People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 258: Solve the medical shortcomings of the br

A week has passed since the battle of the Golden Lion.

Originally, Li Yan was going to set off immediately to go to the Devil's Triangle of the Great Route to trouble Moria.

However, take into account that the Upside Down Fortress will be completed in a few days.

Therefore, Li Yan had to suspend the plan to attack Moriah, and wait until the fortress is completed and officially put into use.

Anyway, this is also an important part of the East China Sea No Thieves plan, and I still need to sit down.

Therefore, Li Yan has asked Ain to prepare, and he will set off tomorrow for the fortress of Upside Down Mountain.

blu blu blu...

"I'm Li Yan!"

"Lieutenant General, oh no, it's General, I'm Levin from the Science Department!"

"Levine, is there any progress in that document?"

"Yes, General, after all, this document has already explained all kinds of technologies in great detail. If I still can't figure it out, then it's really..."

"Okay, let's not talk about these, how long will it take to have a finished product?"

"There are still some problems in the processing of some materials, which will take time to solve, but it should not exceed one month at most, and a test flight can be carried out!"

When he said this, Levine was also very excited.

After all, the information that Li Yan handed to him after returning to the branch was really amazing.

What is recorded in it, once manufactured, will change the whole world!

By then, boats will no longer be the only option for travel.

More importantly, in this world full of pirates, once this thing appears, then traders will have more choices, instead of relying only on merchant ships, and then grit their teeth and suffer a 50% probability of being robbed.

Except for some pirates with special abilities that can fly, other pirates want to loot merchant ships...

Go dream!

"Very well, this research must be done quickly, once it is successful, your name will be remembered by the whole world!"

"This can't be done, General, after all, I didn't research this thing!"

"I'll do it. The person who gave me this information doesn't want others to know of his existence, because that would disturb his careful scientific research. Therefore, someone must help him block all sight on the bright side!"

" that so, that's fine!"

Although Levin still resisted, but after listening to Li Yan's words, he agreed.

After all, he also understands that if the people who really developed these technologies are exposed, the major forces will come to the door, and if one fails, let alone research, it will be difficult to save his life.

As for himself, after all, he is under the banner of the navy, and most people can't move him, so his safety is still guaranteed.

Then, just block the external storm for this great man, and when the right time comes, I will return all my fame to him.

Based on this idea, Levin finally agreed.

"By the way, Levin, after you have thoroughly understood all the technologies, you have to derive three versions, one focusing on speed, one focusing on cargo capacity, and one focusing on ceiling!"

"Also, it is necessary to develop matching weapons for use on airships!"

"Here I can give you a piece of advice, don't consider guns on airships, this is not appropriate, but should develop a weapon that can be dropped from the air and bombard ground targets with precision!"

Li Yan has his own ideas on the use of airships.

Fast airships are used by the military to undertake rapid force delivery or precision air strikes.

The cargo airship can be considered open for civilian use. Of course, there will also be a military version, which is what Li Yan planned, the strategic bombing airship.

As for the airship with the main ceiling, it will be used for reconnaissance.

"No problem, it's not difficult, I can handle it!"

"Okay, I will leave the branch tomorrow, and then I will go to the great route. When I come back, I hope to hear good news from you!"

"Yes, General!"


Just when Li Yan just put down the phone bug and was about to deal with some civilization.

dong dong dong...

"Come in!"


Looking up, it was none other than Violet who walked in.

At this moment, he was also promoted to one level and became a colonel.

After all, discovering the whereabouts of the golden lion is also a big credit.

However, the last time she took the initiative to find herself like this was the matter of the golden lion, and I don't know what happened this time.

You know, if only some ordinary pirates are found, she can directly notify the corresponding branch.

Even if a pirate with a little bit of strength is discovered, it is to inform Luffy and others that their special crusade team will be dispatched, and there is no need to come to him at all.

"General, Skynet has discovered an important piece of information and needs to report it to you immediately!"

"Oh, what information?"

Hearing that, Li Yan was also interested, and he used two important words. It seems that it is not a matter of ordinary pirates.

"It's like this. When I monitored the pirates in the East China Sea, I found that most of them were heading towards the same spot, and at that spot, a lot of pirate groups had already gathered!"

"More importantly, I found Trafalgar Law, and he seems to be heading there too!"

Who is Trafalgar Law, as a member of the original Doflamingo family, Violet naturally knows.

Not only did she know, but Li Yan also knew, even better than Violet.

Just, what is this guy doing in the East China Sea?

And those pirates in the East China Sea, gathered together, what do they want to do?

"Where is the location?"

"An uninhabited island about 70 nautical miles east of Rogue Town!"

Hearing this, Li Yan took the map of the East China Sea directly from the side and spread it out, and soon found the island Violet mentioned on it.

After all, although there are many islands in the pirate world, they are not all over the place. With a general direction and distance, it is easy to determine which island it is.

"So that's what it was for?"

Looking at the location of the island on the map, Li Yan muttered to himself.

It's about half a day from here to Rogue Town, and it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that it also starts from here, but it only takes a day to go to Upside Down Mountain.

In other words, do these pirates in the East China Sea want to join forces for a wave while the Upside Down Mountain Fortress has not been officially opened?

Who gave them the courage?

However, regardless of these weak East Sea pirates, what was Trafalgar Luolai doing to join in the fun?

"Violet, you will set off with us tomorrow to the Fortress of Upside Down Mountain!"

"At the same time, you don't have to monitor the rest of the pirates for the time being, and keep an eye on Trafalgar Law's news!"

"Yes, General!"

Nodding, Violet replied.

It's just that she didn't quit after speaking, but her expression was a little awkward, as if she wanted to say something, but she was very hesitant?

"What's the matter, just say what you want, I won't eat you!"

"General, in fact, Trafalgar Law..."

"Okay, I know what you're going to say, I know Trafalgar Rowe better than you, a member of the former Don Gigode family, born in a white town, contracted with lead disease as a child, and ended up undercover in the navy, too. Saved by Doflamingo's own younger brother, and after eating the fruit of the operation, he left the Don Quixote family, and he has a mortal feud with Doflamingo, right?"

Hearing what Li Yan said, Violet's eyes widened instantly.

It's not that Li Yan was shocked when he knew Trafalgar Law, but that Li Yan knew more and more details than himself?

After all, there are many things Li Yan said that she did not know.

"Don't I know that Trafalgar Law's nature is not bad, I will give him a chance!"

Standing up, he patted Violet on the shoulder, Li Yan said.

Speaking of which, although there is a person with A-level medical talent like Ziluo in his branch, it is only a talent after all, and he does not have any fruit ability.

Among the fruits that he has drawn, there is also no one suitable for medical treatment.

Therefore, the medical capacity of the Eighteen Branches is still quite weak.

Then, if you can recruit Trafalgar Law, it will be enough to solve this shortcoming.

In any case, killing Doflamingo himself is his benefactor, right?

Moreover, Krasson, who once sacrificed his life to save him, was also a navy, right?

There are so many objective factors, Li Yan is very important for successfully recruiting Trafalgar Law...

Still very confident.