People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 498: The original history of the Neferutali f

Three days later, Appayado Research Institute.

Since Li Yan brought this thing, Vega Punk has been researching it for a whole day and night, but still can't come up with a result.

The world's most powerful scientist, in front of this small box like a handicraft...

Was stumped!

"I said you brought this thing?"

"Although I haven't figured out its principle yet, one thing is certain, this is completely different from the current technological system in our world!"

"How do I put it... It's like my first encounter with aircraft, missiles, or satellites. It's out of line with the direction I've been researching in the past, and this thing gives me the feeling that it's like this, but compared to those things. , this thing is a hundred thousand times more complicated."

Rao was Vega Punk, and he was a little crazy at this moment.

As for what Vegapunk said, Li Yan was not incomprehensible. It was like letting primitive people suddenly come into contact with modern technology, separated by one or even several dimensions.

In this case, no matter how powerful Vega Punk is, it is impossible to understand and break through in a short time.

Moreover, for Li Yan, the most important thing is not to let this thing fall into the hands of the five old stars. As for whether he can research something, he is not very anxious.

After all, according to my own speculation, this is probably only one of the twenty keys. Even if the research is thorough, it will not make much sense. At most, it is just to confirm this matter.

Compared with this, it is better to spend more effort in other aspects.

And now, another trouble awaits him.

That's what to do with Alabasta.

If the news that he got the key is not made public, Alabasta may be attacked again, and the next time the Five Old Stars may even attack Cobra directly.

Although Li Yan believed that Cobra would not explain everything just because he was threatened by the Five Old Stars.

But anyway, Alabasta is a kingdom that cooperates deeply with itself, especially its rich oil resources, which are indispensable for its future development.

Although you only need to release the wind yourself, this key has been obtained by yourself, and the crisis in Alabasta can be lifted immediately.

But the key is...

If the Five Old Stars were to deal with themselves as they dealt with Dorag, would they be able to resist them now?

Li Yan didn't have an answer to this question, after all, he knew too little about the Five Old Stars.

At present, it is only the information that Drago said, and its combat power is above the four emperors.

As for the others, such as the Five Old Stars have restrictions on their actions, they need to pay a great price and cannot be maintained for too long, etc., they are only guesses and cannot be confirmed.

and many more...

Why do you have to choose to tell or not tell the Five Old Stars whether the key has been obtained by yourself?

Suddenly, Li Yan found himself trapped in a strange circle of thinking.

You know, there is another way to convince the Five Old Stars that the key is not in Alabasta from beginning to end.

Although this method requires some special premise, but Li Yan can just meet this premise.


a week later.

For Rob Luqi, who has been missing for a long time, the five old stars have also made people investigate a lot.

According to the information they got, the naval station on the edge of the Yuba Oilfield was indeed attacked by a sneak attack, and more than a dozen marines died.

On the second day after the incident, Weiwei had already gone to the 18th branch of the East China Sea.

All these signs show that Lu Qi really did something, but in the end he failed.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain that the intact Weiwei can still be seen the next day.

And the most important thing is that at this moment, Weiwei has already gone to the 18th branch, and it will be very difficult for them to start again. No, it should be said that it is an impossible task.


One of the four of them went off in person.

Why say four, because the other one is already lying dead.

As a result, the Five Old Stars, who could no longer attack Weiwei, finally turned to Cobra.

If they could, they didn't want to. After all, there was a lack of hostages who could threaten Cobra, and they weren't sure whether Cobra would compromise.

But as of now, they have no other way.

Taking advantage of the night, a new CP0 four-person action team came to Albana and sneaked into the palace.

Cobra, who was sleeping, was suddenly awakened, and when he opened his eyes, there were already four men in white suits and masks in the room. Obviously, this standard attire can be known without guessing, it is the pie of the Holy Land. Four CP0s who came.

However, after discovering that it was CP0, Cobra didn't panic.

After all, you've been waiting for them for days, haven't you?

"Your Majesty Cobra, we have appointed the Five Old Stars to ask for something."

"It turns out that you guys did something to my daughter some time ago, just to ask for something. If you want something, just come to me directly. Why do you want to touch my daughter?"

"Sorry, I don't know anything else."

Although he said sorry, he couldn't feel any regret in his words or expressions.

However, what the CP0 captain said was also true, he really didn't know about Lu Qi's previous actions.

After all, just like Lu Qi, they are only CP0's reserve team, and they haven't even been able to become regulars.

"Well, what do you want?"

"The key, the key to Neferutari's house!"

"The key to Neferutali's house? I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Your Majesty Cobra, Lord Five Old Stars said that because the previous king of Alabasta went very suddenly, there may be some things that could not be explained to you in time, so if you don't know what the key is and where it is, please Just take us to the royal mausoleum of the Naferutali family!"

"Did you take you to the emperor's mausoleum, so that you won't attack my daughter again in the future?"

"Of course, as long as you get the things, the Holy Land has no reason to do anything to you or your daughter!"

"Okay, let's go!"


Soon, the four came to the underground imperial mausoleum under the leadership of Cobra.

However, after a while of searching, nothing was found, which made the four of them anxious.

You know, this is their assessment task. After completing it, it will be the official CP0. If it can't be completed...

Not to mention that it is impossible to become an official CP0, it is difficult to say whether the life can be saved.

How can this be done?

"What, can't find anything?"

Silence, all four were silent.

"Let me give you a suggestion. If you can't find it, you can look at this original history. Maybe there will be records on it. After all, this original history should record the history of our Nafirutali family. If that thing is very important , there should be writing."

Hearing this, the eyes of the four of them also brightened, but they soon dimmed again.

They know the original history, and what Cobra said is indeed possible.

But the problem is, they can't understand the ancient script...

"team leader?"

"Don't'll contact Lord Five Old Stars!"

Soon, the captain took out a specially made phone bug and got in touch.

When the Five Old Stars learned about the situation here, they directly ordered them to bring back the original history, but this was rejected by Cobra.

According to Cobra's words, you can take pictures and take them back to study slowly, but you can't take things away. After all, this piece of history is the treasure of the Neferutali family.

For this, the Five Old Stars agreed without thinking about it for a long time.

After all, without the consent of that person, they would not dare to really attack the Nafirutari family.

Anyway, just to understand the content recorded above, there is no essential difference between taking pictures and bringing back the real objects.

After a few minutes.

When the four CP0s left, Cobra was also relieved.

It's so hard to play...