People Are in the Kingdom of God, and They Have Just Taken Place in the Adult Room

Chapter 117: Start first

"People are in the kingdom of God, and they just contain things in the adult room (

On the way here, Ning Xiuyuan was thinking about a question:

——Why can Barnard, Paul and others survive in Big Iceberg·Ikiles for an average of ten years?

As far as he knew, the souls of the creatures transformed by the white worm would definitely not take so long.

This is not brewing, but the older the better?

In fact, judging from the physical characteristics of Barnard, Paul and others, they have definitely reached the homologous edible standard.

That being the case, why didn't the white worms eat them?

After seeing Browning, Ning Xiuyuan basically had the answer.

Now look at the human wall in front of him, he is 100% sure of this answer!

"Mr. Widow, our purpose of establishing a settlement here is to prevent bloodshed and sacrifice!"

"We can obtain the grace of God and become the chosen person of God. This is our luck, and it is also a gift of God! Therefore, we should not squander our lives at will!"

"Because we belong to the great white worm Lulim Chaklos!"

"We have the responsibility and obligation to protect everyone chosen by God, and I hope you will not embarrass us."

A serious and sonorous voice came from not far away.

Ning Xiuyuan followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man in his early fifties who was shrouded in gray linen robe, walked in from the side door of the main hall with a crystal clear face, not covering his majestic aura.

Along the way, both humans and aliens evaded one after another and gave way to a passage.

"Go to the dead!"

Browning's eyes widened and he murmured.

When the deceased approached, he smiled at Browning and nodded, before looking at Ning Xiuyuan.

"Mr. Widow, follow the advice and don't go out. If you really want to go out, it's better to test your abilities first. We can deploy an all-around search team based on your abilities, which will be assisted by teammates, which is not only safe and guaranteed. Even more revenge!"

"What the person who went to the dead said is reasonable, Mr. Widow, you don't want to go out anymore. Only if you have your life, you can kill more heretics, isn't it?"

Browning immediately "rebelled" and stabbed Ning Xiuyuan with his back.

Ning Xiuyuan smiled softly, and his eyes fell on the face of the dead man: "Your Excellency should know that I am an extraordinary person. Maybe Browning needs your protection and training, but I don't need it. I hope you won't restrict my personal freedom."

When saying this, Ning Xiuyuan bit the word "protection" hard and gave a hint.

——He hopes that everyone can get together and get together without breaking the skin.

"It's a pity..." The person who went to the dead narrowed his eyes, and his face changed suddenly when he was about to speak, "You--"

"Here, magic is forbidden!"

Ning Xiuyuan suddenly shouted angrily when the deceased was shocked.

His words were like divine words, sweeping through the main hall in a soup, making countless people shocked.

Some of the merchandise displayed floating in the air even fell to the ground.

——It turns out that during the conversation just now, Ning Xiuyuan has actually been mobilizing the trading judge to trade the ability of the dead!

Until just now, he finally traded the "God Words" of the dead.

Ning Xiuyuan, who had experienced the attack of the puppet Gloria's brother, has learned a truth from his ditch and wisdom.

——The first move is strong, and then the move suffers.

The extraordinary world is too mysterious, too weird, and too chaotic!

You will never know what abilities the enemy has? Only by getting rid of it in advance is the kingly way!

Back to the topic.

After exerting the divine words, Ning Xiuyuan did not attack and retreated, and immediately walked away from the hall.


Go to the dead roar!

Ning Xiuyuan suddenly stopped in front of the main hall.

I saw that outside the open door of the main hall, a layer of flow curtain enchantment like a black waterfall was quietly enveloped, blocking his way.

Unfortunately, here, the dislocation space dare not use it easily, otherwise this flow curtain enchantment can be easily passed through.


The deceased gritted his teeth, angry that his abilities were stolen, which completely disrupted his strategy of playing around God's Word.


Ning Xiuyuan smiled, and he turned around.

"No! You are the greatest heresy, the blasphemer of the White Worm!"

"Shut up!" The person who went to the dead screamed: "Kill this heresy!"

When the sound fell, his figure suddenly disappeared and escaped into the shadows.

At the same time, countless shadows, like vines resenting souls, emerged from countless corners of the ground, temple pillars, domes, etc., breaking through the two-dimensional dimension and rushing toward Ning Xiuyuan.

