People Are In Tokyo, and the Peerless Raptors Are Also Afraid of Hatchets

Chapter 68: So this is the school valve.

Naoo Naoto is quite unfamiliar with gift-giving.

It’s not that I don’t know how to give gifts, but I often don’t know what I’m afraid of.

Kind of like being a thief.

Therefore, it often becomes that they know everything, and they dare not do anything.

But now that inexplicable fear is gone, in addition to holding the shame that Nagano Naoo has nothing to do with him, I have to thank Sato Kenichi for what he said before.

This guy is worthy of being a civil servant, and he has seen through the structure of Japanese society.

Whether it is the adopted child system recognized by the mainstream of society, the formation of academic cliques, or the relationship between seniors and juniors in the workplace and officialdom.

If I really want to say, it is not important to give gifts, but what kind of people give gifts, and who to give gifts.

to be honest.

It is still the essential issue of society - value.

Just like adopting children, or supporting subordinates, they often value a person's potential and how much value these potentials can turn into.

as predicted.

Naoto Nagano came to the door with a fruit basket. Although the teacher who needed to be in touch was not very cold, he didn't mean to welcome him. It was only when he said he thanked the other party for his cultivation that he became the head of the Japanese life insurance class. His attitude was obviously enthusiastic. point.

After all, such a young teacher has a promising future.

Because of this, Professor Akagi Village of the Economics Department also revealed that he could be a postgraduate student next time, which is completely different from the look of a fool when he enters the door.

Things went very smoothly.

Everything seems to have given a green light, Nao Naoo just put forward his own ideas, and successfully obtained the certificate of completion.

As for the graduation thesis he wrote, it was a perfunctory attitude.

Bow +12345...a hypocritical thank you for getting a diploma, you can truly understand what a human society is.

Network... To put it bluntly, you still have to be valuable.


Naturally, I went to attend the school's welcome ceremony.

No matter how you say it, the president of the family is here at this time, and even a guy like Ikeda knows how to say hello and make a good relationship.

With such thoughts in mind, Naoo Nagano rushed to the festival center.

The huge auditorium was densely packed with at least thousands of people sitting or standing.

The boys who participated in the entrance ceremony were dressed in suits and shirts, while the girls mostly wore suits or shirts, but some people came wearing short skirts.

Those who can go to Qingying are rich people, so these girls are all famous brands, most of them wear light makeup, they look very seductive, and they have a good life since childhood. , the distance is different.

I don't know how many LSPs come to see beautiful women.

However, unlike the men and women in the audience and the audience, whether it was the principal who was at the front of the stage and presided over the event, or the twenty special guests who came, all of them were middle-aged men in formal suits.

And these people are all seniors from Keio without exception.

Most of the people Naoto Nagano don't know, but there are a few that he doesn't even know.

Familiar faces such as Hashimoto Ryutai, Minister of Tibet, Koizumi, Minister of Health and Welfare, Hirofumi Nakasone, Secretary of the Prime Minister's Minister, and, of course, Ida Yoko, President of Japan Health Insurance, sitting at the very edge.

Seeing such a scene, Naoto Nagano was stunned for a long time.

This is so... It's actually these future prime ministers! !

Alumni? ? ?

Senior? ?

Shocked for a long time, Nao Nao Nao had to secretly stunned.

In fact, for a long time, he didn't quite understand what it meant that Keio, Todai and Waseda were called the three university clans.

To be precise, I don't quite understand why Xue Bao is hated by many people but can't do anything about it.


All right!

Although still do not understand.

However, these few people sitting on the stage are only the smallest group of alumni who have served as alumni, and they still have a little concept in their hearts.

'Damn, it turns out that this is the school valve! ’

'Monopoly talent, monopoly politics, it's **** horrible. ’

'But speaking of it, Lao Tzu was also born in Keio, and if he hugged a thigh, he would become prosperous. ’

With this idea in mind, Nao Nao's men's clothing pretended to be an audience.

The principal on the stage forced Lai Lai for a long time, making people drowsy to hear it, until the guest alumni came out to speak and encourage, and the students gradually became more energetic.

What to do to bring value to the society, join the big family of Keio and strive to become a pillar of the country.

These are all grand words on the crown, but it can be seen that many new students have reddened faces and a kind of excitement in their eyes. There is a chance to be a minister or something.

In a word, it's just that the students who have just entered the school look in high spirits, and they look like they are burning with enthusiasm.

After each speech is finished, it is the most important ceremony of the entrance ceremony.

Everyone stood up and sang the school song together.

If き blood.

young blood.

Naoto Nagano gestured with his mouth, but he didn't feel any blood, but the others around him looked quite excited, so he could only try his best to show his excitement and pretend to be more like a Keio student.

To be honest, he didn't feel any honor for such an entrance ceremony.

The whole entrance ceremony has to say something a bit like a pyramid scheme, but the difference is that Keio loves this big family and will really help each other.

Especially in society, if you go to a big company for an interview, if you know that the interviewer has a senior from Keio, as long as you sing the school song like a sand sculpture, you will be 100% able to pass the interview.

What's worse is that many Keio students hold important positions in big companies, and as a result, the immature boys in Keio's nursery school are especially ostracized by the opposite sex.

Because there were too many people, I didn't meet Sakurako Ikeda's group.

On the contrary, I met a few classmates who usually had a good or bad relationship and greeted them casually.

Naoto Nagano always thought that he should be a good Klass, but after chatting casually, he found that it was actually just above the average.

Several guys were attacked outside and had already gone home to inherit the family property, while the other few, who didn't know what the **** was going on, turned into class heads and the like.

The most unpleasant thing is that a guy went to Nomura Securities, and somehow he became the head of a branch office.

Dog day!

Must be a relationship!

Naoo Nagano can only comfort himself like It's really a shame that he is just the class leader!

Next, is to wait for the arrival of Ida Yoko.

From a distance, I watched him chatting and laughing with various ministers and parliamentarians.

Honestly, it's quite complicated.

Excitement, absurdity, shock, and a kind of inflation and anticipation.

For a long time, Naoo Nagano didn't quite understand how to calculate the relationship between the club and the government.

And now, he probably has some ideas.

In fact, whether it is a consortium or a club like Japan Health Insurance, it is completely possible to switch ranks with civil servants. Just as the president of Mitsubishi Bank once served as the president of the central bank, the president of Japan Health Insurance can also go to the Ministry of Tibet or the Ministry of Health and Welfare as a deputy minister.

The level of the section chief is almost equivalent to the police department.

If I have to say it, it is almost like the position of state-owned enterprises and the level of civil servants.

However, at the same level, not everyone can see various ministers or future prime ministers up close.

And now, maybe there's a chance to talk alumni! !

The future Prime Minister, Minister of Tibet, Minister of Health and Welfare... How to curry favor? ? ?

It was like this for about ten minutes.

Ida Yoko, Hashimoto Ryutaro and Koizumi walked over together.

Naoto Nagano was a little nervous and didn't know how to go up to say hello. After all, punching Nanshan Kindergarten was just bragging, but guys like Koizumi and Hashimoto were real.

It's just that he didn't wait for the long night to think about it, Ida Heng said with surprise on his face: "It's Nagano, shouldn't you be working at this time, why are you coming to school?"