People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 397: First flight of a jet fighter

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In the waters around the island where the Ministry of Science is located, they searched continuously for a month.

Not to mention finding someone, even how the other party left is still a mystery.

In order to find clues as soon as possible, Mary Joa even used all the intelligence power in her hands, and even some hidden spies were activated.

For this reason, in the past month or so, the loss of Marijoya's intelligence line is really not small.

If you can find something, then these lost five old stars will also be recognized.

The point is, after paying such a huge loss, nothing can be found out, it's like...

Vega Punk has disappeared from this world!

This time, the Five Old Stars went crazy.

But how could they have thought that no one kidnapped Vega Punk from the beginning to the end. It was this guy who left by himself, and along the way, he also set up various false clues for people to kidnap...


Soon, another month passed.

Apayado Air Force Base, main tower.

"I said Lao Bei, are you a little too fast?"

"Quick, I think it's normal, if not..."

"Stop, you have less Versailles, that is, a second-generation machine, and there will be a third-generation machine, a fourth-generation machine, and a fifth-generation machine waiting for you!"

"Speaking of which, I already have some eyebrows on the third-generation machine. Next..."

Well, Li Yan has really experienced it now, what is a scientific research monster.

At this rate, I am afraid that the jet fighter in front of us has not had time to mass-produce, and the third-generation aircraft should come.

Simply outrageous!

At the same time, a kind of scientific researcher on the runway has completed the final inspection of the fighter.

And Weber, who served as the test pilot this time, has also put on a new generation of anti-pressure suits developed by Vega Punk and entered the cockpit.

At this moment, Weber is also very excited.

As a test pilot, he naturally got various parameters of this fighter.

He still remembers that the first time he saw these parameters, his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

The ceiling is 25,000 meters, the maximum speed is 1.4 times the speed of sound, and the most important thing is that it is equipped with a weapon called missile for the first time, so that the fighter has an additional attack method in addition to the cannon.

In fact, Weber paid attention to these because of his vision problem, while Li Yan paid attention to another thing.

artificial intelligence...

Anyone who has read the original book knows that the pacifists made by Vegapunk not only possess super computing power, but also possess technologies similar to artificial intelligence.

Today, the same technology has been directly implanted into this prototype by Vegapunk.

It can be said that although it is defined as a second-generation machine, some of these technologies cannot even reach the fifth-generation machine in the previous life.

"General, War Ghost report, all pre-flight inspections have been completed, please take off!"

"Agree to take off, and the follow-up flight command will be handed over to the fighter project team!"


"Ghost, this is the tower, please answer when you receive it!"

"War ghost received!"

"Ghost, use runway No. 3, and the follow-up flight command will be transferred to the fighter project team!"

"The ghost understands that it has entered the third runway, requesting to take off!"

"Allow to take off!"

With the order to allow takeoff, Webb immediately took control of the fighter and began to taxi.

After taxiing for more than 500 meters, the nose of the plane was pulled up suddenly, and the whole fighter plane rose into the sky.

In the next ten minutes, some basic flight actions were taken. The researchers of the project team were directing Weber to conduct various tests while recording data.

Finally, the boring phase is over, and the next step is one of the highlights of today.

Supersonic flight!

"Ghost, this is the ground, please answer when you hear it!"

"War ghost hear!"

"Report remaining fuel!"

"The amount of oil is sufficient, and the remaining 82%!"

"Okay, let's carry out the supersonic flight test below. Note that if the airframe is not in the right condition during the supersonic flight, immediately escape from the test machine!"

"The ghost understands!"

Although it is theoretically feasible, the body should also be able to support it.

But after all, supersonic flight is the first time, and no one can be 100% sure.

Therefore, the researchers reminded Weber.

At the same time, Li Yan, who was watching with a telescope in the tower, became more interested after knowing that he was going to go supersonic next.

"I said Lao Bei, the next thing is Supersonic, don't you take a look?"

"What's so beautiful, I already knew it, no problem!"

"I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about the first sonic boom in the world, don't you want to see it with your own eyes?"

Hearing this, Vega Punk's expression became unusually strange.

"Indeed, according to my theory, when the fighter plane reaches supersonic speed, it will generate a shock wave, and at the same time, this shock wave will travel to the ground and form a sound like an explosion."

"Speaking of which, although I have this theory, I have never thought of a name for this phenomenon, sonic boom... It's really appropriate!"

"It's just that this theory has always been in my head, how did you know?"

As he also picked up the telescope and looked towards the testing machine, Vega Punk asked suspiciously.

"Old Bei, you can dump me ten streets for scientific research ability, but in terms of knowledge, I can dump you ten streets in turn!"

Li Yan smiled.

Let you always be in front of me Versailles!


Vegapunk didn't but suddenly let out a low drink.

The next moment, a shock wave visible to the naked eye appeared at the position of the nose of the test machine that Weber was driving.

Then, a ground roar pollution area far exceeding one hundred decibels formed instantly.


"Really exciting!"

"It's just a sonic boom, why are you so excited?"

Seeing Li Yan's appearance, Vegapunk pouted and said.

At the same time, in the cockpit of the test machine.

Weber was equally excited.

This speed, this feeling, is really cool!

"War ghost, war ghost, please ask questions if you hear me!"

"War ghost hear!"

"Report speed and body condition!"

"The current speed is 1.4 times the speed of sound, and the body is intact, but I feel that there is still potential for acceleration. Do you want to try it?"

"Rejected, there are still many items to be tested, do not perform dangerous operations!"

"The ghost understands!"

Weber nodded in disappointment.

But he can understand what researchers think.

After all, there are still several projects to be tested in the future. If something goes wrong and the plane crashes, it will be a waste of time to rebuild it together.

After a few minutes, after completing the various data collection of the supersonic speed, it is finally time to start another highlight of the day.

Air-to-air missile test!

"Target found, 3 o'clock, altitude 13,500 meters, distance 7,500 meters, a Mustang fighter."

"The target has been locked, and it is recommended to use missiles to attack!"

When the target drone appeared, the intelligence on the fighter...

It was notified immediately.