People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 109: welcome to hell

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

There is no formation, no cooperation, just a few hundred people rushing into a group, and it is not much different from lining up to be shot.

Unlike the Navy's standard rifle, the Corona Type 18 can fire again as long as the bolt is pulled after each shot, and there are a full 8 bullets in the magazine.

blah blah blah blah...

puff puff puff puff...

The gunshots continued to sound, and the pirates kept falling, some of them lost their lives, and some fell to the ground injured.

In short, at a distance of only 200 meters, more than half of the pirates brought by Baru had suffered casualties, so that when they rushed to the naval position 100 meters, there were only more than 200 of the 600 pirates left.


Simply a carnage.

However, the nightmare was finally over, and when he saw that the navy put down his gun and stopped shooting, Baru was also relieved.

Fortunately, I still have more than 200 people, and the Navy has only 60 people, so I can still win!

However, he doesn't know that usually the end of a nightmare just means the beginning of another...

"Everyone draws their swords and prepares for hand-to-hand combat!"

"Yes, Colonel!"

After firing all the bullets in the magazine and hearing Smog's order, all the sailors pulled out their knives one after another, and the battle was about to break out.

"Everyone, destroy the pirates!"

"White smoke launcher...white fist!"

When the pirate approached only 20 meters, Smoker shouted and activated the fruit ability, and his lower body turned into smoke and swept out directly.

The speed was so fast that he plunged into the pirates almost instantly, and then he hit a white fist directly, sending one of the unlucky pirates flying dozens of meters away.

The pirates who reacted immediately attacked him one by one.


Ordinary people use knives to slash at nature-based devil fruit power users, isn't this a joke?

"Why is it obvious that it was hit, but there is no feeling of being hit?"

"What the **** is this white smoke?"

"This is not a human at all, it is a monster, an undead monster!"

With a sneer, Smog ignored the pirates who were frantically greeting him, but looked at Baru not far away, and immediately greeted him.

Seeing this scene, the other pirates also wanted to catch up, but the marines had already killed them, so they had to concentrate on dealing with the marines in front of them.

Although that colonel is a monster, can we still deal with you ordinary sailors?

They all thought so, but after the next moment, they realized how wrong they were.

Even if there are four or five people besieging one at the same time, they are all at a disadvantage. Are these marines too strong?

Well, I was originally an elite sea soldier, and I practiced for a lot of time in the branch training camp. At this moment, even the worst one has a Dao value close to 30. Where can these pirates with an average Dao value of 10 be comparable? ?

Of course, among these 60 sailors, there are also a small number of weak and weak ones, naturally Dasqi from the Rogge Town branch and the other nine sailors...

As the most elite branch of the original East China Sea, perhaps in a one-on-one situation, they can easily take down these ordinary pirates.

but now...

The gap between the numbers is a bit big, and everyone faced at least three pirates at the same time. All of a sudden, there were dangers, and they had a sense of sight that it would not be strange to lose their lives at any time.

But I don't know why, whenever life is endangered, the other pirates always seem to have some strange situations.

For example, when a pirate blocked the attack of the other two pirates and could not withdraw his hand, another pirate took the opportunity to raise a knife to prepare a fatal blow to the pirate.

Originally, when he discovered the pirate who had attacked him, the sailor was already desperate, but for some reason, the pirate who attacked him suddenly stopped moving, giving him the crucial time to avoid the past. .

Situations like this happen everywhere on the battlefield. Nuoqigao controls the power quite well, but only temporarily paralyzes the pirates instead of killing them directly. If you kill them all, there is no point in actual combat!

And just as the battle was in full swing, another large group of pirates rushed out of the woods.

"Counselor Eddieman, are we going to support Lord Baru?"

A pirate not far from Eddyman asked worriedly.

After all, it is really miserable over there, all the pirates lying on the ground, not a single sailor!

The point is, there are still 600 people left by Baru, not even 200 people!

"Hand over there to Baru, we are only responsible for taking down the Navy's warships!"


"Don't forget, this is an order from Admiral Crick. If it can't be completed, what will happen when I go back, I don't need to say more?"

Hearing this, the pirates also trembled.

It was only then that he remembered that what the group of them were doing was the mission assigned by Crick himself. If he failed, he would at least have to peel off his skin after returning, and there was even a high probability that he would be attacked by the furious Kerry. K gave directly collapsed.

This is not a joke, I don't dare to say anything at the moment, and continue to follow the team to rush towards the At the same time, on the warship dozens of meters away from the coast.

"Lieutenant Colonel Larnas, there are a large number of pirates detouring from the side of the battlefield on Colonel Small's side, and their target seems to be us."

"Major General said that Crick is an extreme weaponist. After seeing the power of our naval guns, he will definitely send pirates. He wants to take the opportunity to seize the warship, and he is right!"

Nodding, Larns said silently.

However, he is not worried about this. Since he has been reminded by Li Yan long ago, he is naturally prepared after docking. The ten cannons on the side have already completed the launch preparations.

"All gun positions, aim at the pirates, fire!"

" hell!"

boom boom boom boom...

The mountain shook in an instant, and even the navy and pirates who were fighting on Smog's side stopped their movements one after another and looked towards Eddyman.

The terrifying explosion turned a large number of pirates into flying people, and even those pirates who were not directly attacked were also completely overturned by the strong air waves generated by the explosion of ten shells. Those close to the bombing point even suffered internal injuries of varying degrees.

A wave of bombardment directly reimbursed half of their pirates, and almost all the remaining pirates were frightened and immediately turned around and fled.

Don't be kidding, body resistance to cannonballs is the exclusive property of the strong, and weak ordinary pirates like them, after seeing this hell-like scene, how dare they continue to rush forward?

On the deck of the warship, Larnas watched all this indifferently, and immediately...

"The artillery fire extends forward, fire!"

boom boom boom boom...

hell scene...

Play it again!