People Are in the Kingdom of God, and They Have Just Taken Place in the Adult Room

Chapter 540: call my name and be immortal

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Humans are in the kingdom of God, and they have just reached the fifth hundred and fortieth chapter of the main body of the human containment. Calling my name, immortality is the most merciful gift in this world. Nothing is more than our inability to understand the universe.

At this moment, Lucia deeply understood the meaning of this sentence.

But it's too late!

The turquoise blue sky has turned into a scarlet red stirred by the gray-white brain medulla and scarlet muscle cells, and the white clouds twisted by the large intestine are full of humanoid mouths, and in the peristalsis, they emit morbid and horrifying sounds. howling.

Rashomon's vision awakened Lucia's reason.

She saw... She saw that under the sky made of flesh and blood, the peristaltic intestines hung down, opened their foul-smelling mouths, and sucked their heads.

The blasphemous scene beyond the boundaries of human perception and imagination made Lucia never so much hate the gift of Arthur!

She is dead.

The gift of Arthurs, the **** of sleep, has taken effect.

She becomes a permanent resident of Dreamland.

So she saw this terrifying vision that was pieced together by reason. It was definitely not the blasphemy she deserved, and madness would be her best ending. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

This will also be the best ending for the Norse gods.

The old rulers who were crowded with the [God of Spiders, Atlak Nakya], the super-dimensional passage, spewed out like a tide to the North Continent.

What's more, it broke through the channel and flowed into the vast universe.

It was the ecstasy of escaping from Father Uposasla;

And the pain of not being able to see the keys of the old gods again;

It is also the secret joy of embracing freedom and harvesting individual rationality.

No one knows how many rulers of eternity are bred in the gray Ika of the extra-dimensional space in the eye of the ether storm, in the boiling swamp with lead-colored haze and tumbling abominable light!

The temptation of the old god's key makes them unable to escape the cage of knowledge.

Until he was exiled by the hands of Ubo Sasla, who had found a trace of reason!

It will be unbearable horror for all living beings;

It is also a blasphemous disaster that truly answers the prophecy!

Reason fades, madness grows.

Only the more frenzied and belligerent greenskin frenzy ran rampantly into the world, setting off a large swath of flesh and blood and resentful souls.

It was a **** that no amount of words could describe.

Even **** will be dwarfed by that.

Filled with the flesh and blood of the sky, snickering and sucking the horror of mortals...

Groups of humans walked out of the bunker, stepped on the flying bone dust, and walked towards the black crack in the sky...

The green and ghostly moon, blinked, and a group of stargazers and mad believers appeared on the ground...

The turbulent spatial ripples, with the indescribable movement of the eternal horror, spread out like a fog.

All the creatures involved are turned into flesh and blood powder, and in joy, embrace the essence of the universe.

"This is hell! Gotta get out of here... yes, get out of here!"

Angel Fitzgerald looked at this scene in horror, all belief and reason collapsed at this moment.

He shamefully responded to his instincts and fled to the vast universe.

"Giggle cluck..."

He has just stepped into an unknown new galaxy, and the extraordinary characteristics in his body are like a hyena that smells freedom, howling to break free from the shackles of reason, and unscrupulously transforming the container.

" will not be destroyed, it is the mercy of the Lord of Slaanesh, in his kingdom of evil, we will reach the abyss of depravity!"

When he was about to get out of control, the Angel Fitzgerald finally responded to the erosion of the Lord of Slaanesh and recited the Slaanesh Prayer.

At this moment, how much he longed for the arrival of Slaanesh.

Even if you fall into the abyss of desire, it is better than losing your reason and falling into the chaotic hell!

"Chuck... hoo... hoo..."

In the darkness of the depths of the stars, kindness obscures the scene of depravity.

When the inexplicable barking of the deep alley receded, a filthy and abominable creature drifted among the stars, following its gluttonous appetite, and swam to the planet that gave birth to life.

The Lord of Slaanesh, after all, did not redeem the Angel Fitzgerald.

Because He is also thirsting for redemption!

"Real people, it turns out that this is your purpose, what a procrastination plan! If so, let's embrace madness together!"

A piercing scream resounded over the northern continent.

