People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 2: start work

In the open space in front of the branch's broken house, Li Yan was carrying out the most basic training in swordsmanship, that is, slashing.



Putting down the ordinary saber in his hand, Li Yan also wiped away a sweat.

Back then, even if I slashed like this tens of thousands of times, I would never have shed a single drop of sweat, but now it is better, after only 500 slashes, my head is covered in sweat.

However, when Li Yan re-checked his attributes, he found that there was a change in Kendo.

[Kendo level: Lv.0 (54%)]

"It actually increased by 2%!"

"I used to spend a year trying to master kendo again, and it was only 52%, but now I have only performed 300 slashing trainings, and it has increased by 2%!"

"This B-rank kendo talent is really something!"

"However, even at this speed, it will take several years to recover to the level of a swordsman!"

After all, Li Yan had carefully read the system's classification of kendo grades before.

From Lv.0 to Lv9, in fact, you are not in the mainstream, and you have not even reached the standard of a swordsman. You have to start from Lv10 to truly become a kendo apprentice, and if you want to become a swordsman, you need to cross the threshold. The third-rate to the first-class swordsman realm, until the kendo level reaches Lv.50, is the first entry into the realm of the swordsman, and the realm of the great swordsman is far away.

And according to the explanation of the system, ordinary slashing training will have some effect before the swordsman realm. When the kendo level reaches Lv.20, the proficiency that this basic training can bring will be very small. After swinging for a whole day, it may not be able to increase by 1%.

After all, you can't become a great swordsman just by practicing basic slashing, right?

Of course, these are all things to come. For now, reaching Lv20 as soon as possible and becoming a swordsman again is the primary goal.

Otherwise, even in the East China Sea, which is known as the weakest sea, he would not be able to hunt pirates, even those with only one or two million bounties.

If you don't hunt pirates, you will have no merit, and without merit, you cannot continue to develop.

Is it difficult to pray for the system to be kind every day and have another welfare task?

Thinking of this...

Li Yan, who had just rested for a while, swung the sword in his hand seriously again.


Three days later.



After finishing a new round of basic kendo practice, Li Yan recalled his personal attributes from the system again.

【Li Yan】

[Rank: Colonel]

[Position: Base Chief of the Eighteenth Branch of the East China Sea Navy]

【Dao Strength: 38】

[Martial Arts Level: Lv.2 (41%)]

[Kendo level (B-level talent): Lv.2 (92%)]

[Devil Fruit: None]

[Three-color domineering: Armed Color Lv.0, Seeing Color Lv.0, Overlord Color Lv.0]

[Exclusive feature: none]

[Skill: Navy Six-Style Shaving Lv.0 (37%)]

【Meritorious value: 2000】

Compared with the previous three days, his kendo proficiency has skyrocketed by two and a half levels, and even his dao strength has increased by 2 points, although he has not deliberately exercised his body.

At this speed, he should be able to reach the swordsman level again within ten days.

Although compared to the direct acquisition of abilities by relying on the divine selection system, this method is now tiring and inefficient.

However, Li Yan was very at ease.

After all, this is based on the ability obtained from his own cultivation. Seeing the changes on the panel every day, Li Yan has an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

"It's already the third day. The marines and the construction team should be here soon, right?"

"Speaking of which, it seems that the regular ship is also today!"

Putting the sword back into its sheath, he took his colonel's cloak from the side and put it behind him. Li Yan walked to the shore.

Sure enough, Li Yan, who came to the shore, soon saw two ships, one large and one small, heading towards Xiaopo Port of the Eighteenth Branch.

Looking at the flags, the big one is the ship of the East China Sea Luolan Construction Company, while the small one is a regular ship once a month.

Presumably according to the arrangement of the system, the ten people who were going to sign up for the navy in the Eighteenth Branch came by regular boat, right?

Thinking like this, Li Yan also walked quickly to the small port, ready to meet his first batch of subordinates.

To say that it is Xiaopogang is actually not wrong at all. It is just a very simple wooden pier, and in terms of size, it is only enough to dock two small boats.

As for the large ship of the Luo Lan Company, there was no way to dock it at all, so it had to use small boats to send people ashore in batches.

In this regard, Li Yan is also very big.

But there is no way...

In the construction module, even if it is just a basic military port that can accommodate 3 small warships, it requires 10,000 merit points, and it is only the price of blueprints!

At this stage, I can't afford it at all, and I don't have enough building materials, okay?

Luo Lan Company is the most famous infrastructure company in the East China Sea. After going ashore and asking Li Yan about building materials, architectural drawings, and construction locations, the foreman Gross immediately brought more than 100 people to start the construction.

After finishing the construction team, Li Yan turned his attention to the ten people who followed the regular boat.

