People Are in the Kingdom of God, and They Have Just Taken Place in the Adult Room

Chapter 98: Containment plan

"It's restarted again!"

At the moment when the warning information of the deep well site was obtained, a sigh full of complicated meaning sounded in the O5 Council holographic projection conference room.

"From the time you discovered this world, you should have guessed it."

"I guessed it, but when we think of the continuous time we think we are just reading and restarting again and again, this our lives are just a bunch of data."

"Maybe it's just a bunch of data, but will you give up hope because of it?"

"Hope? The road to **** is often paved with goodwill. I am worried that our goodwill will lead the world to an irreversible abyss."

The sound fell, and the meeting room fell silent.

For the current Foundation, the world before the restart is more like a parallel time and space that has nothing to do with them.

But they know that this is not a parallel time and space after all.

"Hehe, we are already in the abyss, don't think about it."

"Everyone, this is not the time to discuss these philosophical issues. Don't forget, there are only 19 hours before the end, and cherish the warnings issued in the future!"

"Meeting for a meeting!"

A urging sound brought the meeting to the topic.

"According to the deep well data, the XK-level doomsday scene will be caused by the disorderly spread of hatred flesh and blood. The hatred flesh and blood has passed through the intricate underground river system, condensing the subject of consciousness at 41 degrees south latitude and 73 degrees east longitude of the ocean. Dispatch a team of detectives nearby to make sure."

"In addition, data shows that reality **** Yin Lan has discovered that it is precisely because of the condensing of the conscious subject that the hatred of flesh and blood shows deep wisdom, which will eventually cause global infection."

"Experiments have confirmed that flame and high temperature can kill the abominable flesh and blood, and high-concentration and large-dose Bu Laoquan can kill the human abomination virus, but it has no effect on the abomination flesh and blood transformed by other organisms."

"At present, four solutions are given in the future."

"One, unite with the Global Occult Coalition to dispatch large-scale reality benders to surgically accurately strike against flesh-and-blood subjects. This plan has been proven to be very effective, but unfortunately, the moment it succeeds, the earth is also infected and forced to activate " Emergency Agreement 3397-Savior"."

"Two, unconventional containment, using the characteristics of the Balrog to burn and hate the flesh and blood main body."

[Balla] is a sentient living body composed of flames contained by the Foundation.

The behavior mode is basically controllable.

It likes to eat combustibles, adding combustibles will make the Balrog grow quickly.

However, unlike the hatred of flesh and blood, the Balrog grows to a certain size and will automatically split into multiple individuals, and each individual will hate each other, especially when combustible materials are limited, they will fight each other.

Given this plan in the future, it can be said that it makes perfect use of the deep sea environment.

Come to think of it, hate the flesh and blood, and know its own weaknesses, so it gathers the subject in the deep sea.

As everyone knows, this is just enough to satisfy the use environment of the Balrog, when the last piece of abomination flesh burns clean, the sea water will be able to extinguish the Balrog.

"Three, use the'assimilation machine' to hang the abomination virus in the deep sea. However, given the large volume of the abomination flesh and blood, there is a risk that this plan cannot be completely eliminated."

[Assimilation machinery] is a pile of abnormal objects composed of metal parts, any metal in contact with it will be absorbed and transformed into its own material.

When the surface of [Assimilation Machine] is not covered by rust, it will enter an active state, enticing nearby organisms to throw metal, or even throw themselves into it, and be mechanically crushed.

The plan for housing the assimilation machinery is very simple. It is bound by non-metallic materials and is 100% covered in sea water, so that its surface is always covered with rust, so that it can enter a dormant state.

"Four, use the'Glyph Disc' to infect Petrification and hate flesh and blood."

[Glyph disc] is a small disc made of unknown metal, with mysterious symbols engraved on the disc.

In the non-contained state, these symbols will gradually appear on surrounding objects, and eventually the surrounding objects will be transformed into a material similar to a glyph disc.

