People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 431: ambush! Cracker's Crow's Mouth

On the sea, a fleet of hundreds of ships of various sizes is galloping.

And the largest of them, the Queen Mother Anthem...

"This **** Li Yan, dare to threaten our BIGMOM Pirates!"

"Mom, after this incident, we will go directly to the East China Sea to destroy his eighteen branches!"

On the deck, as General Xing Ke Li said, his face was full of gloom.

On the other side, looking at Charlotte Lingling's increasingly angry expression, Katakuri immediately gave him a stern look.

I'll talk about it when I go back. Didn't I see that my mother was already on the verge of an outbreak?

This is if there is a sudden outbreak of chaos now, I am afraid that the whole ship will be destroyed.

"Shut up, Cracker, stop provoking mom now!"


Suddenly, Katakuri remained motionless as if he had been immobilized.

At this moment, a picture flashed in his mind.

That is the picture of their entire fleet being destroyed.

Some ships have sunk, some haven't, but even the ones that haven't been silent are mostly badly wounded.

The most important thing is that in this picture, he did not see the Queen Mother Anthem.

However, he still found a key point in this picture.

Countless sea tornadoes are raging not far from the fleet.

Soon, Katakuri came back to his senses and turned his head to look to the right side of the fleet. Isn't that the sea tornado that he just saw in the future picture?

However, in the picture just now, he did not see how the fleet was attacked, nor did he know who attacked it.

"Speaking of which, that guy Li Yan is really trash. Dafu said that they can bombard Cake Island with more than 20 kilometers away, right?"

"If it were me, I knew that we would return to Cake Island in a straight line at the fastest speed, so I would have intercepted it in the middle of the road. We can't do it for more than 20 kilometers, right?"

"For example...hide the fleet in the dead sea area of ​​Battle, and attack directly when we are traveling from the outside."

Just when Katakuri was looking around because he saw some future pictures, trying to find the enemy, Kelica was talking constantly there.

"Brother Crarick, we don't even dare to enter the sea of ​​death in Battle!"

"That's right, it's ridiculous!"

"Yes, yes, if Li Yan really has the guts to do this, I will swallow the ship."

Hearing what Kelica said, several people on the side came to a conclusion, and then burst into laughter.

However, Katakuri, who also heard this, could not laugh at all.

after all...

He saw a picture of the future.

Although I didn't see who it was or where did it attack from, but now I'm feeling a shudder when I listen to Kelijia's words.


Are you really hiding in the Dead Sea of ​​Battle?

"Notify the fleet to stop the ship and circle a little further out!"

Thinking of this possibility, Katakuri couldn't calm down any longer, and immediately shouted.

"Brother Katakuri, Brother Cracker is just joking, how can you take it seriously?"

"A joke, this is not a joke, at this moment there is a 90% chance that the East China Sea Fleet is hiding there!"

Raising his hand and pointing in the direction of Battle's Sea of ​​Death, Katakuri shouted loudly.

"Impossible. Even we don't dare in that sea area. If the East China Sea Fleet really entered, I'm afraid that it would have been destroyed before it attacked us."

"I saw it. Immediately let the fleet circle outwards, away from the dead sea area of ​​Battle, hurry up!"


Even Cracker himself was stunned.

I just said it casually, but the East China Sea Fleet really hid in the dead sea area of ​​Battle, ready to ambush?

Although it still felt unlikely, Cracker would not doubt what Katakuri said.

After all, they all know that Katakuri's knowledge has been practiced to the point where he can see the short-term future.

So, since Katakuri said it, it must be true.

However, it seems that it is too late.

shhhhhhhhhh! ! !

The sound of cannonballs piercing the sky instantly sounded.

The next moment, bang bang bang bang! ! !

Although it did not hit any ships, after all, they were separated by seven or eight kilometers. Even the East China Sea Fleet did not have such a high hit rate in the first round of shelling, and it was more just a test shot.

But even so, the huge power of the shells exploded, still aroused a big wave, and even a few pirates caught a few relatively close ships and were directly thrown off.

Seeing this scene, Kelijia's whole person is not good, is he really such a crow's mouth?

"What are you still doing? Immediately let the fleet go out and stay away from the dead sea area of ​​Battle, hurry up!"

Looking at the group of younger brothers and sisters who were stunned there, Katakuri shouted again angrily.

And being so sorry, everyone also came back to their senses.

Suddenly the boat was busy.

However, as far as these sailboats are concerned, it may take nearly an hour to escape the shelling range of the East China Sea Fleet.

After all, on the two 50,000-ton battleships, each was equipped with three triple-mounted 380mm cannons with a range of more than 20 kilometers.


Soon, before even the fleet had time to turn around, another wave of cannonballs shot out from the sea of ​​death in Battle.

This time, it was not just a test firing of a few artillery shells, but a salvo of hundreds of main guns from the entire fleet, forty warships.

With the first test and the humanoid radar Violet to provide Usopp with a landing spot, and finally Usopp, the shelling commander of the East Sea Fleet, was there.

The hit rate of the second round of shelling was significantly improved by several notches.

Two pirate ships were directly hit, and three more pirate ships were damaged by near misses.

However, the shells that hit the Queen Mother Anthem were all intercepted.

After all, there are a lot of strong people on this ship, and there are several of them, devil fruit capable people with long-distance non-contact interception ability.

But even if they were successfully intercepted, they were still unhappy.

To know how powerful the 380mm main gun is, unless you can accurately intercept it from a few hundred meters away, the power of its blasting can still affect you.

And those capable people on the ship can intercept them at a distance of more than 100 meters at most.

The terrifying shock wave even sent many ordinary pirates flying directly into the sea, and some of them were obviously injured even though the four caught something and were not thrown out.

At the same time, Battelle died in the sea.

In the battleship where Li Yan was.

"Two ships were hit, three ships were hit hard, and the enemy fleet was turning north!"

"Understood, each ship will start to adjust according to the following data..."

After hearing Violet's words, Usopp immediately began to coordinate the next round of shelling, holding the microphone and kept saying some technical terms.

Soon, every warship sent feedback.

Violet and Usopp are definitely the best partners in the bombardment of the East China Sea Fleet.

One observes from God's perspective, and the other coordinates the bombardment of the fleet based on the observations.

"The whole fleet, the bombardment begins!"

Boom boom boom boom! ! !