People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 224: Robin who takes pleasure in flirting wit

The table top, which had been melted with a hole by Akainu, was slapped again by Zefa, and finally the whole thing collapsed.

At this moment, Zefa's eyes were red, like an angry beast, staring at the Warring States.

Just now, he saw a name in this list...

Edward Weibull!

This change also alarmed everyone in the conference room, but when they were also on the list and saw the name, they immediately understood why Zefa was angry.

The name represents not only the disgrace of Zepha, but also the disgrace of the entire Navy.

The entire class of students in the elite training camp was directly killed by Weibull, leaving only Ain and Binz, which directly led to the failure of fresh blood in the Navy that year.

"Zefa, calm down, this is just the result of the intelligence department's statistics based on the strength requirements, it doesn't mean that he should be the Qiwuhai!"

"Aren't we discussing right now?"

Hearing this, Zefa's expression softened slightly.

There is nothing wrong with this statement.

And everyone who saw the change in Zefa's expression was slightly relieved.

Although Zefa is old and has stepped down from the front line, his position in the navy is still very important.

Since he was transferred to the instructor, the first class of students has cultivated Akainu and Kizaru, and in the third class of students, Aokiji has been cultivated.

Not only the current active generals, but during his 30-year career as an instructor, Zefa has also trained many high-ranking naval officers such as lieutenant generals and major generals.

It can be said that more than half of the middle and high level in the entire navy are his students.

Such an existence that can continuously cultivate new recruits for the navy is, to a certain extent, more important than a general who is fighting on the front line.

If it was because Weibull was chosen as the Qiwuhai that Zefa and the navy were separated from each other, the loss would be absolutely immeasurable.

Soon, everyone in the conference room made a decision in their hearts.

Never let Weibull become Shichibukai!

However, they forgot one thing, the choice of Shichibukai, the navy only has the right to suggest...

That is to say, when they identify the candidates and submit them to Mary Joa, the Five Old Stars are the ones who make the final decision.

They can choose from a list of candidates given by the Navy, or they can ignore the list and go straight to...

Designate someone else to do it!


Just when the naval headquarters was meeting.

Alabasta, rain.

Inside a huge office inside the Casino Rain Feast.

Crocodile was sitting there frowning.

He just went out to deal with things and came back here, only to find that Robin is gone...

Although I thought Robin was just going out at first, after asking a few people, I found that no one knew where Robin went, and after waiting for a whole day, he never came back.

This time, Crocodile finally realized that something was wrong.

Robin is the most critical point in his entire plan. Without her, all of his plans would be in vain in the end.

blu blu blu...

"Boss, I'm Mr.2!"

"How is the situation in the capital?"

"It has been arranged and can be acted at any time, but I seem to have seen Miss.AllSunday in the palace. BOSS has other arrangements?"

"What, did you see Miss.AllSunday?"

"Yes, even with a hood and a robe covering her body, I overheard her speaking voice, definitely Miss. AllSunday is right!"



"Listen, Miss.AllSunday is likely to have betrayed. Your plan on your side is temporarily suspended. I will leave for the capital now, and I will talk about everything when I arrive!"


Putting down the phone bug, Crocodile's face was even more ugly.

And at the same time.

The capital of Alabasta, Albana, is in a corner of the palace.

A guard also put down the phone bug, then picked up the long-handled weapon again, and returned to his original position to continue to stand guard.

Even Li Yan didn't notice when he passed by before, this person is actually Mr. 2 Von Krei of the Baroque Works, a person who can imitate the fruit.

However, now that he knew of Feng Kelei's existence, Li Yan had been covering the kingdom with his knowledge for a long time, paying attention to everyone's every move.

At this moment, the scene of Feng Kelei secretly contacting Crocodile was naturally noticed by Li Yan.

"Von Clay?"

"Hey, Lieutenant General knows about Mr.2?"

"Well, it's the guard at the stairs on the second floor. He was in contact with Crocodile just now, saying that he saw you in the palace!"

"Is this the rumored arrogance?"

"That's right, don't worry, you can learn all these things when you get to the East China Sea!"

"No, I'm not worried about this, I'm just thinking, will the lieutenant general who can use this ability peep at me while I'm taking a shower?"

"I said, what are you thinking about all day long? It's not a perspective eye, it's a feeling, just like the sixth sense, but it's clearer."

"Is that so..."

Li Yan said speechlessly.

However, when he finished speaking and looked at Robin, he was immediately stunned.

What does the disappointed expression on your face mean?

"Cough, in short, since Crocodile knows you are here, then we also save the trouble of looking for him, just wait!"

"However, even if Crocodile starts now, it will take more than a day to reach Albana. During this time, is the lieutenant general not thinking about what to do?"

"Do something?"

"Yeah, for example, go shopping with me, enjoy a night view, and what happens naturally by the way?"

Covering his face, Li Yansuan saw it.

This woman was teasing herself all the time after she was familiar with her, and then admired her embarrassed expression for fun.

I really want to be teased by you one day and can't bear it, believe it or not, I really ate you!

Li Yan, who had nothing to do with Robin, couldn't help thinking fiercely in his heart.

However, is Robin really flirting with Li Yan just for fun?

This question, only Robin himself knows.


A few hours later a flash of light flew over Albana and landed in the palace.


"Yo, isn't this my lovely disciple, how is it, have you ever thought about going back to the headquarters with me?"

"Teacher, you know..."

"It's alright, alright, I get it! Brother Li Yan is really scary. No one can poach his subordinates, and I don't know why you are so committed to him..."

He waved his hand, but did not let Nuo Qigao continue, after all, Kizaru already knew Nuo Qigao's answer.

Immediately, he even sighed at Li Yan's royal way.

"Teacher, please, Lieutenant General and King Kobra are already in the conference room!"

"Okay okay, I'm really working hard, rushing for a few hours, and forcing me to work without letting me take a break!"

While walking with Nuoqigao, Kizaru complained.