demon in Nanzhan, and there were more than 10,000 eclipses, and the canopy was smashed. This can offset the reincarnation of the world."

"One thousand five hundred years ago..."

As the Taibai Venus continues to open, the faces of the celestial beings are constantly changing, and some things that are difficult to describe appear in the gaze of the canopy.

Until today, when the Platinum was too open, they realized that this young captain of the canopy had already made so much merit!

I looked at the straight canopy in the temple and had a bitter pain in my mouth. .