People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 359: On How to Destroy an Industry (Part 1)

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

Li Yan's plan without thieves in the East China Sea is built on three basic pillars.

The first pillar is naturally the strength of the East China Sea navy.

Li Yan has actually done this a long time ago. Pirates who have not gone out of the East China Sea are basically weak.

Even if the Eighteen Branches did not make a move, the seamen who were assigned to each branch after being trained by the Eighteen Branches were enough to complete the suppression of these pirates.

Of course, the East China Sea is really too big, accounting for almost a quarter of the entire world. In addition, as the main occupation of this world, there are simply too many pirates.

If you want to rely on the navy to fight pirates everywhere, then I am afraid that the speed of the birth of pirates will even exceed the speed of suppression.

Therefore, the suppression of strength alone is not enough, and the dreams of these pirates must also be cut off.

So Li Yan erected the second pillar...

Upside Down Mountain Fortress!

With the existence of the Upside Down Mountain Fortress, the East China Sea pirates lost their access to the great route.

You must know that as long as they are a little ideal pirates, they will not stay in the East China Sea for long, and the great route is the stage for them to pursue their dreams.

But without access to the great route, it would be meaningless for them to become pirates.

With these two pillars, Li Yan can contain most of the East China Sea pirates.

However, it is undeniable that there will still be many pirates, such as those who have to become pirates because of oppression by nobles, or who simply want to go out to sea for adventure and treasure hunting.

Therefore, Li Yan's third pillar was erected, that is...

Adventurers Guild.

Directly separate this part of the people from the pirates, and give them a new identity, adventurers!

In the end, because of the existence of these three pillars, although Li Yan did not dare to say that there would be no pirates in the East China Sea, the number of pirates in the East China Sea would be reduced by 90% in a short period of time.


With a little change in the general environment, the ultimate realization of the East China Sea without thieves is by no means delusional.

But now, one of the most important pillars of...


Once the pirates' task of picking up the East China Sea becomes the norm, the upside-down mountain fortress will be completely meaningless.

The impact is more than that. In order to earn enough referral fees, the East China Sea Pirates will try their best to make money, and the most direct method is...


For some island village raids...

For the plundering of merchant ships at sea...

and many more.

Now, this bad influence has already appeared.

According to Li Yan's statistics, the number of looting incidents in the East China Sea in June has increased by more than 300% compared with that in May, almost reaching the number before Li Yan implemented the East China Sea No Thieves Plan.

This is not a good phenomenon. If it is not good, all the efforts of the past year will be in vain.

In fact, to say that there is absolutely no way, it is not.

After all, Li Yan has such a cheating device as Violet. As long as she is placed in the center of the 5,000-kilometer boundary between the East China Sea and the windless belt, then with her 4,000-kilometer observation distance, it is enough Monitor all areas.

However, after all, Violet is a human being, not a tool. It is impossible to keep the fruit ability activated and monitor it continuously for 24 hours, right?

Of course, it is also a way to create a large number of patrol ships.

But there are also problems.

One is that the investment is too large. If you want to control the sea area with a length of more than 5,000 kilometers, at least 200 patrol ships are required to ensure complete control.

The other is that the pirates in the New World are now engaged in this business.

Just relying on ordinary sailors, even if they control all the areas, they may suffer heavy losses from being attacked by these pirate groups from the new world.

Unless all the powerful people in the branch are deployed.

But this is obviously impossible.

In addition, there are many ways, but more or less, there are various defects, and cannot solve this time perfectly.


Well, the Air Force is impossible to use, Li Yan didn't want to expose himself so quickly.

So, how to use the power of your own face to deal with this problem perfectly?

Involuntarily, Li Yan fell into deep thought.

"Have it!"

A few minutes later, the corners of Li Yan's mouth raised slightly, and then he snapped his fingers and muttered to himself.

Pirates do this business because of low risk and high returns.

After all, the over 5,000-kilometer-long handover line is unlikely to be completely blocked without any omissions, even if the entire naval headquarters is moved here.

Therefore, I only need to make the seller feel that the risk is too high and the return is too low to be worth it, and at the same time make the buyer feel that it is difficult to buy the real product.

The industry naturally collapsed.

It's really not that difficult to do.

On the one hand, let people fake the pirates of the new world and directly enter the market to seize business.

Then, when an East China Sea pirate takes the bait, just kill or capture it directly at the connection point.

At the same time, Li Yan will also send people to pretend to be pirates from the East China Sea, go to those pirates in the new world to place orders, let them guide him into the great route, and then use a similar method to directly kill the opponent at the lead point. .

In this way, the seller will find that nine of the ten buyers are bad reviewers, and they will not make any money, and they will even say that they will go directly to Similarly, the buyers will also It was found that out of ten sellers, nine were selling fakes, and they couldn't buy the real thing at all.

After a long time, I will ask those pirates from the New World if they still dare to do this business, and also ask those pirates from the East China Sea if they dare to ask the pirates from the New World to guide me to the great route.


half a month later.

East China Sea, a place near the windless belt.

"Just the nine of you, do you want to take the boat with you?"

"The boat is no longer needed, I might as well just buy a new one there for 10 million!"

"This is up to you, in short, everyone is here, right!"

"That's right, let's go quickly, I really have enough to stay in the East China Sea, the ghost knows what the East China Sea Navy will catch up!"

The pirate captain seemed very nervous and kept urging him to leave.

And after confirming that everyone in this pirate group is here, a smile appeared on the corner of someone's mouth.

"Set off!"

He waved his hand directly and shouted.

Hearing that the other party was so sorry, including the pirate captain, a total of 7 pirates breathed a sigh of relief.

To finally be able to leave this ghostly place in the East China Sea is simply enough!

However, at the next moment, the ship did not start as they expected, but there was a bang bang sound.

When the pirate finally reacted, he had already been shot several times and was powerless to return to the sky.

Then, a BigNews reporter immediately sprang out of the cabin and kept taking various photos.

And at the same time.

A similar scene happened hundreds of kilometers away.

However, it was not the East China Sea pirates who were killed here, but the pirate group from the New World who was directly slaughtered.

He is also a reporter, taking pictures like crazy...