This process is exactly like the petrified memetic infection of Medusa in myths and legends.

However, as long as these objects are destroyed, the infection can be stopped.

The current test has proved that the glyph disc cannot penetrate non-gaseous fluids, which means that it is safe to use in the deep sea.

The quiet introduction sounded in the conference room.

In fact, there is no need to introduce them. As members of the Foundation O5 Council, they have obtained the information of the deep well site in the first time.

"Is this no different from the countermeasures we discussed earlier?"

"Hehe, because it is us who made these countermeasures, although it is us from the future."

"Okay, sixteen pre-plans, reduced to four, this is much simpler than multiple-choice questions for elementary school students."

"The doomsday is not a multiple-choice question. There is no need to discuss this kind of thing. You can use as many methods as you want! Especially the first solution that has been proven seems to be safe, but in fact it is not. The Global Occult Coalition is also our enemy and friend. We There is no way to absolutely control their behavior. Once there is a mistake, it is very likely that all previous efforts will be lost. Maybe, the previous failure will be defeated by the Global Occult Coalition."

"One, two, three options can be used, but I don't agree with the fourth option. This containment item comes from the Church of the Broken God. Once used, it is very likely to attract a group of lunatics, which will increase uncontrollable variables and increase the risk. "


The fierce debate sounded in this holographic projection meeting room.

The O5 Council, which seems mysterious to the outside world, is actually a group of mortals from another perspective.

It is indeed a mortal!

In order to ensure the perfect operation of the foundation, the foundation has a low-level rule, that is, the higher the level of members, the less direct or indirect contact with the containment objects is allowed.

Especially for A-level members, indirect contact is also not allowed.

This is to restrict the power of senior members and prevent them from using the shelter to do whatever they want;

It is also to protect their lives and to continue the existence of the Foundation.

This rule will be the supreme existence of the foundation-the overseer, the implementation of supervision.

Back to the topic.

When the O5 Council was about to finalize the plan to contain the abhorrent flesh and blood, a sudden intelligence interrupted their rhythm.

"Everyone, our people found Arthurs in parallel time and space!"


Astonishment sounded in the conference room.

You know, parallel time and space have been restarted, and there is no living thing, even a seed.

"Interestingly, Arthurs declared that he received Ms. Ji Zijun's call for help from the future. The original words were like this:'I received her call for help from the future. Unexpectedly, it was a step too late. The world has already been destroyed once. I don't want to see it destroyed again.'"

"What do you think of this statement?"

"Shenjing site did record that the Foundation had dispatched Ji Zijun to take the time train according to the prophecy to send out a distress signal. However, looking at the results, it clearly did not work."

"Oh, if that containment object can accurately predict the future, what do we need to do?"

"What I am curious about now is that the world restart did not cover him? This is incredible!

"It seems that there are only two possibilities for his existence, one, he was not in this world at the time; two, his strength is enough to resist the restart of the world!"

At this point, the O5 Council was silent.

As the highest authority of the foundation second only to the supervisors, they dare not say that they are the smartest people, but they are definitely the ones with the most information.

Therefore, whether Arthurs is the former or the latter, it proves that he is extraordinary.

The former means that Arthurs is indeed as they had guessed before. Every time he disappears, he is very likely to travel across time and space.

The latter, the person who can resist the restart of the world, does not need to go into details about what it means in itself.

This is definitely the existence of God!

"The key now is whether to let him intervene in the abomination of the flesh and blood project?"

"Before the restart, we were already testing out the containment plan, why should we add unknown variables? I don't agree with Arthurs' intervention in the abomination of Flesh and Blood Project."

"I also don't agree! We know almost nothing about him, and once let him intervene in this matter, it will cause unpredictable and uncontrollable changes."


"Send Ji Zijun to try to appease!"

"Start the Abomination Flesh Containment as soon as possible. The longer the delay, the more variables."

"Voting now."

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