People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 152: 2 people who have long been targeted by

"What, you say Vergo is Doflamingo's undercover agent in the Navy?"

When Sengoku explained Vergo's problem to everyone, Akainu couldn't sit still, stood up and asked loudly.

A pirate has put his eyeliner in the headquarters, and this undercover has been undercover for more than ten years, and he has even been in the top of the navy. How can he bear it?

"No, Doflamingo can't stay!"

"Even if the Five Old Stars won't agree, we can kill it first and then file. With so many things added up, I believe they will have nothing to say at that time!"

At first, due to Doflamingo's identity as a Heavenly Dragon, Akainu just wanted to deprive him of the title of Qiwuhai, and then throw it into the push city.

But now...

Akainu is really tempted to kill, and even the opportunity to advance the city is not going to be reserved for Doflamingo.

"Sakaski, calm down!"

"Marshal, what are you still hesitating about, what are you still afraid of, even if the Five Old Stars are to blame, I will do it all!"

"Okay, forget what I said just now, let Doflamingo take the initiative to attack the naval base, and then use the base's naval self-defense to counterattack. In this way, whether it is arresting or killing, the five old stars have nothing to say! "

Hearing this, Akainu also calmed down a bit.

Indeed, the Warring States just said that he would use such means to deal with Doflamingo, not because he was not prepared to do it.

"Okay, Marshal, what do you say about the arrangement?"

"According to Li Yan's proposal, it is to directly use Vergo to relay the information to Brother Doflamingo, and then lead him to commit suicide to the 18th branch, and finally, Li Yan's 18th branch of the East China Sea will take care of it!"

"Marshal, do you mean... just let Li Yan and the navy of the Eighteenth Branch face Brother Doflaming alone?"

With rounded eyes, Akainu's face was outrageous.

Is Qiwuhai really a rookie?

Although, there are indeed a few quite dishes in the Qiwuhai, but this does not include Doflamingo.

Not to mention Li Yan, he is an elite lieutenant general of the headquarters. I am afraid that he will not be able to take down Brother Doflaming, okay?

"Kizuna, tell Sakaski about it!"

Seeing Akainu's expression, Sengoku said directly to Kizaru.

"Yo, Sakaski, you really don't know, little brother Li Yan is too scary!"

"Three days ago, I discussed with him, and now his strength is no less than that of the elite lieutenant general of the headquarters, and Taotu is also there with him, plus my disciple who already has the strength of the elite lieutenant general, clean up. A Doflamingo is definitely fine."

"The most important point is that there is another existence on Li Yan's side who is no less powerful than a general. Even I don't know if I can defeat him. It's just too scary!"

At the end of the speech, Kizaru directly changed his face with a terrified face, but the expression was so exaggerated that everyone had the urge to punch him.

"Wait, Polsalino, why didn't you mention this when you reported it to me last time?"

"Ah, didn't I say it, maybe I forgot?"

"You bastard, tell me more about this person!"

"Well, when I went last time, I found that there was a man on Li Yan who was not wearing a navy uniform, but a purple kimono. It was a blind man with a cane, although I didn't speak to him, nor did I speak to him. I have played against him, but I can feel that his strength is definitely no less than mine!"

"Blind... cane?"

"Yes, I can tell from my knowledge that the stick is actually a sword!"

"That should be him!"

"Marshal, do you know who this person is?"

Hearing what Warring States said, Kizaru was stunned for a moment, and then asked.

"Well, this matter should not have been told to you now, but since it has appeared in our navy, then I will tell you about it!"

"Actually, because the current navy is a little out of touch, no one after you has enough strength to take over the position of general."

"Although Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin are both good, they are still far from the strength of the generals. Therefore, since a few years ago, we have been looking for suitable candidates all over the world, and finally found two people. The blind man you speak of is one of them."

"This person's original name is Yixiao, he has a gentle and upright personality, has an extremely strong sense of justice, hates injustice, likes to wear purple kimonos and purple scarves, holds a sword, and has the ability of superhuman fruits. His overall strength is general level!"

"There was indeed information before that he came to the East China Sea. Presumably the person Kizaru saw should be him, but I don't know why he ran to Li Yan's side."


After hearing what the Warring States said, Akainu and Kizaru both took a deep breath.

It feels like your own marshal has even arranged for the next generation of generals?

Sure enough, those who can be marshals take one step and see three steps.

Especially Akainu, he immediately decided that he should also cultivate this good habit in the future. After all, his goal is also the Admiral of the Navy!

"If the general is mobilized, it is too easy for Doflamingo to detect it. After all, as long as the general does not show up for a day, it will arouse the vigilance of all parties, and it takes nearly a week to go from the headquarters to the eighteen branches!"

"Therefore, if you want Doflamingo to take the bait, neither your general nor your lieutenant general can be mobilized!"

"However, since Li Yan has such combat power, there is no need to worry!"

Hearing this, Akainu also agrees with this.

A general's combat power, a general's alternate combat power, an elite lieutenant general's combat strength, plus a combat power close to an elite lieutenant general, this is to deal with a Doflamingo, let alone whether there is a problem , even a little bullying!

"Sakaski, you will be in charge of Vergo's side. Without saying too much, let me reveal that Li Yan intercepted an arms ship belonging to the Donji Goethe family, and then ordered Vergo to keep an eye on Doflamingo. Find a way to collect more evidence of his smuggling of arms!"

"No problem, but after this matter is over, I will personally execute Vergo!"

Nodding, Akainu said.

Sengoku did not refute what Akainu said.

It's just an undercover agent. After the value is drained, it has no meaning to stay. If Akainu wants to execute himself, let him execute it. There is no need to disagree with the general on this issue.

"Warring States, what are you going to do over there with a smile, are you recruiting in advance or not?"

At this moment, the crane on the side spoke up.

After all, finding these two future generals is the responsibility. Originally, I wanted to say it after a few years of observation, but now that one of them has already appeared, there must be an explanation.

Otherwise, if it is a step slower and is taken away by other forces, it will not be so wonderful.

"Well, I will ask Li Yan personally about this matter before making a decision. Let's see what the situation is when I smile at the 18th branch. After all, we don't know what's going on right now!"

"Also, what about the other one, do you want to make it earlier?"

"No Even if you draw people over, there is no suitable position. After all, the three generals are now full, and Mary Joa will not allow the Navy to have a fourth general!"

Shaking his head, Sengoku said.

For Mary Joa, raising pirates is to raise self-respect for pirates, raising the navy is to check and balance the sea, and raising the Shichibukai is to make up for the strength gap between the navy and the pirates in this era of great pirates.

But no matter which force is raised, Mary Joa will not allow the strength of one of them to be so inflated that it poses a threat to her own rule.

Therefore, even if the Navy is Mary Joa's watchdog, a watchdog who has been loyal for eight hundred years, there can only be three people in each generation of generals.

Even in the era of the great pirates, the strength of the pirates has expanded dramatically, so that the navy's pressure on the sea is getting weaker and weaker, and Mary Joa has not added a general seat to the navy, but has created a sea of ​​seven weapons.

It can be seen from this that it is absolutely impossible for the Navy to have four or even five generals, and it is also...

Things that won't be allowed.