People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 334: first overseas territory

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

Since Anilu was on an empty island, he did not know the existence of domineering.

Coupled with the relationship of the natural system, an inherent concept has been formed over the years.

That is...

You are God, no one can hurt yourself.

Therefore, for him, cultivating physical skills and exercising his physique are meaningless things.

And this also contributed to it, after he was trapped by Li Yan, he couldn't fight back until he died, even if it was a...

After finishing Eni Road, Li Yan and others came to a huge cave under the guidance of the four priests.

This is where El Nilu builds the Ark Proverbs.

Of course, the ship has only just begun to be built, and it has not reached the degree of completion in the original work after the plot began.

And what made Li Yan and the three of them unable to take their eyes off the most was not the famous ship in the original book, but in this huge cave, those collected and stacked aside, occupying at least half the size of the Ark Proverbs. gold.

The three simply stared blankly, okay?

"This...all gold?"

Pointing to the hill that was stacked up by countless golden creations, Taotu was already somewhat incoherent.

After a quick calculation in my heart, it seemed that as long as I took a few small items, it was enough to pay off the debt.

Actually, that's not all.

If Li Yan hadn't come here, then in the coming year, more gold would be found from the ruins of Shandora and sent here.

Not to mention, the terrifying golden bell.

In the original book, even if it was thoroughly searched by Anilu, there are still a lot of fish that slipped through the net, and they were finally taken away by Luffy, and who can say that the ones that Luffy and the others took away are really. Where is the last stock of Sandora?

In short, no matter how conservative it is to estimate, Sandora's gold reserves are definitely more than the gold currently circulating in the Pirate World.

And the value, if even the golden bell is included, I am afraid it can reach the point of trillions of baileys.

"Li Yan, what are you going to do with the gold?"

On the side, Ai Ye finally recovered from the shock, and then asked.

There is so much gold here, so much that she doesn't even know how to use it.

"Ninety percent of them will be sealed for storage, and the other ten percent will be transported back to the East China Sea for Karina to handle. The subsequent projects will require a lot of financial support."

Li Yan already had a draft for how to deal with it.

The reason why 90% is sealed is that one is afraid that the price of gold will fall sharply, and the other is because the wealth is not revealed, isn't it?

You said that you found treasure by chance, got hundreds of Eberlis, and then put these funds into the construction of the East China Sea, then Mary Joa can bear it.

But if you want to say that you got hundreds of billions or even trillions of Baileys, do you think Mary Joa can't bear it?


the next day.

Appayado, in the ruins of Sandora.

Li Yan, the chief of the Shandians, and Gan Fol, the **** of Angel Island who had just arrived, sat together.

Since Li Yan released the guards who were imprisoned by Anilu yesterday, what happened on Apayado spread to the entire Angel Island at an extremely fast speed.

The **** Anilu fell.

Sky Island welcomes a new ruler.

The Shandians have been allowed to settle in Appayado.


Gossip such as this, ravaged the entire Angel Island.

This time, the Sky Islanders couldn't sit still.

Originally, Anilu's death was a good thing for them, but Appajado returned to the Shandians, which made them unhappy.

You must know that to the Sky Islanders, Apayado is like a holy place, and they even interrupted and interrupted Shandia for hundreds of years.

How can they be reconciled with the results now?

But what if you're not satisfied?

There isn't even a single person to talk to on Angel Island.

So, after worrying for a long time, someone finally remembered Gan Fauer, the previous **** of Angel Island, and invited him back.

Angel Island, which was headless with dragons, made Ganfur quickly gain power after his return.

Of course, he wouldn't be stupid enough to go to war with the Shandians.

After all, at this moment, the Shandians are standing behind...

Even Anilu is a terrifying existence to kill.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Ganfur lowered his stance and sent a message to the Shandia people, hoping that they could convey to Li Yan the request for a meeting.

For this request, Li Yan did not refuse, and agreed directly.

It just so happened that the various forces on the sky island gathered together to clarify some things.

"Anything can be discussed, but the ownership of Appayado is definitely not discussed. This is the hometown of our Shandia people."

As soon as the game started, the old chief said aggressively.

Of course, if it weren't for the presence of Li Yan, he would still choose to compromise and agree to share Apayado with the Sky Islanders as in the original book.

but now...

There is no compromise at all.

"Chief, I am not trying to deprive the Shandians of their hometown, but the Sky Islanders and the Shandians have been fighting for more than 400 years, and now the two sides have shaken hands and made peace, sharing Apayado, showing the best way to reconcile ."

"After the reconciliation, the Sandia people can continue to live in Sandora, and the Sky Islanders will not set foot there, but after all, Apaya is so big, and other places are enough for Sky Islanders to live, isn't it?"

On the side, Li Yan listened to this and had to sigh, this Gan Fuer really knows what to say.

In short, this stuff means...

We have been working for 400 years in order to rob your home. Who is willing to give up at this time?

Anyway, there are so many rooms in your villa, and it's empty, so I should live with you, so it's not wasted, isn't it?

You see, as long as you give up some rooms, wouldn't this matter be resolved satisfactorily?

Godlike logic.

Well, this guy really used to be called a god...

"Appayado... well, it should have been called Gaya Island, and this is the home of the Shandians."

"And you Sky Islanders are intruders, don't confuse this premise!"

"Seize other people's and even drive out the original owner for hundreds of years. What qualifications do you have to claim a part of the ownership right now?"

Li Yan was not used to him, so he said directly.

And this made Ganfur a little embarrassed.

After all, when he talked about this, he deliberately downplayed the fact that Sky Islanders were invaders.

At this moment, Li Yan said it directly, and he really couldn't refute it.


after an hour.

Ganfor left very lonely.

This time it was not what he expected at all, and the so-called meeting was simply Li Yan's announcement of the decision, but he could only listen and could not refute.

The five things Li Yan announced also made him very melancholy.

First, Appayado is owned by the Shandians from today on.

Second, Sky Islanders can come to Appayado to play, but only if they apply to the Sandians, and they can only enter after being approved.

Third, the Sky Islanders are not allowed to take Bass out of Appayado at will without the consent of the Sandians.

Fourth, after consultation between the navy and the people of Shandia, the people of Shandia agreed to divide a relatively flat area west of Appajado for the navy to establish a military base.

Fifth, the navy's garrison in Appayado will take on the responsibility of protecting the Shandians from being invaded by other forces.

In other words, Li Yan directly cut off the Sky Islanders' thoughts on Apayado.

At the same time, Li Yan, who had obtained the first overseas territory, also sounded a system prompt in his mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring a territory in the East China Sea that is completely under your control]

[Ding, since the host has acquired overseas territory for the first time, a special reward package is given]

[Ding, please confirm, host, if you want to bind this territory to the eighteen branches]