People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 515: Akainu's very bold idea

After two hours of secret execution. . .


Looking at the more than 50 Devil Fruits in front of him, Akainu was a little stunned for a while.


However, this also made the idea in his heart firmer.


"How about Marshal, are you going to bring these fruits back to strengthen the navy, or seal them up?"


Aside, Li Yan asked with a smile.


He wasn't testing Akainu, but he really didn't like these fruits.


For Li Yan, these are some inferior products with some defects, after all. . .


The people in the East China Sea, except those who were already Devil Fruit users before joining, all ate the perfect fruits produced by the system without any side effects.


Therefore, even if Akainu wanted to take all these fruits, Li Yan would have no objection.


Isn't it just a bunch of garbage that the East China Sea Navy doesn't like?


However, Akainu did not directly want to pack all the fruits and bring them back as Li Yan expected, but fell silent, not knowing what he was thinking.


until a few minutes later. . .


"Li Yan, what if I destroy all the Devil Fruits?"


Suddenly, Akainu asked a question that surprised Li Yan.


Destroy all Devil Fruits?


Wait, if these Devil Fruits recovered from pirates are no longer used, but destroyed, and even the fruits of the Navy will be gradually recovered and destroyed in the future, which will eventually lead to a new era without Devil Fruits. . .


What will be the result?


Although the system of taijutsu still exists, it is impossible to deny that people who rely on physique alone to reach their peak cannot even account for 10% of the strong.


At present, most of them rely on fruit ability, or fruit ability combined with physical art, and this is how they become strong.


Even if it's Whitebeard, Kaido, or Charlotte Lingling, if they don't have the fruit ability, although they will become vegetables if they don't say it, their strength will definitely be discounted.


Then, the power of technology is further enhanced.


Unless you can train to Karp's level with physical skills alone, otherwise. . .


After all, there are too many Devil Fruits that have the ability to ignore or easily resist gun attacks.


Covered by large-caliber artillery fire, you have to kneel all the same.


Thinking back then, when Kaido made a riot at the Eighteenth Branch, wasn't Li Yan blasted away by Li Yan with the battleship's main gun and special armor-piercing shells?


So, when the age of Devil Fruits is over, it is time for the power of technology to re-emerge and dominate.


And in this world, who has the strongest technology?


Well, of course the navy.


So, although Akainu's idea is very bold, it is undeniable that it is quite effective.


Otherwise, even if the devil fruit is taken back to the navy, it will inevitably die in the battle between the pirates.


As a result, although the Devil Fruits will decrease, they will still flow out and cannot be completely prevented.


But according to Akainu's idea, the fruit obtained from the pirates will be destroyed directly.


On the other hand, the navy remains the same. Those who do not add new abilities will certainly not obliterate those who have existing abilities.


Whether it is natural death or death from serious injuries, as long as the person is on the side of the navy, the navy will recover the fruit and destroy it at the last minute.


If it was an accidental death outside, then after the fruit's ability reappears, the navy will fully encircle and suppress the fruit before recovering and destroying the fruit.


Sharply reduce the world's Devil Fruits at the fastest speed, and completely wipe out Devil Fruits in the next few decades.


However, Li Yan believes that Akainu has missed the most important thing.


"Marshal, I support your proposal, but..."

"How are you going to destroy the Devil Fruit?"


"You must know that Vega Punk has done experiments before. Even if the devil fruit is not eaten, and it is still a fruit, it is completely destroyed by various methods, but it still cannot eliminate the key bloodline factor. In the end, , after finding a new boarding fruit, the devil fruit will still be resurrected!"


Exactly. . .


Devil Fruits can't be destroyed at all!


This is the key!


However, Li Yan underestimated Akainu this time. . .


For this problem, Akainu has even thought of a solution.


"Li Yan, let me ask you, in the previous war, when you attacked the pacifists in the form of Qinglong, the weapons you used were not deployed on our planet, right?"


Akainu looked at Li Yan with deep meaning.


That attack was the most striking of the entire war.


Perhaps, most people would think that Li Yan used a fighter jet to carry this weapon and hide it above the clouds.


but. . .


Akainu had a completely different idea.


This weapon is not deployed on a fighter plane, because the powerful laser has been irradiating for a long time, but its attack angle has not changed.


In other words, it couldn't have been an attack by a fighter jet!


And above the eighteen branches, as far as Akainu knows, there is no empty island.


Well, a bold one. . .


A guess that even Akainu himself didn't believe in, formed in his heart.


Li Yan directly deployed the weapon to a higher position, not even on this planet!


You must know that he has received several reports that an unknown object suddenly lifted into the sky, and finally broke through the sky and disappeared.


Although there is no evidence, Akainu unconsciously linked this matter with the weapon like Li Yan. . .


On the side, Li Yan, who heard Akainu's words, was also stunned for a moment.


This world does not yet have the technology to launch artificial objects into outer space. It stands to reason that no matter how you think about it, you should also think about that layer. . .


But well, it's nothing.


Rather, even if Akainu doesn't mention it today, Li Yan is ready to stab this matter out in the future.


after all. . .


The so-called deterrence, you have to let people know, what are you using for deterrence?


Otherwise, UU reading www. The five old stars of don't even know that there is such a thing above their heads that can attack them at any time, how can they achieve the effect of deterrence?


"Marshal, your guess is correct, that weapon is deployed outside the planet and is always running on the orbit of our living planet."


"No matter where it is on this planet, I have the ability to put that weapon in place within an hour and deliver a devastating blow!"


"Simply put, it's to play all over the world in one hour!"


"By the way, when it attacked last time, that thing only used 30% of its attack power. If it were to attack with all its strength, it could even destroy the island with one blow."


hiss. . .


Although Akainu had a hunch, he should have guessed it.


However, what Li Yan revealed was far more terrifying than he had guessed.


Play around the world in one hour?


Attack power that can't be reached with a single blow?


Do you want to be so scary?


However, Akainu did not know that Li Yan only said part of it, that is, the part of the laser attack.


If it is a tungsten rod attack. . .


The tungsten rod weighing several tons fell directly, let alone destroying the Dao, I am afraid that a single blow can destroy a small new world! !
