People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 478: Ace's identity revealed

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

Appayado large scientific research institute.

A group of white lab coats were busy in front of the console, while Vega Punk was standing behind, watching the pictures from the Eighteenth Branch.


"I used to decide that this toy was good, but now..."

"I already have better toys."

"It's just that the Holy Land is still very good at obtaining this information from under my nose..."

Vegapunk is quite sure that he destroyed all the stored research data when he left, and it is absolutely impossible to restore it.

But at this moment, the pacifists who appeared in the East China Sea obviously got those materials that should have been destroyed.

Although he was a little curious, how the Holy Land did it.

However, he didn't care much about the Holy Land getting this information.

After all, as he himself said, it was just his old toy, outdated technology.

Speaking of which, since Gage is here, then this pacifist was created by him for the Holy Land, right?

Otherwise, it will depend on those idiots in the Holy Land. Even if I give them the blueprint, I am afraid that they will not be able to create it at all.

But what Gage did was still a little rough.

If it were him, he would definitely allow Kaido to use his original fruit ability.

Now, he can only use lasers.

There is also a big problem with intelligence, and the combat power is not as strong as it looks on the surface.

The only thing worthy of praise is that Gage did this somehow and kept Kaido's blue dragon form.

"Director, Punishment No. 2 is already in place, do you want to use a tungsten rod to attack?"

"Do you want to raze the entire Corona Island to the ground, calibrate with a high-energy laser cannon!"

"Yes, Director."

Vegapunk was speechless.

Are these scientific researchers under your own hands all pig brains?

With a tungsten rod...

I'm afraid that the whole Corona Island will be gone once it is sent, okay?

"The target has been locked, the high-energy laser cannon is charging, and it is expected to be completed in 380 seconds!"


At the same time, Corona Island.

East coastline.

People in this world, even the physical fitness of ordinary people, are quite exaggerated.

Not to mention these world navies from CP organizations.

The speed of this one run...

The distance of one kilometer was completed in one minute.

The speed is as high as 60 kilometers per hour, you are not a car, are you?

The point is, none of them are breathless.

On the coastline, apart from some strong reinforced concrete structures, there was no presence of any East China Sea navy soldiers, as if Li Yan had given up this line of defense.

However, this is not the case.

Just as the World Navy rushed to the coast, heads suddenly appeared on the small **** in front, and immediately the Corona Type 19 and a large number of machine guns were erected.

People in this world don't know what a trench is. After all, in their concept, battles are mainly based on hand-to-hand combat, that is, during fleet warfare at sea, artillery is used more.

Therefore, even if a trench is discovered, I don't understand the use of digging this thing.

But at the next moment.

blah blah blah blah...

da da da da da...

On the **** more than 100 meters ahead, the East China Sea sailors hid in the trenches one by one and began to attack.

There were three squadrons on the defense line, and the dense firepower network was so overwhelming that the world navy could not raise its head.

Not only the rifle firepower, but in just a few seconds, three of the artillery positions deployed on the island also started shelling.

boom boom boom...

On the extremely empty beach, there was no bunker to hide at all, and a sailor from the world's navy became a living target at this moment.

The steel torrent composed of countless bullets, coupled with the falling cannonballs, makes it difficult for the world's navy to move forward.

Even some mighty ones do.

Although they can block a few guns or a small number of shells, they face more than 5,000 guns from three squadrons, plus a large number of machine guns.

They really can't stop.

However, this is only for non-natural ability people, but it is not a big threat to Aokiji.

"Ice cubes, two thorn spears!"

Leaping directly into the air, a frozen spear gradually condensed in his hand, and threw it at a machine gun team in the trench.

If this is to be confirmed, the two-man machine gun team will definitely not survive, and even the few sailors on the side will be affected by the freezing.

Maybe not dead, but hit hard for sure.

However, since Li Yan has set up a line of defense here, how can he not beware of Aokiji or some other capable people?

"fire punch!"


The fire fist and the ice spear collided together, entangled with each other for a while, and neither let the other.

It wasn't until more than ten seconds later that it finally dissipated.

"Ayes the fire fist!"

"Our world navy has found out your details, your father..."

"Shut up!"

Hearing Aokiji's words, the Ace Alliance immediately became ugly.

"Why, are you afraid of being told by me, your background!"

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

"Really, then let me help you remember, your father's name is Ge..."

" Put away your inferior tricks!"

Just when Qingzhi was about to say that name, and everyone in the live broadcast room pricked up their ears, ready to listen to this big melon.

A loud voice resounded throughout Corona Island.

Frowning, Qingzhi looked towards the execution platform, where Li Yan was holding a microphone.

"You mean, Ace's father is Gol D. Roger, so he is the bloodline of sin?"

"This thing...even years ago, I knew about it!"


In the live broadcast room, everyone was shocked when they heard Li Yan's words.

Is Ace the son of Gol D. Roger?

real or fake?

If it is true, it is really a bloodline of sin, and it cannot exist in the world.

And General Li Yan said that he knew it many years ago.

Then why?

"I know that people around the world who are watching the live broadcast must be thinking, since I already knew it, why didn't I kill Ace, this sinful bloodline?"

"This is an interesting question. Who told you that your father is a criminal and your son is a criminal?"

"Who told you that sin is a bloodline?"

"Everyone asks themselves, how many people dare to pat their chests and say that their ancestors have dozens, hundreds, or even more generations, and there have been no criminals?"

"According to the logic that the father is a criminal, and the son has the blood of a criminal, so he must be executed, then the world can be destroyed!"

"Because a certain generation of your ancestors was executed long ago!"

"Whether it is evil or not has nothing to do with blood, it only depends on your own choice!"

"So, in my eyes, Ace is not a sinful bloodline, but..."

"An East China Sea navy who upholds justice!"