People Are in the Kingdom of God, and They Have Just Taken Place in the Adult Room

Chapter 33: Arthurs shows up

   Ning Xiuyuan is in pain now!

   The indescribable torture imposed on the puppet Daniel, through the kite thread of the heart of the beast, was transmitted to his body without any difference, causing him great pain.

   The more he struggled, the tighter the kite string, as if to drag his soul out of his body.

   He can't even interrupt.

   I wonder if it is because the heart of the beast comes from a gift?

   Or the indescribable existence is too powerful?

   He can only grit his teeth and endure it.

  He has a hunch: When Daniel is completely dead, it is when the heart of the beast is completely interrupted.

   But Daniel died too slowly.

   He seems to have been hollowed out, like a dead body.

   However, the mysterious liquid injected into his body rotted the flesh and drank the soul, but it also prolonged the activity of the flesh to the greatest extent.

   This made Daniel's death an extremely long process.

   Ning Xiuyuan reminded the D-class personnel to go to the first floor to look for the altar, just to break this process.

   He didn't know, what happened to that D-class personnel?

   The mouse he placed on the first floor still saw an empty villa living room.

   There was only his raven, and when he saw the D-class personnel rushing out of the villa, he was suddenly killed in a **** scene.

   This strange scene that is extremely absurd and contrary to common sense, for some reason, suddenly made Ning Xiuyuan think of grandma's fishing cage.

  —A fishing cage that can only be entered but not exited.

  At this point of thought, Ning Xiuyuan suddenly noticed Daniel's field of vision, slowly covering a layer of white mist.

   is going to die?


  Under the white mist, Daniel suddenly got rid of the indescribable shackles and stepped into a white world.

   Here, the earth is white and the sky is white.

   looked very hard, everything was white, as if shrouded in a mist.

  In this white and vast world, a huge and delicate scarlet flower suddenly bloomed in front of Daniel's eyes.

   This is a rhubarb flower, also known as carrion flower.

  The white spots are sprinkled on the scarlet petals, like an abscess ulcer on the skin of a lamb.

   has not yet come close, if there is a rancid smell, like a corpse that has been fermented for centuries, it is disgusting and even more unbearable.

   But "Ning Xiuyuan" couldn't help but approach, because in the tube-shaped stamen surrounded by five petals, countless kinds of extraordinary characteristics circulated in it.

   This scene shocked Ning Xiuyuan.

   He got it!

   This is a gift from the great and fair "God of Abundance, Shape of Emerald Green".

  Because he offered fertility sacrifices!

   Ning Xiuyuan's breathing gradually became short, he stretched out his hands, and was about to hold a handful of extraordinary characteristics.

   At this moment, a sharp sword suddenly pierced his chest and emerged from his chest.

   "The great **** of fertility, emerald green shape, I am your most loyal servant, he is just a lowly apostate, he brought in those outsiders, he is not worthy of your gift!"

   A young man walked out from behind Ning Xiuyuan.

   He opened his arms, facing the white world, talking hoarsely and piously, and angrily accused Ning Xiuyuan of betrayal, expressing his loyalty.

   "No, no, no—"

   Ning Xiuyuan trembled all over looking at the extraordinary characteristics that leaked from his palm.

   He madly wanted to hold another hand, but the sharp sword pierced into his chest swallowed his life.

he died.

   In that young ghost's watch loyalty, he fell to the ground with a bang, unwilling to die.


   In Daniel's house a few kilometers away, Ning Xiuyuan, who curled up into a ball because of the pain of the kite string, suddenly growled angrily.

   "Those extraordinary characteristics are mine! They are all mine! No one should want to take my things!"

   Ning Xiuyuan stood up and walked back and forth, like an anxious believer.

   suddenly, he stopped.

   The plague antibody covering the whole body was born from his body, and he quietly retracted his body, revealing the costume of the dawn god.

   He raised the lantern, pushed open the door of the house, and walked toward the villa with firm eyes.

   He's fed up with weakness!

   also hates the uncontrollable destiny!

   He wants to become stronger, and those extraordinary characteristics are the quickest way for him to become stronger.



