People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 51: Order from Smoker


"Hey, I'm Smoke!"

"Senior Brother Smog, it's me, Li Yan."

Hearing this, Smog frowned slightly.

He remembered, Teacher Zefa said that whenever Li Yan speaks politely, it is not good to prepare!

"Tell me, what do you want?"

"I caught the captain of the Black Cat Pirates, Hundreds of Crows!"

"Just catch it. When the next prison ship goes to the 18th branch... Wait, who do you think you caught?"

Just halfway through speaking, Smoker suddenly reacted, this is not right...

"Captain of the Black Cat Pirates, Hundreds of Cleos!"

"Impossible. Crow was captured by Monka of the 153rd branch more than a year ago, and then executed. How did you catch a dead person?"

"Senior brother, listen to me first, it's like this..."

With Li Yan's narration, Smoker's complexion gradually changed and became more and more ugly.

If what Li Yan said is true...

That's definitely a navy scandal!

The entire navy was tricked by a pirate, can you believe it?

However, you can't just listen to Li Yan's words, you still need to verify it. After all, this is really a bit unbelievable.

"Li Yan, you immediately send Chloe to Rogge Town, and I will personally interrogate him!"

"This is no problem, but Senior Brother, you have to help me with a troublesome thing first..."

"what's up?"

"That's right, after capturing Crow, my subordinates interrogated him, and finally dug out the den of the Black Cat Pirates from his mouth, but..."

Soon, Li Yan explained the current situation again.

And after listening to what Li Yan said, Smog became more and more convinced that Monka was hypnotized. Otherwise, why would he stop Li Yan from approaching Lisser Island, and even have a posture of preparing for war?

There is no reason at all!

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple, as long as the senior brother contacts the 153 branch and issues an order like this..."


A few minutes later, in the waters about 30 nautical miles south of Reese Island.

The two fleets are still facing each other, but after all, everyone is a navy. Even if Monka is hypnotized, it is impossible to directly order an attack on his colleagues.

Moreover, even if he really ordered it, the marines probably wouldn't implement it.

Everyone knows what the consequences of attacking fellow navy colleagues for no reason will be.

Either wait obediently to be caught, and then be sent to a military court within the navy for trial. In the end, it is very likely that they will even be thrown into the push city, or they will simply run away, but then they may be labeled a pirate by the navy.

Such a consequence, even if Monka is powerful, these marines will never dare, unless it is...

If the opponent makes the first move, then self-defense is another matter.

And in the cabin of the warship, the phone worm suddenly rang.


"This is branch 153, please tell me!"

"This is the Rogue Town branch, I'm Smoke!"


After all, it is Rogge Town, which is in charge of all the branches of the entire East China Sea. After hearing Smog's words, a lieutenant who answered the phone worm immediately stood up and saluted, although the opposite could not be seen at all (the phone worm can only simulate expressions , and cannot simulate the movements of other body parts other than facial expressions).

"Now, as the supreme commander of the East China Sea, I have given an order that the warships of the 18th branch are going to Rise Island to perform a top-secret mission, and the warships of the 153th branch will immediately give up the channel, and there must be no obstruction!"

"If during this process, Monka still wants to block the way of the 18th branch fleet, take it down immediately, and Lieutenant Colonel Barr will temporarily manage the 153rd branch!"

"Do you understand?"

The lieutenant, who had been in the communication room and didn't know the scene on the deck just now, was a little stunned when he heard Smoker's order.

What's the situation?

The previous order is still understandable, but why did you say you want to take down Colonel Monka later?

"What about the answer?"

"Yes, Colonel Smog, I'll send the order immediately!"


After hanging up the phone and wiping the sweat from his forehead, the lieutenant immediately ran out of the communication room and came to the deck.

However, just after arriving on the deck, he was completely stunned by the sight in front of him.

Lieutenant Colonel Barr fell to the ground, blood still dripping from the corners of his mouth, and the rest of the sailors also seemed to dare not speak out.

As for Colonel Monka, he looked like he was about to lose control.

"Colonel, Colonel Smoka from Rogue Town, there is an important order!"

"Huh? What order?"

"Colonel Smog said that the Eighteenth Branch is being ordered to carry out a classified mission to Reese Island, requiring the warships of our branch to immediately give up the channel and not to block it, and at the same time..."

Halfway through the command, the lieutenant got stuck.

Looking at Monka's expression on the verge of losing control, how could he dare to continue to say the following words...

"At the same time what?"

Looking at Monka, whose eyes were bloodshot and staring at him, the lieutenant didn't know where the courage suddenly came from.

Forget it, just die!

"At the same time, Colonel Smog said that if Colonel Monka still wants to block the 18th Branch, he will order all the navies of the 153rd Branch to take you down immediately, and then Lieutenant Colonel Barr will temporarily take the position of the 153rd Branch Base Commander..."

At this moment, the entire deck became silent, not even breathing, as if no one was alive.

However, this silence did not last long...

Monka walked slowly to the lieutenant step by step, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com immediately took the father and son mounted on his right arm and waved down at the lieutenant when no one could react!


Just when everyone thought that the lieutenant was sure to die, with the sound of a gunshot, a bullet hit Monka's axe impartially, shaking it away.

"Everyone, hurry up, take down Colonel Monka, he's crazy!"

Lieutenant Colonel Barr was the one who responded the fastest. After seeing this scene, he immediately shouted loudly, and at the same time he rushed up first.

With Baal taking the lead, the rest of the navy still moved one by one, like stacking Arhats. In the end, dozens of them pressed Mongka below, unable to move.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, several other marines also immediately brought locks and chains, and locked up Mengka's exposed hands and feet.

After a group of marines joined forces to subdue Monka, Barr was also relieved.

"Quick, immediately report the situation just now to Colonel Smalls, and ask for instructions on what to do next, and at the same time order all the warships to leave the channel and let the warships of the Eighteenth Branch pass through!"

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel Barr!"

At the same time, on the large warship of the Eighteen Branches 300 meters away, a sailor also put down the Corona XVIII in his hand. It was Larnas who had a B-level shooting talent.

Just after Li Yan and Smoker finished the phone call, he instructed Larnas to keep an eye on Monka at all times, and shoot to stop him if he made any unusual moves.

After seeing that he had successfully rescued the lieutenant with one shot, and that Monka had been subdued by other sailors, Larnas was slightly relieved, and then looked at the Corona Type 18 rifle in his hand...

The more I look at it, the more I can't put it down!