People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 113: Returning Branch Heads

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

Looking at the prompt in his mind, Li Yan was confused.

Silently opened the personnel management module, and then searched for the name of Sauron. Sure enough, it really exists, and it belongs to the first branch of the East China Sea.

But the question is, in the original book, Sauron did not join the navy, or is it just the same name?

In short, whether it is or not, just open the properties panel and see if you can't know it?

"System, open the first branch of the East China Sea, Zoro's attribute panel!"

[Ding, the panel has been opened, please check the host! 】


【Age: 17】

[Birth: East China Sea, Frost Moon Village]

[Affiliation: East China Sea First Branch]

[Rank: None (applicable to the Navy Temporary Recruitment Regulations)]

[Dao Strength: 138]

[Talent: A-level swordsmanship talent (can grow), S-level assistant talent (can grow)]

[Kendo level: Lv33 (15%)]

[Devil Fruit: None]

[Three-color domineering: armed color domineering (unawakened), knowledgeable color domineering (unawakened), overlord color domineering (unawakened)]

[Skills: One Dao Flow·36 Anxiety Phoenix Lv.25 (20%), One Sword Flow·Three Hundred and Sixty Worry Phoenix Lv.10 (55%), Two Sword Flow·Two Slash Lv.22 (70%), Two Sword Flow· Seventy-two Anxiety Phoenix Lv.18 (25%), Three Swords Flow·Ghost Slash Lv.21 (45%), Three Swords Flow·Tiger Hunting Lv.18 (45%), Three Swords Flow Profound Truth·Three Thousand Worlds Lv .8 (70%)...]

[Exclusive feature: Born to be Luna Lv.99]

[Military value: 120W]

【Loyalty: 0】

[Evaluation: This is a person who is not outstanding in talent, but is extremely hardworking]

Well, this is really Sauron himself.

Although I read the analysis of many people in my previous life, saying that Sauron's talent was the worst in the protagonist group, I didn't feel it at that time. It was not until now that I saw Sauron's real panel that Li Yan realized that it was really the case.

Compared to the other protagonists with a bunch of S-level or even SS-level growth talents, Zoro's kendo talent is only A-level, and his Lv.33 kendo strength is only the level of a third-rate swordsman.

After all, in the original book, it would take a year and a half for Zoro to join the protagonist group, and at that time he was only a second-rate swordsman, and it would not be until after the final battle in Alabasta that he initially touched the realm of swordsmen.

Anyone who has read the original book knows that this guy Sauron is a cultivator. Usually when Luffy and the others are fighting, he insists on practicing alone. He even said in the original book that Sauron's daily work and rest time is 4 in the morning. -7 o'clock, only three hours of sleep a day.

But even with such a crazy practice, his kendo level did not grow very fast. It can be seen that it is reasonable to say that Solo's talent is poor in those analyses.

As for what kind of assistant talent, this is shown many times in the original work, especially when leaving the Seven Waters, Sauron solemnly warned everyone that the captain cannot keep his majesty, the captain loses his majesty, the team is bound to collapse, and the sea is bound to collapse. Thieves are not child's play, and the crew who can't respect the captain's opinion at the critical moment should not!

Seriously, Zoro is actually the best mate in the pirate world, in some ways.

As for that blind-eyed Lv.99 born road idiot...

Well, Li Yan doesn't know what else to say other than complaining.

This guy has no sense of direction at all, and sometimes even someone is carrying it, he can go in the wrong direction, and often it is 180 degrees in the opposite direction!

Regarding this point, a branch head of the first branch can be said to have a deep understanding...

However, the key is how Sauron appeared under his rule, and Li Yan is still confused.

Even if it is stated in the attribute panel that it applies to the Navy's Temporary Recruitment Regulations, it is still smeared.

It is estimated that only when the guy from Warner comes back can he get the answer!


East China Sea, not far from Koto Island.

A navy warship is leaning on the side of a pirate ship at this moment, and the screams of killing are endless.

This is a pirate group that has just been rewarded for three months. Because the captain always wears a pair of black gloves, it is called the Black Glove Bartos by the Navy, and the reward is 1.2 million Bailey.

Originally, Warner was going to take him personally. After all, in terms of his strength, this 1 million-level pirate was still easily captured.


Someone moved faster than him, jumped directly onto the pirate ship, and slashed Bartos for a second.

After finishing the incident, he didn't take any pictures, jumped back to the warship again and landed next to Warner.

"I'm not interested in the other ones, I'll leave them to you!"

After he finished speaking, he sat directly on the deck and dozed off with his sword back against the ship's side.

This scene made Warner's mouth twitch...

Really bounty hunter, only interested in pirates with a bounty...

Well, I'm not angry. Now he is one of the ten seamen allowed to carry in the assessment. Even if he cut off Bartos, he has completed 1.2 million of the 5 million.

Yes, don't be angry, don't be angry!

After comforting himself, Warner jumped onto the pirate ship and joined the annihilation of the remaining ordinary pirates.


Ten days later...

On the last day of the one-month assessment period, the six warships returned to the 18th branch almost at the same time.

In the new large-scale military port, the six branch ministers are exchanging their experiences in the past half It is still Colonel Smaller who is very good. This trip also brought three large pirate ships back, and inside It's all pirates, I'm afraid there are six or seven hundred, right? "

"That's not true, Colonel Smog killed the Creek Pirates with more than 3,000 people!"

"Speaking of which, have you completed your assessment tasks?"

"It's done, and it's still beyond the standard. I haven't practiced in vain for half a month. I've got 12 million in this trip!"

"Great, I have more than 8 million!"

"I'm about the same. By the way, Colonel Warner, you must have gained more than us, right?"

Suddenly, a colonel in the chat turned to Warner.

But when other people followed to look at it, they found that...

Warner's face is a little dark at the moment.

"The assessment indicators are complete!"

With a dark face and gritted teeth, he simply replied.

Obviously, Warner's mood is not very good, and I don't want to say more, and others don't ask anymore when they see it!

At this moment, everyone suddenly saw that Li Yan's adjutant Ain was walking towards them, and they all stood up straight.

How terrifying this girl is, they have seen it half a month ago, and if you don't agree with one word, it will directly turn you into a child, that's sour...

"Colonel Warner, Major General Li Yan wants to see you and ask you to go to his office now!"

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Nodding, although he didn't know what was going on, Warner immediately walked towards the branch office building!

After seeing Warner leave, Ain came to the warship of the first branch again, and seemed to be looking for something until...

I found the guy on the deck that matched Li Yan's description to himself earlier.

"Roronoa Zoro?"