The pink mist that teases the heartbeat falls from the sky, and even condenses into a lustful rain, falling from the sky.

When the rain fell on the earth, the mist poured into the nose and tongue, and the end-north creatures, who had been through disasters and curses for a long time, suddenly fell into the abyss of desire!

Killing, looting, gluttony, ecstasy, breeding, sinking...

Order established in chaos collapsed in desire in the blink of an eye.

"Lord of Slaanesh, are you going to give up all hope completely?"

Ning Xiuyuan's voice echoed in the sky above Zhongbei.

"Hope? Hahaha... It's about time, and we're still stalling! We shouldn't listen to your nonsense!"

Lord Slaanesh laughed wildly.

The huge Temple of Pleasure, overlooking the magical continent of Zosik, is full of monsters sinking into the abyss of desire, descending from the sky and madly attacking the true church of Zosik.


At the same time, deafening lightning roared in Zhongbei and even Zosik, and the God of Storms and Rain also attacked!

The black cloud over the city, the king's land under the city.

One after another, the giant pillars of thunder entwined by electric snakes, show their prestige in the world, unscrupulously venting the horror of death.

The disgusting smell of flesh and blood permeates the cities.

That is true believers atonement for the sins of true people with flesh and blood and death repentance!

Limited by the contract, the **** of the corpse moved, but no amount of corpses could stop the madness of Slaanesh and the God of Storms.

This situation can only be stopped by reciprocal revenge.

But how could Ning Xiuyuan use reciprocal revenge?

The heirs of the old days released by the Outer God Ubo Sasla have already spread all over the North Continent, destroying the beliefs and anchoring of the gods unscrupulously.

Slaanesh and the Storm God will die out of control sooner or later.

The North Continent, which has already slipped into the chaotic abyss, even the resurrection method they secretly prepared has become a joke.

"Slaanesh, what does this have to do with me?"

Over the great forest of Eleanor, the roar of the Moon Goddess was extremely angry.

At this time, the Moon Goddess finally showed her most hideous side.

The entire forest came alive.

Tentacles covered with suckers gushed out from the depths of the earth, propping up a giant screen that covered the sky and blocked the harassment of the old days.

However, at this critical moment, the disgusting pink fog burst out from every corner of the forest, cholera provoking the desires of all beings!

"What's wrong with you? Hahaha, colluding with real people is your greatest sin! Let's embrace madness together! Hahaha..."

Slaanesh was completely mad, and he attacked the gods' territory of the Norse continent unscrupulously. The pervasive pink mist became a pink nightmare for all living beings.

It is also the end of the blood of the gods, coated with a layer of coquettish scarlet.

Rolling black clouds and roaring thunder, dotted in the treacherous old days, add a ludicrous and crazy graffiti to the unchangeable history.

North and Zosik were completely insane.

There are only a few extraordinary people above the fifth ring, struggling on the edge of losing control.

Zosik's real Pope, Gaskell, looked at the sky ravaged by lightning, with a trace of sadness on his face.

Just experienced the collapse of the Earth God Sect, and now it is facing a real collapse.

And he has no way out.

Because under the wrath of the gods, the fragile strategic balance was completely out of balance.

Churches, even gods, who lose faith and anchorage, will eventually die of madness.

"My Lord, great true man, you pious lamb, longing for your redemption!"

Gaskell crawls in the icy hall, and uses the simplest language to make his last prayer.

Though reason tells him that all will be in chaos and madness;

But he still yearns for miracles, just like the persistence of the earth **** religion when it collapsed.

"Those who believe in me will be redeemed!"

An indescribable flow of information suddenly reverberated in Gaskell's mind.

This voice also echoed in the minds of the remaining rational beings!

"Slaanesh, the storm, the moon! All beings have perished, and your reason is still alive. This is my last mercy, call my name, and be immortal!"

Gaskell's eyes widened in amazement.

Suddenly aware of a terrible fact!

Facing the berserk gods, the real people never fought back from beginning to end.

The gods have never been reduced to abominations.

It means...meaning...great real people, and a stronger anchor.

He could even give anchorage to a shepherd! !

That anchor... that anchor is...

