Peerless Master God

Chapter 1044: Girl shows her power

Liu Yiheng shook his head and said, "I don't know if we are dead, but I know you are dead." After saying that, Liu Yiheng went straight forward, using the floating light and glancing shadow method, and at the same time, the Xuanyang spear method directly attacked out. .

The strength gap between the people of Tianguang Academy and Liu Yiheng is really too big, so facing Liu Yiheng's attack, they have almost nothing to do, and they can't even see Liu Yiheng's attack.

When Liu Yiheng's figure flashed past, he heard a ‘pouch’. A student from Tianguang Academy was shot through, his heart was broken, and he died without making a sound.

The remaining eight people in Tianguang Academy were really panicked at this time. They didn't expect Liu Yiheng to be so powerful, and they didn't expect Liu Yiheng to act so sharp, decisive, uncompromising, and deadly guns and guns, so one of them said loudly. : "Run separately."

As soon as the voice came out, the remaining eight people divided into eight directions and started to escape. At this time, they really hated their parents for not giving them extra legs so that they could escape faster. At the same time, they were praying, hoping. Liu Yiheng went to chase and kill others, so that he had hope to escape.

But they thought too much. Liu Yiheng saw these people fleeing in all directions. He smiled and said directly: "Start killing."

Liu Yiheng gave an order. First, a strange plant appeared and directly entangled four people. These plants were very tough. Although they had insufficient attack power, they could easily entangle four people. Then a strange, fast figure directly greeted them. One of them rushed over.

When the two figures crossed together, the people of Tianguang Academy squirted blood directly from their throats, and then the whole person rushed out more than ten meters before slammed to the ground, and then took the figure directly towards the four people who were entangled by plants, still It was four shocks, and the four fell to the ground one by one, without any ability to resist.

At the same time, the other two people were also blocked by two very beautiful little girls. The two sides fought together quickly, but it was obvious that the people of Tianguang Academy were panicked. Under such circumstances, they simply could not perform. After more than a dozen rounds, he was directly killed by two girls.

But the last person was directly stopped by Liu Yiheng. The people in Tianguang Academy were still running, but suddenly saw Liu Yiheng appeared in front of him. He stopped a little dejectedly, and then said: "Why are you targeting And me?"

Liu Yiheng smiled and said, "I am not targeting you, but you."

"What?" After he finished speaking, he immediately turned his head and took a look. He quickly saw five girls appearing behind him, and then he said in shock: "So to speak."

The five girls who came out were naturally Xiaoying, Guan Feng, Gu Shaomei, and the Shuangshi sisters, and the figure that killed the most people the fastest must be Xiaoying. Xiaoying might not lose to Liu Yiheng's strength at this time. It is not too easy to kill these people.

Liu Yiheng glanced at a few girls, and then said, "It's all settled."

Xiaoying smiled and said, "Yes, it's very simple, but Sister Xuefei and Sister Xuewu are really amazing. The two of them directly stopped the four people." Xiaoying usually treats these sisters very well, and because now, After this pair of sisters, everyone else is older than her, so she loves these two sisters even more, and can't wait to give all of her strength to these two sisters.

It’s just that the Shuangs sisters are not very suitable for practicing her martial arts and mental skills, so she can only give these two sisters some ordinary martial arts, but the feeling of love is not the reality. Naturally, it is very clear.

So Shuang Xuefei smiled and said, "But in the end, it was Xiaoying that killed those people, and Xiaoying was still great."

Guan Feng: "Don't brag about it, you are all great, alright."

Gu Shaomei just chuckled and said nothing.

But when the people from Tianguang Academy heard this, they slumped on the ground and said, "Why is this? Why is this? The senior said clearly that the people in Tianqi Academy are all rubbish, but why? Why?"

Liu Yiheng frowned, and then said: "This is very simple, you go to death first, then I will send your senior along with him, you can ask him carefully."

"Wait, don't kill me, I'm just following orders."

Liu Yiheng smiled and said, "Are you afraid of death?"

"Yes, no one is not afraid of death."

"Then when you killed others, did you ever think about the feelings of those people? And now we are enemies. Since we are immortal, I can't let you go. Rest in peace." Liu Yiheng pierced that person with a single shot. The heart of Chun Yang Zhen fire cremated this person's body.

After killing this person, Liu Yiheng put away his space ring, then turned back to the four injured people, and then said: "The four of you are seriously injured. I don't think you can move on. Go back and take yours. Find another partner, and then find a hidden place to hide, or your name will be gone sooner or later."