People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 17: hands-on

"Nami, you are our partner, why did you betray?"

In the Evil Dragon Park, at a paralyzed wall, the Evil Dragon slowly sat up and stared at Nami after throwing open the heavy door that was pressing down on him.

"Don't be kidding, you brutally killed so many people in Cocosia Village, and you still have the face to say that you are my partner!"

"Besides, Bellmer, Bellmer she..."

Hearing the evil dragon saying the word "mate", Nami couldn't hold it any longer, she pointed at the evil dragon and cursed.

However, when Bermel was mentioned, he could no longer control his emotions and sat on the ground crying.

"Okay, leave it to me later!"

He ripped off his colonel's cape and put it on Nami, then slowly pulled out his saber, Lan Ya, turned around and walked towards the evil dragon! "

"To make my lovely subordinates cry, the consequences are very serious, Evil Dragon!"

Li Yan's voice was very indifferent, completely different from usual, it felt like a completely different person.

In fact, when Li Yan watched Pirates in his previous life, he felt that Nami's life experience was very miserable. She finally met Belmer, but she was deprived of everything by the dragon before she enjoyed her happiness for a long time, so that she started at a young age. Carrying the burden of the entire Cocosia village, he went out alone and risked his life to steal the treasure of the pirates.

Even in the end, after Luffy defeated the dragon, he was also influenced by his protagonist's halo, and eventually became his most hated...


Just as Li Yan commented on Luffy before, when Nami becomes famous all over the world as a pirate in the future, will it inspire more people to become pirates too?

Then, how many childhood tragedies like hers will be made by these people who went to become pirates because of her?

So, from a long time ago, when Li Yan was still a navy star of the headquarters, he had already decided...

When he graduated, he would go to Cocosia Village once to save the girl from suffering and set her on the right path.

It's just that that incident happened a year ago, so that all plans were put on hold, until now...

"Who are you?"

At this time, the Evil Dragon also turned his attention from Nami to Li Yan, and his eyes suddenly glowed fiercely.

"Me, Li Yan, the base chief of the 18th Navy East China Sea Branch!"

"The eighteenth branch?"

The Evil Dragon thought for a while, he didn't seem to have heard that there was an eighteenth branch in the East China Sea, so he turned his head to look at the mouse beside him.

Just now, the mouse was quite afraid. After all, Li Yan was acting a little domineering.

But after listening to Li Yan's self-introduction, he was no longer afraid, not even his feet were trembling.

Isn't the Eighteenth Branch the one that was originally going to be abolished, but later arranged for a sailor who was abolished from the headquarters to go there for the elderly?

By the way, if that sailor remembers correctly, it will be called Li Yan!

"Li Yan, you are a small fifth-level branch manager, why do you manage across regions? Go back to the eighteenth branch immediately for me. As for the pirates here, I will deal with it!"

The mouse, who felt that he was okay again, immediately raised his head and pointed at Li Yan and taught him a lesson.

This scene directly stunned all the sailors.

Li Yan's sailors are because, as long as there is no problem with IQ, they all know that you have colluded with the Evil Dragon Pirates, right?

As for those sailors under the mouse...

Colonel, this guy is not easy to provoke at first glance. I have never seen someone blow away such a thick door with a single blow, and along the way, knocked the dragon away dozens of meters away.

Are you sure your attitude is okay?


Isn't there only two or three kittens in the 18th branch, but there are a hundred people behind them, and every one of them looks hard to mess with!

"Colonel Mouse, isn't it, I am under the order of Lieutenant General Garp of the headquarters to come to Cocosia Village to deal with the Evil Dragon Pirates and investigate the collusion between the Sixteen Branches and the Pirates. Do you surrender yourself or do you want me to do it? "

"By the way, the warship outside you and the 57 sailors on the warship have all been captured and guarded by us!"

"The rest of you, too, whoever surrenders and confesses all the facts of the crime on their own initiative, as long as they haven't killed civilians, can be dealt with leniently depending on the situation, but if they resist stubbornly, then don't even think about getting a ticket to the advance city!"

Looking at the mouse and the dozens of sailors behind it, Li Yan said coldly.

Immediately, the mouse's eyes widened.

"Ka... Ka... Lieutenant General Karp?"

Not only did you find yourself out, but Lieutenant General Garp was also targeting you?

Isn't that dead?

Not only the mouse, but even the evil dragon beside him was a little restless.

Maybe many people in the East China Sea only know that Garp is a naval hero, but they don't know how strong he is, but as a member of the Sun Pirates, who has fought with the Navy many times, how can he not know Garp's power How outrageous is that?

That is definitely one finger that can crush your existence to death, okay?

It seems that this Cocosia Village can't stay there anymore. After today's matter is settled, we have to find another island to build the Evil Dragon Empire.

However, it's better for this mouse to help him. As long as he's okay, he can save a lot of trouble in the future!

"Rat, what are you afraid of?"

"If Karp has evidence, don't let him investigate!"

"So, as long as he is dealt with, the entire Kokosia Village will be killed, and there will be no evidence at that time. How can even Garp take you?"


