People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 453: G-Crisis of the Eight Branches

The first half of the great route, paradise.

"Violet, how are you?"

"Three suspicious targets have been found so far, General!"


Inside the bridge of a battleship, Violet was constantly searching with her staring fruit ability.

"The first target, 2,800 kilometers away from us, is heading to Chambord. It is a warship of the world navy, and the existence of two lieutenant generals has been confirmed."

"The second target, 2,400 kilometers away from us, is also a warship of the world navy. It is tracking a small fleet of our navy and has confirmed the existence of a lieutenant general."

"The third target, 380 kilometers away from us, is heading to the G8 branch, which is a pirate ship, but on the ship I confirmed a large number of pirate corpses, as well as the existence of suspected world navy admirals, because they wear masks, they cannot fully confirm!"

After listening to Violet's report, Li Yan began to think.

According to the first and second attacks, it can basically be judged that each time the opponent used a crushing level of strength, otherwise it would be impossible for no one in the entire branch to have time to spread the news.

And if you want to achieve this kind of power, you must have a general-level combat power.

Obviously, the first goal does not meet this.

As for the second goal, it does not meet the purpose of the Holy Land.

After all, a small naval fleet consists of only three warships, and there are not many high-value targets on it.

But the third goal is different.

Dressed in the uniform of the World Admiral, wearing a mask, and also used a pirate ship.

Most importantly, the formal target is the G8 branch.

This looks very suspicious.

"Violet, how long until the third target reaches the G8 branch?"

"About eight hours, General!"

"Ain, contact Lieutenant General Garp, cancel the original rendezvous plan, and let him go directly to the G8 branch!"

"Understood, I'll go!"

"Violet, keep an eye on the third target, and report immediately if there is any situation!"

"Yes, General!"

Is 380 kilometers...

The fleet's speed is 24 knots, which means it will take eight hours and forty minutes to reach the G8 branch.

Time is very dangerous.

As he took out his mobile phone and dialed, Li Yan muttered to himself in his heart.

"Lieutenant General Jonathan, I'm Li Yan!"

"I just confirmed that a suspicious target is approaching your G8 branch and will arrive in about eight hours."

"Yes, that's how I doubt it, at least 80% sure!"

"Well, I'm already on my way, but at the speed of the fleet, it will take about eight hours and forty minutes to arrive."

"Okay, that's it!"


At the same time, the G8 branch.

Inside Jonathan's office.

"Come on!"

"Lieutenant General!"

"Let the chief officers of all units and departments come to my office!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General!"

ten minutes later.

There are more than ten people in Jonathan's office.

"Since everyone is here, let me explain the situation first."

"Well, General Li Yan contacted me just now, saying that a deliberate pirate ship was found, approaching us, about eight hours, no, it should arrive in seven hours and fifty minutes, and this pirate ship has a large number of Pirate corpses, as well as world admirals and a large number of other generals exist."

"What does that mean, I don't think you don't understand?"

Looking around at everyone, Jonathan said, his face full of seriousness.

Those who heard this quickly flashed two recent bad incidents in their minds.

The massacres of the G4 branch and the Duroc branch.

No matter which one of them, the entire naval branch was slaughtered.

Including hundreds of sailors, including a large number of generals, but also including the head of the branch of the lieutenant general.

"Lieutenant General, do you mean..."

"Yes, there is at least an 80% chance that it is this guy who came, and his goal is to prepare another slaughter scene in the G8 branch!"


Hearing Jonathan's personal confirmation, anyone who had guessed it just now took a deep breath.

"Be quiet, I have two news to share next, one good and one bad!"

"The good news is that General Li Yan, who was hunting these people under the command of the marshal, found them in time and rushed to our side at full speed."

"But the bad news is that General Li Yan will arrive here, eight and a half hours later, in other words, he will be forty minutes later than the enemy!"

"So, our goal is to defend the G8 branch before the East China Sea Fleet arrives!"

"Next, I will arrange the task."

"First of all, all non-combatants immediately evacuate the G8 branch, at least 300 kilometers west of the branch!"

Jonathan said seriously as he tapped his fingers on the table.


"I disagree!"

The one who spoke was Jessica, the chief cook of the G8 branch of the Navy.

"This is an order!"

"No, even if we are the cooking department, our combat power will never be worse than other naval units!"

"I'm against it too!"

"And I!"

Just after Jessica's voice fell, the head of the maintenance and medical classes also spoke up.

"Lieutenant General, as soon as the battle starts, there will definitely be casualties among the marines. Are you letting our medical team leave to watch those marines die?"

The head of the medical class said.

"And our preparation team. If we are gone, who will be responsible for the operation of the various systems of the entire branch, as well as the warships!"

"Besides, we are going to escape today, what kind of face do you have for the people in our preparation class to come back in the future?"

The head of the preparation class also continued.


Seeing Jonathan also sighed slightly.

Seriously, stick to 40 minutes, and even if he gets the information in advance, Jonathan doesn't think the probability of success will be high.

According to his judgment, a 20% chance is very good.

Therefore, he thought about letting those non-combat departments evacuate, after all, they are not combatants.

However, now it seems that it can't be driven away.

And there's nothing wrong with what they said, if it was their own words, I'm afraid they would also refuse to leave.

"Well, if you insist..."

"I'll make arrangements next, combat deployment!"



In the G8 branch, only a few places are still lit.

After all, at this point in time, except for a small number of people and essential positions, all other personnel have already rested.

Then at night, a pirate ship was slowly approaching, and there was no fire on the whole ship.

"As usual, I'll go ahead and deal with the lieutenant general's branch chief, you wait for my signal before you start!"

Only one kilometer away from the branch, on the deck of the pirate ship, No. 3 explained to the others.

After looking around and confirming that everyone understood, No. 3 also nodded, and then made a moon step...

Quickly swept towards the G-8 branch.