People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 262: East China Sea version of the demon slau

two minutes.

The Goa Kingdom has already carried out three rounds of shelling.

The attack destroyed five pirate ships and wounded nine, four of which lost their ability to navigate.

This scene simply stunned Luo.

Is this the East China Sea Fleet?

Is it just the combat power of a warship?

If the combat power of the single-wheeled fleet, I am afraid that the navy headquarters can not be compared with the East China Sea navy, right?

As for Bebo and others who were still on the deck, the core members of the Heart Pirates trembled.

Especially Bebo, he was more than ten meters away from the position of the main gun on the bow.

When the gun was fired, it almost scared him to death.

On the sea, many pirate groups were already afraid and fled outside the battlefield.

But, how can it be so easy to run?

Before the war, the destroyers that had been driving towards both sides of the battlefield directly used naval guns to force these pirate ships that were trying to escape back.

After seeing the speed of the two destroyers and the range of the shelling, these pirates also understood that it is useless to escape, they can be caught up in minutes, and it is even more impossible to carry out a side battle...

The navy of the East China Sea will never give you this chance.

The only way now is to return to the island, and then use the woods, caves, or some other terrain to hide, forcing the navy to log in to fight.

As long as the navy landed on the island, the advantage in numbers would still be on his side, and he could still beat ten against one, right?

Even if you can't beat the high-level officers in the East China Sea, if you can catch a few ordinary seamen, you can use this as a bargaining chip to escape, right?

Thinking of these pirates, they turned around and sailed back to the uninhabited island.

After the other pirates saw this scene, they also understood the intentions of these pirates, and they all followed quickly.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Li Yan's mouth raised slightly again.

The classic tactics of the previous life, although the three missing one is a land strategy.

But if we change it, we can also take advantage of the speed and the range of naval guns to directly come to a naval version of the only three missing one, right?

"General, the sea battle just now sank a total of 16 pirate ships. Except for the seven ships that were severely damaged and lost their ability to navigate, the rest were withdrawn to the island."

"Very good, record the positions of the sunk pirate ships, save them for salvage after the battle, and let two destroyers deal with the seven pirate ships, and the Goa Kingdom will continue to advance, and then it will be provided by Violet. Target location guidance, direct artillery fire to wash the ground!"

"Yes, General!"


In front of Violet's abilities, are you hiding one for me?

As long as you know where you are hiding, you can cover it with a blast of artillery fire and you're done.

Under the power of the battleship's main guns, even if you hide in those incitements, it will be useless, and you will be blown away directly!


More than ten minutes later, the pirate group finally escaped back to the island.

Immediately after landing, they acted independently, looking for all possible places to hide.

Some pirates hid in the woods.

Some pirates hid in caves.

Some pirate groups directly find a reverse **** to hide.

More pirate groups, with a heart-wrenching heart, quickly dug a hole and buried themselves, leaving only their noses outside.

In short, there are all kinds of strange ways to hide.

When Li Yan heard Violet's report on the hiding methods of these pirates, he was a little dumbfounded.

"Usopp, according to Violet's guidance, bombard those pirate hiding places one by one, remember, don't hurt those pirate ships on the shore!"

"Understood, General!"

In the bridge, it was busy in an instant.

While Violet activated his ability monitoring, he provided Usopp with coordinates one after another.

Usopp, on the other hand, based on the position provided by Violet, constantly directed each cannon fodder to cover the firepower one by one.

boom boom boom boom...

From the initial battleship Goa Kingdom, single-ship shelling, to later, the two destroyer fleets completed their respective tasks and joined the shelling ranks.

For half an hour, the terrifying sound of shelling did not stop.

And this nameless island has long been covered with craters of various sizes.

Especially on Li Yan's battleship, the 280MM caliber main gun, a shot is a crater several meters directly and about three meters deep, and when bombarded, the huge shock wave generated is enough to make all the sea within a range of more than ten meters. The thieves were all shaken to death.

Of course, the reason why it is only more than ten meters is because the physical quality of people in this world is much stronger than that of Li Yan's previous life.

If the same situation was placed in Li Yan's previous life, the main gun of this battleship would have a killing radius of at least 20 to 30 meters, and some main guns reaching more than 400 mm could even cause a killing radius of more than 50 meters.

After half an hour and the precise artillery bombardment directed by Violet to wash the ground, more than 90% of the pirates on the island have been wiped out.

As for the remaining one or two hundred people, it would not be worthwhile to continue to use such shelling.


"Stop the shelling!"

"Ain, Violet, mark the remaining pirates on the map, Ain instructs the navy to log in, and annihilate the fish that slip through the net one by one according to the mark!"

Looking at the nameless island that had turned into hell, Li Yan directly issued a new combat order.

"Yes, General!"


Just as the Goa Kingdom with two destroyers approached the unnamed island.

Luo also came to the deck, beside his crew.

"Captain, is this still the island we fought on before?"

Pekin asked in a trembling voice.

It is really...

The appearance of the nameless island at this moment is a little too terrifying.

There were firelight and thick smoke everywhere, and there were potholes everywhere, and there was no trace of what it looked like before.

This is already the legendary slaughtering order, right?

However, Luo knew that this was more terrifying than the Demon Killing Order.

After all, Demon Slaughtering Order only relies on ten large warships to carry out indiscriminate coverage and bombardment.

Take O'Hara once, for example, the navy bombarded for several hours.

On the one hand, it is because there is no such thing as Violet, which can accurately locate the shelling.

On the other hand, the power of artillery fire on its warships is far from that of the East China Sea Fleet, and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed at all.

Therefore, the slaughtering order will take such a huge amount of shells and very inefficient way to do it.

But the East China Sea Fleet is different, they are precise and efficient.

Just three warships and it was done in half an hour.

Therefore, from a military point of view, it is clear that the East China Sea Fleet is stronger than the Demon Slayer Order of the headquarters.

But if it is not from a military point of view, the slaughtering order also has other functions, such as...

The ultimate deterrent!

"In short, we have now joined the East China Sea Navy. I also asked General Li Yan to apply for this mission. Don't lose the chain for a while, after all..."

"This is our first combat mission after joining!"

He shook his head, throwing away the thoughts in his mind.


Luo also said seriously.

"Yes, Captain!"

"Don't call the captain in the future, call the major!"

"Yes, Major!"