Being reminded by the dragon, the mouse also reacted.

Just kill Li Yan directly, then let the Dragon Pirates slaughter the entire Cocosia Village, and find some pirates to slaughter them and throw them on the island.

At that time, I can say that some pirates attacked the village of Cocosia. Although the entire village had no survivors when the Sixteen Branches supported them, they managed to intercept these pirates and killed them all.

Well, perfect!

In this way, not only does Karp have no evidence of what to do with himself, but he can even get a big credit!

Suddenly, the mouse showed a wretched smile, and once again felt that he was okay again...

"Okay, that's it, don't worry, as long as I'm fine, you can choose any island within the jurisdiction of the Sixteen Branch!"

"Haha, that's right!"

Seeing this scene, the expressions of all the sailors behind Li Yan changed.

They really did not expect that the navy of the Sixteenth Branch could be so bad.

"Colonel, let's do it, I can't bear it anymore!"

"Yes, these scumbags, quickly give an order, Colonel!"

"That's right, for the justice of our navy, these cancers must be removed!"


Raised his hand to check the time, um, it's been a minute.

Originally, Li Yan wanted to see if there were any marine soldiers who had not lost their conscience, but were unwilling to obey the commands of the mice.

But now it seems that this branch has been completely rotten from top to bottom. Since no one is willing to surrender, Li Yan does not want to talk nonsense.



"The evil dragon and the two around him will be handled by me. The others and the seamen of the Sixteen Branch will be handed over to you. However, that octopus is also one of the cadres, and his strength is not under yours. Be careful!"

"Yes, Colonel!"

After giving the order, Li Yan shaves and disappears in place. When he reappears, he is already standing in front of the dragon and the other three.

"Everyone, follow me, destroy the Evil Dragon Pirates, and capture all the navy of the sixteen branches!"

"Yes, go ahead!"

At the gate, all the marines followed Larnas and launched a charge, as for Larnas himself, they went straight to Little Eight.

After all, Li Yan reminded him just now that the strength of this octopus is not inferior to him, so it is definitely not a role that other marines can solve.

And the fish people, under the brainwashing of the dragon, think that humans are all inferior races, and they completely despise these sea soldiers. In addition, the number is not less than the sea soldiers, and there are also more than 100 people.

Looking at these rushing sea soldiers, they didn't hesitate to kill them.

Both sides...

Immediately they collided, and a melee of more than 200 people started immediately.

During the melee, Larnas concentrated all his energy on dealing with Xiao Ba, so he did not find that several murlocs took advantage of the chaos to climb over the wall and leave the Evil Dragon Park.

However, Larnas didn't notice it, but Li Yan did.

But he didn't stop it. This situation had long been expected. Otherwise, why would he have arranged for the old man to take thirty sailors to protect the village?

"Boy, I have to say that you are not too timid, but do you really think those marines under your command can beat my comrades?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Evil Dragon, are you three going together, or one by one?"

"Big Brother Evil Dragon, it's just a human, just leave it to us, you just sit there!"

Looking at the evil dragon whose eyes were gradually turning red, the officers Kroobi and Jiu walked up to him and said.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you!"

Nodding, the evil dragon, who had already stood up, sat down again.

Like the dragon, Kroobi and Chuu were also crew members of the original Sun Pirates, and their knowledge was much stronger than those of ordinary murlocs.

Therefore, they clearly know that this is not a simple guy in front of them, and they are not going to fight one-on-one, but they are going to join forces.

After looking at each other, UU read www. and the two immediately started.

Li Yan also has an impression of these two people. It seems that Crooby is the 30th or 40th dan of fishman karate. As for the tweet, if I remember correctly, it should be the guy who spit. ?

The bounty of two murlocs, one is 9 million Bailey, the other is 5.5 million Bailey, plus one is good at melee combat, and the other is good at long-range, and they have cooperated for many years.

Teaming up is still a little troublesome.

Yes, a little bit...

Don't look at Crooby being a big man, but the speed is really not slow at all, and he has come to Li Yan in the blink of an eye.

"Nirvana: Thousand tile Zhengquan!"

"Navy Six Type Iron Nugget!"

Knowing that Li Yan's opponent was not easy, Crooby immediately used his nirvana when he came up.

However, in Li Yan's opinion, this power is far worse than that of Xiao Hei, so he directly cast iron blocks for defense. If it was replaced by Xiao Hei, he would not dare to take it hard.

The proud nirvana slammed on Li Yan's chest, which had become as hard as steel, but it couldn't break the defense at all, like hitting a thick iron plate.

At this moment, Chuu, who was outside the battle circle, seized the opportunity and spit out saliva from his long mouth, aiming at Li Yan's head...

The saliva hit Li Yan's head quickly and accurately like a bullet.

"Navy Six Styles Paper Painting!"

"Navy Six-Type Shave!"

"Draw the knife... cut!"

With the flash of the knife, a large amount of blood splashed out from Jiu's chest, and Crooby reacted...

Li Yan is no longer in front of him!