People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 441: naval meeting

In the evening, when the main aftermath work was completed, Akainu also called for a meeting of all the people above the lieutenant general level.

Naturally, Li Yan also participated.

The main topic of this meeting was the same as what Li Yan talked to Drago before.

About how to deal with Wano country!

"About Kaido's situation, as I said just now!"

At the beginning, Akainu mainly introduced Kaido's situation.

After all, only a few lieutenant generals heard Li Yan's explanation before.

"So, we need to have a good discussion about what to do with Wano. You can talk about what you think."

"Marshal, in my opinion, when Kaido loses his fighting power and half of the officers of the Hundred Beasts Pirates are arrested, he will directly send a heavy army to take the country of Wano!"

Just after Akainu's voice fell, Dauberman spoke directly.

"No, I don't agree. The construction of the headquarters has not been completed yet. At least within half a year, we have no ability at all to separate the large Leon troops to defend the country of Wano."

"Then if you can't hold it down, why waste your soldiers' lives fighting?"

Talking is the burning mountain.

Although recently because of Akainu's series of actions, the boundaries between hawks and doves have faded a lot.

But this does not mean that the confrontation between the two factions has been completely eliminated.

Coupled with Huoshaoshan and Dauberman, you usually don't like me, and I don't like you, and everyone is used to it.

In the high-level meeting of the Navy, it would be strange if the two goods did not hear each other.

Of course, when the green pheasants were still around, the most fierce rivals were actually the red dog and the green pheasants, and then it was the turn of the two.

"Comrade He, what do you think?"

Maybe Akainu doesn't like Sengoku, but he still respects Crane.

"If we do this in the navy, the risk is too great. If one fails to win, not only the country of Wano will not be able to keep it, but even the headquarters can't be kept."

"In the end, it may even lead to the disappearance of the advantages the Navy gained after this battle!"

Is it really so...

After hearing what Tsuru said, Akainu also sighed slightly.

For Wano country, Akainu is very greedy.

Not only because this is the territory of one of the four emperors, but also because he is the origin of Hailou stone in the world.

Once taken here, the navy can even further get rid of the control of the Holy Land Mary Joa to a large extent.

After all, once you have mastered the Hailou Stone, you will have more chips in your hands.

But as Huoshaoshan and Crane said.

The risk is too great!

At least, for now, the navy does not have the ability to divide troops to defend the headquarters and Wano country at the same time. One of them is to be divided and raped, and in the end, they can only escape back to the first half of the great route.

This is not what Akainu wants.

"I agree with Lieutenant General Crane's opinion, but even if we don't take it, we can't let the other four emperors get it."

"It shouldn't be a big problem. As long as we don't take the initiative to disclose Kaido's situation, there should be no other plans for the Four Emperors to fight Wano Kingdom in a short time."

After pondering for a moment, the crane said.

Hearing that, Akainu also nodded.

Even with red hair, he just saw that the navy stuffed Kaido with a Devil Fruit, but he didn't know what kind of fruit it was.

Therefore, as long as the navy blocked the news, the other three emperors would not take action against Wano Kingdom.

After all, Kaido isn't dead yet, is he?

"It's just that this method can be delayed for ten days and a half months, but for a few months or even half a year, I'm afraid it won't work."

Finally, the crane added another sentence.

You said that after ten days and a half months, Kaido didn't return to Wano, that's okay.

If they didn't go back for a month, two months or even half a year, the other emperors would not be fools.

Therefore, this method can only be dealt with in the short-term, and in the long-term, other methods need to be considered.

"Li Yan, what are your thoughts?"

Well, originally Li Yan just wanted to act as an observer, and didn't want to participate in expressing his opinions.

However, this was directly asked by name, and it was impossible to say anything without saying anything.

In this case...

"Marshal, if I tell you, just let Kaido go!"

"Let Kaido go?"

"Yes, since it's not a long-term solution to keep Kaido locked up, it's better to let him go and let him return to Wano."

"Tell me in detail!"

Although Akainu was extremely reluctant to let Kaido go, he knew that there must be some reason for Li Yan to say that.

So, don't rush to reject it, just listen and talk.

"Marshal, look, Kaido is now a piece of trash, but others don't know it!"

"So, after returning to Wano, Kaido will definitely not tell others about his situation, especially the other three emperors, but will stay in the ghost island forever."

"Correspondingly, as long as Kaido sits on the ghost island, even if he is completely housed, and he doesn't go out to cause trouble for a few months and a half, others will feel a little strange at most, and he won't really go to the country of peace."

"As for Kaido himself, we can let him go today, but can we get him back after half a year?"

Akainu nodded while listening.

This is true. Kaido, who has become a waste now, even if he is released by himself today, isn't it a very simple matter to catch it back after half a year or even a year?

As for before that, it would be fine to let him go back to Wano Country.

However, what Akainu didn't know was that Li Yan was actually greedy for Kaido's body.

After all, that is a body that can hold two Devil Fruits without exploding, put him back, and then let Drago grab it for himself, and finally throw it to Vega Punk to study.


It is not impossible for Vegapunk to use Kaido's body, plus the abilities of the previous bear and Kizaru, to make a stronger pacifist than the original.

Therefore, Li Yan made such a suggestion.

After all, if Kaido is locked up in the Navy Headquarters, he is really not easy to start with.

"What does Lieutenant General Crane think?"

"I think Li Yan's suggestion can be tried. As long as we operate well, and Kaido himself is not stupid, then there should be no problem."

"Lieutenant General Crane, don't worry, this Kaido only looks rough on the outside, but in fact he is careful, he won't do something stupid that will cost him his life!"


Hearing this, He also nodded.

After all, the Department of Naval Intelligence has long profiled Kaido's character and behavioral characteristics.

And the result is exactly what Li Yan said just now.

Kaido is actually a very shy guy, but also a very smart guy.

"Okay, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the flying squirrel is responsible for this matter. I will send Kaido away tomorrow, and just leave it in any sea area."

" it really going to be thrown into the sea, or...give him a boat?"

Hearing Akainu's order, Flying Squirrel asked hesitantly.

And this also made Akainu stunned for a while, what kind of problem is this, why give him a boat?

"This marshal, I think Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel means..."

"According to Kaido's current situation, you have to throw him directly into the water, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to return to Wano country..."

"After all, the icy seabed is also a kind of stimulation for creatures!"

"And if Kaido is stimulated..."