Ning Xiuyuan didn't rush when he saw it, and stepped on the light from the stars to escape into the light.

At this moment, all the creatures in the temple were all panicked.

Someone retreated to the edge of the hall;

Someone chanted a curse in a hurry;

There were also people rushing to take out various magic props, but in the face of the forbidden magic of God's Word, they could only stare at the unresponsive magic in a dumbfounded manner, just like a concubine.

"You are in a hurry, are you afraid that I will reveal your secrets?"

"It must be admitted that your words are quite perfect."

"However, if you think about it carefully, there are still loopholes. As a person chosen by God, since the choice of God is so glorious, why have you lived here for ten or eight years and are unwilling to serve the great white worm?"

"Insufficient talent? Not enough chance? Or is everything a grace?"

"Or in other words, you are simply heretics!!!"

The sound of ridicule echoed in the hall, shaking tremblingly.

Browning's face suddenly changed in the crowd. He looked at the people with disbelief, trying to get the truth from everyone's mouth.

"Browning, come here quickly, don't listen to this heretical bewitching statement!"

Paul waved to Browning.

"I don't know how many of you have been deceived? Wake up, the white worm caught you in just to eat you! The most outstanding magician? Oh, it's a joke."

Ning Xiuyuan's voice floated in the hall. He needed to provoke discord and create opposition and chaos.

Sure enough, as his voice fell, there was a sudden commotion in the hall.

It can be seen that there are quite a few unawares.

"I don't believe it! This, this is not true! If the great white worm is meant to eat us, why not eat it immediately, and let us live in Ikirs?"

Browning shouted with a distorted face, his faith was already on the verge of collapse.

"It's very simple. He just wants to make you fatter. When your soul is in the same tone, it is the day when the white worms have a big meal!"

The blood on Browning's face was lost!

He is not a fool, as Ning Xiuyuan said before, he has basically affirmed what Ning Xiuyuan said, I am afraid it is the truth!


"let me go!"

In the hall, there was a sudden roar.

But three or five creatures were suddenly imprisoned.

This scene fell in Browning's eyes, shocked in his heart, he tried to escape, but was too late.

A big hand fell from the sky and grabbed him.

——The master of this big hand is indeed the giant of Gu Ge.


At this moment, the relief sculpture in the temple suddenly came to life.

They are like evil beasts and wild ghosts sealed in the building, struggling one by one, pulling out their bodies from the dome of the palace wall, and falling down.

"Open the barrier, otherwise don't blame me for killing!"

Ning Xiuyuan, who was in the main hall of cholera in a few words, became serious. These stone sculptures are exactly the puppet cannon fodder that he manipulated with the help of the puppet Gloria's puppet master.

They may not have much effect on the transcendents, but they are definitely more than enough to deal with the magicians who have already been forbidden.

"Kill, kill as much as you want, Mr. Widow! You are right, we are all herds of white worms. The more people die here, the easier it is to attract his attention. Your soul is so pure, in order to prevent The food is wasted, I think the white worm will definitely not wait to eat you first!"

The voice of those who went to the dead who escaped into the darkness reverberated in the hall, with a bit of ridicule.

At this time, the two of them were in a very strange state. One escaped into the light and the other was hidden in the darkness, as if the well water did not invade the river, but in fact, no one can do anything!

"Why should we meet each other in battle? Opening the barrier, we just assume that this has never happened." Ning Xiuyuan suggested.

"I also think that this has never happened, but your soul is too pure, you are simply my best amulet!"

The voice of the dead man sighed.

As soon as the voice fell, the hall suddenly shook.


Amidst the screaming and screaming of the people, countless emerald vines emerged from the black curtain outside the hall, and they rushed into the hall, squeezing everyone's living space.

It was also blocking Ning Xiuyuan's place of standing cone.

Looking down from the air, I saw dense vines appearing around the hall, like an octopus, emerging from the depths of the earth, entangled the palace.

They breed crazily, grow, entangle, and wrap the main hall tightly without leaking any gaps.

"Here, plant growth is forbidden!"

Ning Xiuyuan drank!

However, this time the word of God did not take effect.

Divine Words are very powerful, but their drawbacks are also obvious, that is, they do not take effect every time.

