People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 493: Execute the Tianlong people!

After cleaning up the chaos on the hospital side and restraining all the pirates.

Li Yan also brought people to the frontal battlefield for support.

However, there seems to be no need for support here.

Before Li Yan arrived, a loud noise was heard, and everyone could see from a distance that the green pheasant was blown away by Garp again.

This time, Aokiji was no longer able to stand, but lay in the huge pothole that was smashed by himself, his eyes staring at the sky a little blankly.

In the position of the world navy, because Garp initially destroyed more than a dozen pacifists, there was a loophole in the front defense, so Ain seized the opportunity and let the artillery bombard the gap indiscriminately. .

Coupled with the serious injury of No. 2, it was impossible to continue to intercept the fleet shelling from the rear.

Under the double blow, the entire world's navy was quickly fragmented, and many people even raised their guns and surrendered.


Since those generals from the CP organization still did not surrender, the shelling continued. At this moment, more than half of their losses had been lost, and the rest were almost all injured.

Especially after the bombardment of the East Sea Fleet in the rear, even pacifists could not stand it.

There were more than 50 pacifists at the beginning, and now there are only more than 10 left, and more than half of them have been severely damaged.

"Kuzan kid, order them to surrender!"

"Continue to resist, in the end none of them will survive!"

Standing on the edge of the pothole, Garp looked at the green pheasant lying in it and persuaded.

"It's useless, Mr. Karp, do you think those guys from the CP organization will really obey my orders unconditionally?"

"It might be fine with other orders, but for them to surrender..."

"There is no possibility at all!"

It wasn't that Karp couldn't understand this.

The people in the CP organization have always been brainwashed since childhood, and in some respects, they are indeed firm-willed.

I didn't see those CP members who were following the Tianlong people. Even if the Tianlong people pointed their guns at them, or even shot them, they would not blink.

Therefore, it is indeed a fantasy to make these people surrender.

Especially for some of them who are CP0, that is even more impossible.

"Well, if that's the case..."

"As for you, you'd better take a trip with the old man and take a good look at the correctional education that Li Yan said!"

Saying that, Garp directly picked up the green pheasant with his right hand, then rushed out in the direction of the execution platform, and soon came to Li Yan.

"Li Yan boy, Kuzan will be handed over to you."

Throwing the green pheasant on the ground, Garp said to Li Yan.

In fact, Li Yan also understands that Karp still has some feelings for Aokiji. After all, he has regarded himself as an idol for decades and followed his own ass, right?

Although the little follower has gone the wrong way now, he still wants to save it.

Worth mentioning, correcting education is correcting education. Anyway, it is going to be done in the first place, so let's just use the green pheasant as the first experimental product.

Nodding, then waving his hand, several sailors came up, controlled the green pheasant and held it down.

The remnants of the world's navy do not need Li Yan's more attention now.

So, Li Yan simply returned to the execution platform.


Six p.m.

The public execution has been going on for a full ten hours.

It is really...

These guys have too much incriminating evidence, and even some guys who have too many things, the incriminating evidence is ten minutes at a time.

During this period, even the people who read out the incriminating evidence have changed five.

Finally, only the last batch remained.

Said to be the last batch, in fact, there is only one person.

Draco St. Ludwig!

It was still the same procedure, the person was brought up, and then began to read the evidence found by the intelligence department.

However, this thought took half an hour before he finally finished reading his sinful life.

And at this moment, people all over the world opened their eyes for the first time.

This guy has done so many cruel and inhuman things, and even for fun, he even made a bet with other Tianlong people how much food a baby can eat to survive, and he really found a baby to test.

There are countless things like this.

Compared with others, people even felt that the nobles who were shot before were actually good people.

and this...

It's still just a Tianlong person. You know, there are hundreds of people in the Holy Land.

This is simply more malignant than a pirate!

At this moment, Ludwig was so frightened that he lost his incontinence, and he didn't look like he used to be aloof and murderous at all times.

I have to say that the first time I saw Tianlong people like this, people all over the world watching the live broadcast were inexplicably excited.

However, what they didn't know was that at this moment, the shackles that the Holy Land had built in their hearts for 800 years had begun to gradually break.

"Now I announce that Ludwig, the dragon man, has a total of 487 crimes that have been verified, and he will be sentenced to execution by shooting!"

On the execution platform, Li Yan waved his hand and announced loudly.

"Yes, firing squad, raise your guns!"



blah blah blah blah...

After a burst of gunfire, the whole world fell silent.

In eight hundred years, this is the first time that a Tianlong person has been sentenced to death, and it is still the kind of public execution, in front of the whole world.

Even if everyone knew for a long time, a Celestial Dragon would be executed today.

But the impact is still so strong.

At this moment, the shackles that imprisoned this world for 800 years suddenly shattered, making everyone clearly aware of it.

The Tianlong people are not gods, and on the execution platform, they behaved even more unbearably than those nobles.

And starting today, the Navy will also receive the name of true justice, justice without any restrictions.

It can be said that at this moment the navy has been reborn!



New world, Wano country.

Ghost Island, the new headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, is now filled with the bodies of the Revolutionary Army.

A figure was standing in the sky, holding a long sword, exuding an ominous aura, looking down at Dorag and many revolutionary army cadres below.

At the moment, Dorag was still covered in blood, and he was barely able to stand with the help of other cadres.

"Dorag, hand over the things, otherwise, there will be no living people here, not only here, this country of Wano will become a country of death."

His eyes stared at Drago below, his face full of disdain.

The bald-headed five old star with a knife said in a deep voice.

"You can give things to you, but how can you guarantee that you won't continue to take things after you get them?"

"Promise? Do you have any other options now besides betting that I will keep my word?"




There was a full three minutes of silence.

Seriously, Dorag wanted to say no, but...

There are still tens of thousands of revolutionary army soldiers on the track, UU reading www. And in the country, there are millions of innocent people.

How can I refuse?


It's impossible to win at all. This guy is even more terrifying than the Four Emperors. Even if the entire revolutionary army goes together, he can't beat him alone.

Would rather sacrifice millions of people than hand over things?

This kind of thing, Drago can't do it yet.

As he said, Drago had no other choice than to gamble that he would keep his promise.

"Okay, I'll give you that thing!"

With that said, Drago took out a small box from his body and threw it at the bald-headed Five Old Star with a knife.

In the air, after checking the box that came with the help of Drago and making sure it was correct...

In a flash, he disappeared without a trace.