After a brief inquiry, I found that, as the system said, these ten people were all from different islands in the East China Sea, and all had real identities and did not appear out of thin air.

However, Li Yan was a little curious. How did the system allow these people to come here voluntarily to join the navy? Could it be that they modified their personal will or memory?

[Ding, host, your thoughts are very dangerous, the system will not modify the will or memory of the natives of the Pirate World! 】


I just thought about it casually, but I didn't expect the system to jump out immediately?

However, Li Yan became more curious after hearing this. If not, what method did the system use to get them to take the initiative?

"Speaking of which, the 18th branch of the East China Sea of ​​the Navy is only a very remote branch that is on the verge of being cancelled. Why did you choose to come here to sign up for the navy instead of going to the larger naval branch in Rogge Town?"

After uttering his doubts, Li Yan saw one of them put his hand into his trouser pocket and took out something.

"Lord Colonel, I came here only after seeing this!"

"this is?"

Taking it from him, he found that it was a pound of paper that had just been crumpled into a ball. After quickly opening it and seeing the contents on it, Li Yan felt numb!

Isn't this a small advertisement from a previous life!

And look at what is written on it, what the new base director is the proud disciple of Zefa, the chief instructor of the Navy headquarters, what is called the seed of the next generation of the three major naval generals in the headquarters, and what is about to start the construction of the most powerful branch base in the East China Sea, etc. , and even wrote that joining the 18th branch will be expected in the future...

"You too?"

Hearing this, the rest of the people also nodded, and then silently took out a ball of paper.

Seeing this, Li Yan's head was even bigger.

Isn't this system causing trouble for me? As soon as such a small advertisement is put out, maybe even the big pirates on the great route will come to kill him.

After all, the small advertisement said that you are the seed of the three generals in the future. Who wants to kill yourself and not immediately become famous?

If the self a year ago was not afraid, but the self now...

"System, is this what you did?"

[Ding, this system knows what the host is worried about, but don't worry, the system has only posted ten such promotional tips in total, and no one will see it except these ten people! 】

Hearing the explanation given by the system, Li Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief, the system was still reliable.

"Okay, as the base director of the 18th branch of the East China Sea, I welcome everyone to join the big family of the Navy!"

"But you can also see that there is nothing here now, and even the office building is being rebuilt. Therefore, during this period, everyone should help the construction team do some physical work first. The sooner the branch is completed, the better the branch will be. Get started sooner!"

Looking at the ten people in front of him, Li Yan said loudly.

At present, there is nothing. According to what Gross said after reading the drawings, these buildings will take about a month to complete the construction, and the Li Yan branch will not be able to operate at all before that.

Since that's the case, let's just let ten sailors do some physical work first, to advance the progress by one day.

In this regard, the sailors did not have any opinion, and immediately went to Gross to help, and Li Yan also had time to take a good look at the detailed attributes of these ten people.

After all, the system is talking about rewarding ten random sailors, that is to say, these ten sailors are not necessarily all ordinary people, maybe there are some powerful talents among them?

However, after checking the attributes of several people, Li Yan was a little disappointed.

Not to mention that there are no special skills, the talents are also very poor, and the one with the highest Dao Strength value is only 7 points.

But on second thought, although the dao value of ordinary sea soldiers is about 10, it is only obtained after systematic training. For civilians, 6 or 7 points of dao value or even lower is normal, right?

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he continued to click on the attributes of the next person, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.


【Age: 22】

[Born: Donghai, UU Reading Yasir Village]

[Military Rank: Third Class Soldier]

[Dao Strength: 30]

[Talent: B-level shooting talent, C-level martial arts talent]

[Military merit value: 0]

【Loyalty: 70】

[Evaluation: This is an excellent sailor, and his future growth potential can reach the level of a colonel of the headquarters, which is worth training]

Although it can't be said to be outstanding talent, it is quite good. As long as it is properly cultivated and it grows up, not to mention sweeping the great route, it is still no problem to suppress these pirates in the East China Sea.

As for loyalty, this thing just came over after watching a small advertisement. How high do you want to be, just take your time!

After Larnas, Li Yan also looked at a few people again, but except for the last one, the rest were ordinary.


【Age: 27】

【Born in: East China Sea, Cocosia Village】

[Military Rank: Third Class Soldier]

[Dao Strength: 12]

[Talent: A-level shipbuilding talent, D-level martial arts talent]

[Military merit value: 0]

【Loyalty: 20】

[Evaluation: Congratulations to the host, this is an A-level talent holder that even the navy headquarters will attach great importance to, but it seems that he does not trust the navy. The specific reasons still need to be explored by the host on his own]


Although it is a shipbuilding talent rather than a combat talent, it is an A-level talent.

However, what about this loyalty and that evaluation?


Why does this Cocosia Village look so familiar?

I'll go, isn't this the village where Nami was in the original book!