Even if it is completely integrated, it will only reduce the probability of failure, or that it will take effect within a certain number of times.

The reason why Ning Xiuyuan's first use took effect immediately was not because he was lucky, but because the probability of those who went to the dead had been accumulated early.

As we all know, the extraordinary characteristics will show some subtle differences in different hosts.

This mainly depends on the degree of execution of the extraordinary rituals of the extraordinary, as well as the influence of other factors.

For example: Ning Xiuyuan's master of divination, because of the knowledge of ouroboros path, appears more accurate, of course, this is also accompanied by extremely high risks.

The same goes for the divine words of the deceased. His social status and degree of integration make his divine words inevitably succeed every five times.

Therefore, on weekdays, he will accumulate four consecutive "failures" to ensure the fifth success.

This is the root cause of Ning Xiuyuan's immediate success after stealing it!

"Here, plant growth is forbidden!"

Ning Xiuyuan yelled again!

Unfortunately, this time there is still no power released.

On the contrary, the vines in the hall are growing faster and faster, almost filling more than half of the space in the hall.

Many creatures were squeezed in by the vines, unable to move.

"Here, plant growth is forbidden!"

"Here, plant growth is forbidden!"

Ning Xiuyuan, who had been released four times in a row, was about to roar for the fifth time, and the person who went to the dead suddenly shouted.

"I found you!"

When the sound fell, the shadow densely attached to the vines suddenly ejected and shot towards an ice edge of the dome.


The ice edge shattered, and Ning Xiuyuan had already moved away.

But these shadows are still like bone gangrene, and if they sniff blood sharks, they are chasing after them.

"Here, darkness is forbidden!"

With another loud shout, the face of the person who went to the dead changed suddenly, and after chasing the shadow of Ning Xiuyuan, he disappeared abruptly.

In fact, Mo said that all the shadows of the whole hall disappeared after entering these three-dimensional worlds!

"Open the barrier, I just take it as it didn't happen."

Ning Xiuyuan, who clearly cut off the enemy's arm again, still didn't dare to love the battle, and made another proposal.


The person who went to the dead hesitated and nodded.

The plants filling the main hall are like entangled snake pools, they squirmed, giving way to a passage.

Outside the passage, the black curtain flow enchantment suddenly disappeared.

Upon seeing Ning Xiuyuan, he was about to escape.

No, he just walked across the street, but his figure suddenly appeared in the narrow passage.

I saw a faint light in the vine passage shining on him, not only driving him out of the light, but also imprisoning him.

——Extraordinary Item·The Cage of Light!

"I advised you not to go out a long time ago, but you just didn't listen, alas, why bother?"

The entangled vines wriggled for a while, like the mouth of a giant snake, spitting out the tongue of the vine, and the person who went to the dead stood proudly on the tip of the tongue

——After Ning Xiuyuan forbade the existence of darkness, he was forced out of darkness. Fortunately, his plants have flooded the hall, so he still hides his body to death.

Under the support of the vine, the person who went to the dead slowly approached Ning Xiuyuan, his eyes full of teasing.

Although the words of God were stolen, as an extraordinary person with five rings, his combat experience is too rich.

Enchantments, plants, and even shadows are all his offensive strategies one after another, including his active appearance at the moment.

——This body is actually just a puppet incarnation! The fundamental purpose is to deceive the enemy's mortal counterattack.

At this time, Ning Xiuyuan, who was restrained by the light, had a flustered expression and a flustered face.

"You, what are you going to do?"

"Nothing, I said, you are my best amulet! Don't worry, I won't let you die until the other baits are dead."

The person who went to the dead smiled and said as he said, he took out extraordinary objects, trying to strengthen control.

"What does this mean?" Ning Xiuyuan's voice trembled.

"Ha, don't you seem to be that smart? Don't you understand? The white worm will devour a person every once in a while. He will only choose the most delicious food closest to him."

"We only need to present the tribute regularly to avoid death."

"And you, the soul is so pure, placed by my side, even if the white worm comes, it will definitely be the first to eat you! Tell me, are you my amulet?"

The person who went to the dead smiled, his eyes flashed with satisfaction.

"So that's it!"

Ning Xiuyuan suddenly realized that the ugly expression that was originally anxious, but I don't know when, has disappeared.

"It seems that I have to keep you by my side as a talisman!"