People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 377: The revolutionary army that goes to 1 ci

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

Cliff Island, once in the corner.

Several people are hiding there, and one of them is holding up his mobile phone and filming continuously.

If you look closely, you can even find that there are many news birds in the sky, hanging their mobile phones around their necks, at various heights and angles, and they are also shooting.

No, it should be said that a live broadcast is more appropriate. This is also the first live broadcast conducted by Morgans in BigNews.

This broadcast caused a huge sensation. According to statistics, more than 80% of millions of mobile phone holders are watching.

Not to mention that many of them are watched by several or even dozens of people on one mobile phone.

Therefore, at this moment, there are at least tens of millions of people all over the world watching at the same time, this fierce battle that is about to begin.

"As you can see, Drago, the leader of the revolutionary army, has been waiting at the port with his cadres."

"And the civilians on the island have also taken refuge on the west coast under the advance arrangement of the revolutionary army."

"In the picture, have you seen the ten figures in the air? This is one of today's protagonists, Mary Joa's CP0."

"Maybe many viewers don't know much about CP0. Here I will introduce this CP0, the strongest shield of the Tianlong people, in detail..."

A war reporter under Morgans, who directly transformed into an anchor, was talking continuously during the live broadcast.

For this live broadcast, Dorag also attached great importance to it, and even sent an eloquent soldier in the revolutionary army to guest-star as a guest to assist in the explanation.


Just when the live broadcast was going on over there.

The three action teams of CP0, led by No. 2, have stepped on the moon to the top of the port.

"Dorag, do you want to capture it, or do you want us to do it?"

Drago is very strong, but No. 2 is also very strong, and he is not wrong at all in the face of Drago.

Moreover, he is also convinced that those of Drago's subordinates simply do not have the strength to defeat the three CP0 action teams.


"Stop talking nonsense, the meaning of our revolutionary army's existence is to eliminate the cancer of your world, so that everyone in the world will never be bullied again!"

Drago raised his head and shouted.

Is it live broadcast, the play naturally has to be done well, isn't it?

For Dorag, this live broadcast has two meanings.

One is to show the world the image of the revolutionary army splendid, and the other is to tell everyone that the Tianlong people are not invincible, and even the most powerful force, CP0, can be defeated by the revolutionary army.

"In that case, let's do it!"

Nodding, Number Two said.

He didn't actually think about the fact that Drago was caught without his hands, he was just talking about it.

Maybe it hasn't had some effect on the morale of the opponent, hasn't it?

"Leave Dorag to me, and you are responsible for dealing with other cadres of the revolutionary army."

Hearing this, the other nine nodded their heads, then dispersed and swept towards their targets.

"According to the plan!"

Seeing CP0 start new activities, Drago also said to the cadres.

However, something unexpected happened to CP0.

Drago did not directly face No. 2 as they thought, but went directly towards the sounding arrow with a clear goal.

Suddenly, No. 2 realized what Drago wanted to do.

"Dorag, you dare!"

"Armed color, dragon hook claw!"

However, just when he wanted to stop Drago, a figure appeared in front of him.

Facing No. 2 with the strength of a general, Sabo showed no fear at all, and directly used the boxing skills that Drago gave him.

To a certain extent, the Dragon Claw is also the armed color version of the Dragon Claw, which is more powerful.

In the original book, Sabo even relied on this move to break Sabas' armor with a single blow, and its attack power is evident.

Of course, Sabo at the moment is not as strong as in the original book two years later.



No. 2 gave a disdainful drink, then raised his right hand to meet it with the palm of his hand.

But when Sabo's attack was about to land on his palm, he suddenly felt a strong repulsive force, and then the whole person was out of control and bounced back directly, as if he was hit by a heavy punch. .


Sabo, who was ejected, flew out all the way, and finally hit the ground hard.

However, because of Sabo's obstruction, No. 2 was delayed for a short while.

It was also in such a short time that Drago had rushed in front of the sounding arrow.

In CP0, the long-range attack ability of the sounding arrow is really strong, but correspondingly, its melee ability is very weak.

It's not that he is physically weak. In CP0, everyone is weak, but as I said before, this guy is a weirdo in CP0, and he is only interested in archery.

Therefore, in addition to practicing the shaving and moon steps in the six styles, the other physical skills are only a basic practice, which is only enough.

Therefore, after being approached by a strong Taijutsu, the sounding arrow is extremely vulnerable.

"Dragon's Claw!"


In just a face-to-face, the dragon claw that Drago used with his right hand had already broken the chest of the arrow.

And it's not over yet...

In the next moment, the ability of Fengfeng Fruit has been Countless small wind blades are formed directly in Xiangjian's body, and they continue to wreak havoc.

A few seconds later, when Drago threw the body of Xingjian aside, he had no life.

"Dorag, you are courting death!"

Seeing this scene, No. 2's eyes almost burst into flames.

This time, one person was killed, and it was still under his own eyes.

How can this keep him from getting angry?

The two immediately became a team.

Whether it is No. 2 or Dorag, they are both domineering powerhouses, and they are also holders of powerful Devil Fruit abilities.

Just the aftermath of the collision continued to destroy the surrounding ground.

so that...

Others in the battle have to stay away from the battlefield of these two people a little bit, otherwise, they will easily be involved.

Although Sabo initially created an opportunity for Drago at the cost of injury, he killed one of the CP0s and let the revolutionary army go to the city first.

But overall, the Revolutionary Army is still at a disadvantage.

Even a lot of cadres can only suffer from defense at this moment, and can't counterattack.

after all...

These cadres under Drago are at most the strength of lieutenant generals, but the other side has three strong general candidates.

Therefore, after a long time, the revolutionary army's side naturally fell into a disadvantage.

However, all of this was in Drago's plan, and there was not much deviation.


Just when everyone thought that the revolutionary army was going to be defeated here today.

There was a humming sound in the air.

When the sound became clearer and clearer, the picture in the live broadcast room was suddenly transformed into the air.

A huge swarm of dozens of fighter jets...
