People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 36: Corona 18 rifle

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Corona Island, the 18th branch of the East China Sea, the shore.

"Rubber, rocket...!"


"How many times have I said that before making a move, don't put on a stance like that!"

"As far as you can only attack in a straight line, you still have to shout lines, and you have to accumulate power for so long, who can you hit?"

Just when Luffy stretched his hands back and stretched them desperately, ready to use his big move, the rubber rocket launcher, Li Yan had already jumped directly in front of him, mercilessly punched him down, and then opened it angrily. education model.

Seriously, he was quite complaining about Luffy's fighting style.

Of course, when watching Pirates in the previous life, those opponents who stood there foolishly waiting for Luffy to finish charging up every time Luffy made a big move were extremely complaining.

Sometimes the preparation time for a move can be as long as ten seconds, can you believe it?

This is not a magician's world, okay?

In response, Li Yan decided to correct his bad habit.

And if you want to correct this, the best way is to let Luffy master the sixth form of the navy, and learn the second gear in advance.

Otherwise, unless this world is the same as in the comics of the previous life, the villain's IQ is not online when fighting, otherwise, Luffy's fighting style, who can win?

"Give me back to practice again, when will you master the Six Forms, when will you be able to get rid of your stinky fighting habits, and when will you be allowed to go out to sea!"

After glancing at Luffy who lay down in the hole that had just been smashed, Li Yan reiterated the conditions for going to sea and then turned and left.

Yes, Luffy is here to challenge Li Yan today, and the purpose is to go out to sea with Sol and other recruits to catch pirates.

However, just like the one half a month ago, Luffy still failed to pass Li Yan...

Sitting in his office, Li Yan began to think about the assessment from the headquarters earlier.

300 million military exploits...

Even if he led the team to the sea twice before, plus the time when Sol brought new recruits half a month ago, the bounty for the captured pirates would only add up to about 60 million, including the Evil Dragon Sea. The 34.5 million thieves group has a shortfall of more than 200 million!

In the East China Sea, it is not easy to fill this gap...

If there is more time, but the problem is not too big, it will just add up.

Although there are not many tens of millions of big pirates, there are still millions of small pirates, and they can always collect 300 million military exploits slowly, right?

But the problem is that the time given in the assessment documents of the headquarters is only half a year, no, there are only five months left now!

Unless I can run into a few pirate groups every day after I go out to sea, I won't have enough time.

For this matter, Li Yan even thought about it, did he go to the sea restaurant Bharati to arrest Zhep?

After all, this guy's bounty hasn't been withdrawn, and the amount is quite high. In addition, after his broken leg, he doesn't even have half of his original strength?

However, after thinking about it carefully, Li Yan gave up.

In any case, Zhep is not a bad person, and now he is running a restaurant quietly, and has quit the pirate business.

Then there are really not many big heads left...

The 20 million Bucky Pirates?

The 29 million Creek Pirates?

The 39 million Black Cat Pirates?

As for the Al Rita Pirates that appeared in the original book, it was only 5 million!

This adds up to less than 100 million, okay...


Draw a devil fruit in exchange for military merit?

However, when this idea came up, Li Yan shook his head and gave up.

The low-level lottery once in 100,000 is most likely to be thank you for your patronage, and the high-level lottery once in a million.

I'm sorry, this is not something that a poor ghost can think about.


Just when Li Yan was troubled, the desk phone worm suddenly rang.

"I'm Li Yan!"

"Colonel, I'm Levin from the Research Department!"

With the excited expression simulated by the phone bug, Levin's voice came over.

"Levine, is there any progress?"

"Yes Colonel, we have made a big breakthrough. You'd better come over in person."

"Okay, I'll be there soon!"

Li Yan, who knew what Levine and the others were researching, immediately picked up his cloak and left the office.

When it comes to guns in the pirate world, they are really backward...

In short, it is hard for Li Yan to imagine that in a world where technology has reached a world where energy weapons can be used, firearms have only developed to the point of flintlock guns, and the earliest ones that used lead projectiles, with a poor range of only 100 meters That's it.

Slow rate of fire, short range, low power...

It's no wonder that in the pirate world, even if it's just to deal with ordinary pirates, the reason why firearms can't play any role.

When Li Yan came to the test site of the firearms department of the underground research institute, Levine was shooting continuously with a gun.

Unlike the Navy's standard firearms, this one in Levin's hands has an extremely fast rate of fire. There is no need to reload the ammunition after each shot, but just pull the bolt to fire again.

"Levine, is this the one?"

"Ah, Colonel, you are here!"

Hearing Li Wen's voice, Levin quickly stopped shooting, turned to meet him, his face full of excitement.

"Tell me about it?"

Nodding, Li Yan said with a smile.

He also wanted to know, according to the imagination of the development of firearms, what step Levine and his team have reached in their research.

"Okay, Colonel!"

"We name this gun Corona 1518 rear-pull rifle, referred to as the 18-type rifle. The overall length is 1050 mm, the weight without ammunition is 4 kg, the theoretical effective range is 600 meters, the magazine capacity is 8 rounds, and the muzzle velocity is 730 m/s..."

Balabala, it took two minutes for Levin to introduce all the parameters in detail.

Maybe this parameter was nothing in the era before Li Yan's time travel, but in the world of pirates, it was simply against the sky.

No wonder Levine was so excited.

"Good job, Levin!"

Patting Levin on the shoulder, Li Yan said with great satisfaction.

"No, no, if it wasn't for the information given by the colonel, we might never have imagined that firearms could be designed in this way!"

"Whether it's the design of the rifle in the or the design of the bullet that is completely different from the current one, or anything else, each of these is definitely a genius idea that can shock the world!"

"And we just found a way to actually make things based on these ideas, so if we really want to say, the person who wrote that document is the real genius!"

"Also, without the equipment in the research institute, even with these ideas, it would be impossible to realize it in a short period of time. It can be said that we can produce 18-type rifles in the world at present, even if the drawings are given elsewhere. They won't be able to make it for a while!"

Levine is humble.

He also knew very well that without such information, without this laboratory and these advanced equipment, he would never have been able to build such a gun in his lifetime.

"No, despite these factors, the credit of your team cannot be erased. It's just a pity that I can't make you famous in a short period of time. After all, the 18th branch is still unable to confront the Vinsmoke family head-on, so ..."

"It's okay, Colonel, we don't care if we are famous in the world or not, as long as we can stay in this institute for the rest of our lives, we'll be satisfied if we don't drive us away!"

Hearing Li Yan's words, Levin immediately shook his head and said.

For them, it doesn't matter if they are famous or not. What matters is this heaven-like scientific research environment. As long as Li Yan doesn't shove them out, their reasons will stay in it for the rest of their lives.

"Don't worry, I will not drive you away. In a year at most, when I have enough confidence, I will let everyone in this sea know that there is a team like you, and the development of firearms will move forward. Pushed for hundreds of years, and you..."

"It will also be remembered in history!"