   "The team leader, the ethics committee issued a warning that they believe that we have been involved in excessive use of D-class personnel for a containment that has not yet spread. They demanded to stop the experiment immediately and submit the instructions!"

   was parked in the satellite car on the edge of the village road. The liaison officer suddenly put down his work and looked at the commanders in the car.

"Ethics Committee? Ha, it's really something we are going to, it's okay to us, how many D-class personnel were consumed in the last time and space lantern incident? Why didn't they come out and talk about it? How many are only used now? I don't need D-class personnel, is it possible to let me? Of soldiers rushed up?"

   A bearded team leader slapped the table with anger.

   "Tell them, let me go! If I have the ability to go to the headquarters to file a complaint, I just retired, and I have a leisure time!"

   The young liaison officer did not speak, or even had a scared expression.

   After working in this horrible place for a long time, I will know that there is nothing to be afraid of except for the containment objects.

   Compared with the contents, the site directors are so amiable!

   Besides, he is also used to the group leader's anger.

  —The pressure is too much to understand.

   "Did you not hear what I said? What are you doing in a daze, scold me?"

   Seeing that the contact person was unmoved, the bearded group leader was frustrated.

   "Okay, okay, the fire has started, let's just say a few words, this is not a proliferation containment item, and the ethics committee intervened, it is normal."

   Another middle-aged commander with black hair mixed with countless white silks spoke up.

   "Who said that this is not a diffusion type? It has developed a cult, but it is not diffusion?"

   The bearded group leader stared wide-eyed and made a strong statement.

   "Yes, yes, what you said makes sense, but now you have disobeyed the ethics committee, in case someone resents us in the future, we will be stuck..."

   The middle-aged man nodded straight, and said a problem that everyone has a headache.

   "He dare?!"

   The bearded group leader blew his beard and stared, but his expression was already a bit more stern.

   The ethics committee is only a small department in the foundation, which is mainly responsible for reviewing and supervising whether there is excessive waste of D-class personnel in various departments and experiments.

  Because this department is not a core department, it does not control violence, financial resources, or resources. It is a joke in the eyes of many people.

   But everyone cannot deny that they are actually quite influential.

   An appraisal report may really block the allocation of D-level personnel in some departments.

  Instructions, among all the weird objects contained in the Foundation, which one did not come out with the lives of D-class personnel?

   There are not enough D-class personnel, and many containment experiments have to be stopped.

   No way. There are more wolves and less meat. Everyone wants to understand the characteristics of the containment objects in their hands. Internal competition is too normal.

   "Well, UU reading Becky, if you send a report to talk about it, you say that the experiment has reached a critical moment, and we plan to try an unconventional containment...Forget it, let me talk about it myself!"

   The bearded group leader gritted his teeth and initiated a formal communication with the ethics committee.

   Not long after, a woman appeared on a display in the satellite car.

   "Mr. Willard, I have to remind you that even if you apply for non-routine containment, it is impossible to pass. This is not a proliferation containment item. Also, don't forget, what were the consequences of the last time and space lantern incident?"

  The ethics committee's first speech made Willard look a little embarrassed.

   He was silent for a while, and took a deep breath:

"We have experimented with most of the characteristics of the killing monsters in this villa. Give us another chance. We promise to catch all the magic stuff in it. We have already sent so many D-class personnel. Don't try this last time. I'm not reconciled. Wouldn't all the D-class personnel dispatched before have been wasted?"

   The woman on the display was silent, as if thinking about the pros and cons.

   "Well, the last chance, no more than five D-class personnel!"

   Willard is overjoyed!

   At this moment, the alarm in the satellite car suddenly exploded, and the warning lights installed in the car lights flashed crazily, for fear that the commanders would not be able to see it.

   The face of the woman on the screen changed suddenly.

  Don't say that they, at this moment, the foundation executives in this area almost collectively shake.

"what happened?"

   Willard was shocked, and subconsciously looked at the main screen in the satellite car.

   Without waiting for his gaze, his middle-aged colleague, his face is extremely solemn:

   "Arthurs, Lord of Lanterns, appeared in Commons."