People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 41: Bucky, choose

Looking at the huge explosion in the sky that can be seen from far away...

Li Yan knew that Luffy was definitely caught by Bucky.

But speaking of which, the power of this ordinary bucky bullet is really strong enough.

Ordinary bucky shells are already several times more powerful than navy shells, and as for the special bucky shells, they can almost be regarded as strategic weapons.

"Let's go and save that idiot!"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Li Yan let Nami command the warship to dock.

At the same time, the central square of Orange Town.

Almost like the original, Luffy was directly locked in a small iron cage.

"Hey, red nose, why are you shutting me up!"

"What did you say..."

Just because a cannonball shot down a navy, Bucky, who was laughing wildly, was directly defeated by Luffy's first sentence.

The word red nose is definitely a taboo for Bucky, and even if the situation is serious, the whole person will lose control.

"Pull the cannon for me, and I'll greet this kid with a special bucky bomb!"


The crew of the Bucky Pirates around them all took a deep breath after hearing Bucky's order.

Special Bucky Bullets...

Others don't know the power of this thing, can they not know?

This is a cannonball that can go down several kilometers with one shot. It's used to bombard a small sailor who is locked in a cage?

Wouldn't it be so cruel, Captain?

But looking at their captain who was about to lose control, all the pirates didn't dare to say anything, and immediately went to pull the cannon.

Not long after, a cannon appeared outside the square, with its muzzle facing the iron cage where Luffy was...

After all, it's not a specially made Bucky bullet, these pirates dare not push the cannon to the front of the cage like in the original book, otherwise they will be killed together with one shot!

"Uh, ha, ha, ha, ha, haha, boy, are you ready, I will send you on the road with this special bucky bomb made by the uncle himself. You must be honored too? Guys, give me a drive..."

"Although this guy is stupid, he is my subordinate anyway, and he is also Karp's grandson. Are you sure you want to shoot?"

Just when Bucky was about to order the firing, there was a joking voice from the side.

"My uncle is definitely going to fire a cannon, that **** brat, you must give a cannon..."

"Wait... Kaka... Kapp's grandson?"

Who is Garp? As the former crew member of the Roger Pirates, can you not know?

That is the legend that once chased Captain Roger all over the sea...

"Boy, what's your name?"

"Monkey D Luffy!"

"Monkey...Damn! Wait, who are you?"

It wasn't until this time that Bucky reacted. The person who spoke just now was not his own pirate. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the previous voice. Not far away, there were already more than a dozen navies, led by one person. Also a Captain of the Navy.

However, Bucky didn't panic at all. It's just a navy colonel. These navy colonels in the East China Sea are all scumbags, right?

"Ah, yes, that kid is not only Garp's grandson, but also Dragon's son!"

"Dragon, which dragon? Wait... You shouldn't be talking about that dragon, right?"

Suddenly thinking of a possibility, Bucky's voice trembled, but...

"Well, if there is no second person named Long who is also the leader of the resistance army, he should be the one you think of!"

Nodding solemnly, Li Yan said very seriously.


Garp's grandson, dragon's son?

Is this kid's identity so terrifying?

Wait, doesn't that mean that Nong is Karp's son?

Hell, what kind of monster family is this?

If I were to take a shot at it...

Then you can't directly offend the two major forces, it's simply killing it!

Well, this kid can't move, but those navies don't have a background, so they can be slaughtered, right?

After all, I'm so angry right now, there must be a place to vent, right?

"Boy, who are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm just the base chief of a poor branch in the East China Sea, I don't have any background!"

"That's it, then don't blame Uncle Ben, hahahahahahaha, the little ones, let me kill this group of sailors!"

"Yes, boss!"

The pirates heard from Li Yan that they were just a navy from the East China Sea branch, and there were only about 10 people. Together with Bucky's order, they immediately rushed forward with a scream.

Looking at the two very strange figures among the group of pirates rushing up, Li Yan was also a little speechless...

One is Kabaji, the chief of staff of the Bucky Pirates and a swordsman. The symbol is riding a unicycle, and a bounty of 2 million Baileys is offered.

The other is Mochi, the vice-captain of the Bucky Pirates. The symbol is riding a lion, and the reward is 3 million Bailey.

These two goods may be because the bounty is too low. There is no special description in the original book. Li Yan also found out after checking the navy bounty list.

However, for the current Li Yan, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is not meat. It adds up to 5 million baileys!

Nuoqigao, the two officers will be handed over to you, and the rest of the pirates will be trained by the sailors!

"no problem!"

Nodding his head, Nuoqigao brought ten sailors directly to meet him.

Although some are not very obvious, Li Yan still noticed it, and Nuo Qigao's face showed a little excited look.

How do you feel that this girl's personality has changed a lot since she ate the Thunder Fruit?

Could it be that as long as it is a human being, after the strength increases, it will become more or less belligerent?

However, Li Yan welcomes this change.

After all, Nuoqigao has the ceiling-level EX fruit development talent, and also eats the thunder fruit that has no weakness and is known as the strongest attack.

If this is the character that didn't like fighting in the first place, wouldn't that be a waste of talent and fruit!

Anyway, as long as the character is not distorted, everything else doesn't matter.

As for Li Yan himself...

It was like a walk, slowly crossing the battlefield and walking towards Bucky.

Although many pirates wanted to attack him along the way, they were the opponents of those elite navy soldiers, and they were blocked one after another, and they couldn't get close to Li Yan at all.

In this way, Li Yan walked through the middle of the battlefield unhurriedly and came to Bucky. It was like taking a walk after dinner.

"Boy, who are you?"

After all, he used to be a crew member of the Roger Pirates. In terms of vision, Bucky is definitely number one in the East China Sea. UU Reading www.uukanshu. Even if com is placed on the great route, it will not be bad.

It was immediately obvious that these navies were not simple.

Haven't seen that the pirates under his subordinates have already been beaten by the ten ordinary sailors in a short period of time?

I didn't see my deputy captain and chief of staff, did I just give that little girl Lei a second?

With such an elite sea soldier and a subordinate of a nature-type Devil Fruit, Li Yan would be an ordinary person?

I haven't read the book, but don't lie to me!

"Me? Didn't you say it just now, it's just the base chief of a poor branch in the East China Sea!"

"Don't talk nonsense, even the sailors of Rogge Town are far from being so elite, and that girl is the Thunder Fruit that is known as the strongest attack power of the Nature Department. Even if it is placed in the Navy Headquarters, it is definitely a treasure. pimple!"

Bucky roared, he concluded that the kid in front of him must be lying to himself.

What a downcast branch of the East China Sea...

Do not make jokes!

This must be the elite of the Navy Headquarters, yes, it must be!

However, why do the elites of the headquarters go all the way to the East China Sea to deal with them, and they also have to hide their identities?


Has it been revealed that you used to be a crew member of the Roger Pirates?

"What I said is the truth. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do!"

"Well, Red Nose, I'll give you two choices!"

"One, surrender and surrender, and then join the Eighteen Branch."

"Second, I beat him up and then arrested him and locked him up until he was willing to join the Eighteen Branch."

"Okay, you can start choosing!"

Slowly pulling out his saber Lan Ya, Li Yan said with a playful expression.