People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 232: Another 1 year

It was a very urgent, but short-lived rain.

After all, because Crocodile uses dancing powder in the rain all the year round, the moisture in the air in Albana is very scarce.

What Nuoqigao can do is just to urge the rain, not to make rain out of nothing.

So, the rain only lasted about five minutes before it stopped.

If you want longer rainfall, you can only wait for the rain in all parts of Alabasta to slowly return to the previous balance with time.


Just five minutes of thunderstorms meant a lot to the people of Alabasta.

This is something no one else can understand.

When the torrential rain came crashing down, Kosha was stunned.

Not only him, but the rebels who didn't lose consciousness were also stunned.

Soon, most of them raised their heads, letting the rain wash continuously on their faces, and as the rain dripped, tears also fell.

As for the ordinary members of the resistance army on the ground, they also gradually woke up under the continuous washing of the rain.

Afterwards, they were the same people as before, all of them crying frantically.

This area that was a battlefield just now has now become a large-scale tearing scene.

Even Li Yan was thinking that the tears of nearly a million people could be condensed into tons of water...

When the thunderstorm passed, Kobra arrived here soon under the **** of the Royal Army.

A speech like chicken soup for the soul followed.

Cobra is a king after all, and although he is sometimes too kind, he has a very strong ability to pour chicken soup into the soul during his speeches.

Without the encouragement of those cadres with ulterior motives, plus the fact that they had heard the truth before, and the timely rain just now, everyone soon cheered under Cobra's speech, as if...

Good days have come.


when it's all over.

Cobra also listened to Li Yan's suggestion and only arrested and imprisoned the more than 20 unstable cadres, and did not hold the rest accountable.

Even the leader of the rebel army and several confidants of Kosha were all acquitted under Kobra's pardon.

Moreover, according to Li Yan’s suggestion, Kobra also directly announced that Kosha was appointed as the Minister of Environmental Governance of Alabasta, and was responsible for the reconstruction and environmental restoration in all parts of Alabasta.

Finally, everything came to an end.

That night, Cobra held an unusually grand celebration, and Li Yan and others, as the biggest contributors to solving the whole incident, were naturally invited.

"Lieutenant General Li Yan, I have a request, I don't know if I can..."

"Your Majesty, but it doesn't matter!"

After drinking a drink, looking at Li Yan who was slightly drunk, Cobra hurriedly spoke.

After all, this matter is very important both to him and to the entire kingdom of Alabasta.

"Lieutenant General Li Yan, as you know, Vivi is the only heir to the throne of Alabasta. If she becomes a navy..."

Well, Cobra is really worried about this.

As the only heir to the throne, Weiwei should naturally stay in the palace, learning how to govern the kingdom while fulfilling various duties of the prince.

But now that Weiwei has joined the navy, this is a bit of a nonsense.

More importantly, in the world of pirates, the navy is a high-risk occupation. If there is a contingency...

Does Alabasta have no heirs?

And didn't the Neferutari family just cut off their bloodline?

You must know that Neferutari is not as populous as other families, and there are other people who die.

Now, only Cobra and Vivi are left in the blood of the entire Neferutari family.

As a royal family, this is simply outrageous.

However, even with such objective factors, Li Yan would not agree to this matter.

"King Cobra, you must know that according to the Maritime Regulations, once you enter the Navy, you must serve at least three years before you can apply for retirement."

"This is the rule, no one can break it, and it must not be the first of its kind."

"As for Weiwei's safety, you can rest assured that no one can hurt her with me!"

"Also, Vivi is serving in my 18th branch, and in three years I can make her a first-class powerhouse in the world. Does King Cobra don't want the next king of Alabasta, someone who can suppress all dangers the strong one?"

"You must know that if a girl becomes a king, if she does not have the strength to suppress everything, it is a very dangerous thing in itself!"

Listening to this, Kobra frowned because of Li Yan's direct rejection.

But I have to say that what Li Yan said is indeed worth re-evaluating this matter.

On the other hand, Huang Yuan, who was also invited to the banquet, looked at Wei Wei with a strange expression on his face.

A weak girl, you tell me that it took three years to make her the strongest in the world?

Brother Li Yan, are you drinking too much?

Shaking his head, Kizaru said that this matter is too ridiculous.

However, he wouldn't say anything.

After all, the three-year minimum service period is indeed the Navy's rule.

At that time, your daughter joined the East China Sea Navy in order to find Li Yan to rescue Alabasta, and she also directly obtained the rank of colonel.

Now, as soon as the crisis in Alabasta is lifted, you want the navy to make an exception and let Weiwei retire?

Is this really a game of joining the navy?

"Lieutenant General Li Yan, is what you said true?"

After Vivi pondered for a while, Cobra asked.

"Well, if King Cobra is worried, I will let Vivi go back to Alabasta once in that year, and then you can find a strong person in the kingdom to compete with her. If Vivi loses, I will let her decide. Immediately retire, and all the follow-up problems are borne by me, how?"

Seeing that Cobra was still hesitating, Li Yan made another one-year appointment.

As far as Alabasta is concerned, the strength of those guys is actually not to mention a year, Li Yan is sure to let Weiwei directly hang any one of them in three months.

However, this matter can't be exaggerated too much. I really want Weiwei to go back to hang the whole of Alabasta in three months. I'm afraid that the five old stars will really want to stare at him.

After all such a speed of strength improvement, no matter how you look at it, it is unreasonable.

"Okay, then it's decided!"

After weighing it again, Cobra nodded and agreed.

From his point of view, there is no harm in this matter for Alabasta.

If Vivi can become the strongest in Alabasta in a year, then there is no problem with letting her stay in the Navy for a few more years.

Alabasta really needs a real strong man.

Otherwise, it would not have been Crocodile's turn to become the hero of Alabasta.

Isn't all this because there are no strong people in the kingdom?

And if within a year, Weiwei can't reach the level that Li Yan said, then she can also rely on this agreement to let Weiwei return to Alabasta.

So, regardless of the outcome of this agreement, Cobra considers himself a winner.

Naturally agreed.