People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 537: This condition should be pretty good, ri

Let me talk to Li Yan?

Hey, Whitebeard, you are fighting the Navy Headquarters now!

Hearing this, Huang Yuan groaned in his heart.


Well, what's up with you?

No matter who he is looking for, as long as he is willing to surrender, he can finish work earlier, right?

It's so tiring to fight this guy, and there's no extra allowance for Akainu...

On the side, Drago was a little confused, but from his point of view, it was not incomprehensible.

Indeed, compared to Akainu, it seems that Li Yan is more credible, doesn't it?

Take a deep breath and then...

"Everyone, stop!"

A loud shout spread directly across the entire battlefield.

Hearing this sound, the sailors stopped one after another and drew back.

However, all of them were puzzled, and looked at the three generals and Whitebeard in confusion.

As for the pirates in the white group, they were already almost defeated. After the navy gradually stopped, they naturally wouldn't be cheap, and they just had to go up and work hard.

But it is also very puzzled, the Navy, oh no, what tricks is Dorag trying to play?

on the execution stand.

Akainu is also a little confused about the situation. It is clear that the situation is good, the pirates of the white group are completely suppressed, and the white beard is under the siege of the three generals, and the combat power is gradually declining.

Why would Dorag do this?

"Come on, contact Dorag for me!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

Soon, a sailor on the front line came to Dorag with a phone bug.

"General, the marshal wants to speak to you."

"Understood, you go down first!"

After taking over the phone bug, Drago nodded and said.


"I'm Dorag!"

"Dorag, you forgot what you promised me, what are you doing now?"

"Akainu, don't get excited, I'm just talking to Whitebeard about their pirate group's surrender to the navy!"

"What, are you serious?"

Hearing this, Akainu's eyes widened.

Whitebeard surrenders, is it possible?


"Does he really want to surrender?"

"Yes, now Whitebeard has understood that he was designed and used by others, but he has a request!"

"any request?"

Akainu asked hurriedly.

He is not stupid, annihilating an emperor-level pirate group is far less effective than an emperor-level pirate group surrendering to the navy.

Therefore, if Whitebeard is willing to surrender, then as long as the conditions are not too excessive, it is not impossible to talk about it.

You must know that today's Akainu, because of Li Yan's appearance and images, has many differences in character from the original.

In addition, as a naval marshal, he naturally thinks more than when he was an admiral.

"Whitebeard said that he is only willing to talk to Li Yan about this!"

"With whom? Li Yan?"


In the phone bug, Akainu was silent.

After a long time, this is Li Yan in the end?

Although he wanted to refuse, Akainu had to admit that the surrender of the Whitebeard Pirates to the Navy was too tempting.

If this refuses...

Can't say it!

"Dorag, you have Li Yan's contact information, figure it out for yourself!"

"But I will only give you half an hour at most. If you still don't remember it after half an hour, then treat it as if it didn't happen!"

After that, Akainu hung up the phone directly.

In this regard, Drago also smiled slightly, he could understand the feeling that Akainu had to obey although he was aggrieved.

after all...

I have experienced this feeling many times.

Regardless of whether Whitebeard surrendered to the headquarters or the East China Sea Navy, as long as it was declared to the outside world that the Whitebeard Pirates surrendered to the Navy, the benefits to the Navy would be far more than the elimination of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Drago is very aware of this, and Akainu is also aware of this.

After only half an hour, Drago stopped procrastinating and called Li Yan directly with the phone bug in his hand.

As for the mobile phone that I carry with me, it was smashed in the battle just now...

"Li Yan, I'm Dorag!"

"Dorag, why did you stop over there?"

"Ah, except for some accidents, Whitebeard wants to chat with you!"

"And me?"

"Yes, I persuaded Whitebeard to surrender, but he doesn't believe in Akainu, he just said he wanted to talk to you."

"That's it, then you let him wait, I'll come right over!"

"Uh, isn't it good for you to come directly?"

"It's okay, just wear a mask!"

After speaking, Li Yan hung up the phone.

On the side, Whitebeard stared.

"Li Yan is here?"

"Yes, in the sky!"

Drago said with a wry smile.

The phone bug is not good at this point. There is only hands-free mode. Whitebeard has heard all the conversations, and there is nothing to hide.

"So that's the case. Presumably even if that kid Shanks and that woman Lingling appeared, you would have already prepared, right?"

After receiving confirmation from Drago, Whitebeard smiled bitterly and said.

Everyone thought that the only opponent this time was the Navy Headquarters, but they didn't realize that the East China Sea Navy had long been hidden here.

Moreover, it's not just hiding, the previous fleet and the navy in the headquarters with outstanding combat effectiveness, I am afraid that they are people from the East China Sea Navy, right?

Soon, a figure had already stepped on the moon and kept descending from the sky.

He wears a white suit and a mask, and no matter how he looks, he has a sense of sight of CP0.

"Li Yan?"

Looking at the masked man in front of him, Drago asked uncertainly.

"it's me!"

"Why are you dressed like this?"

"No way, I can't wear the general's official uniform, right? I just found a white suit and put on a mask."

"All right..."

"Whitebeard, do you mind if I wear a mask?"

After replying to Drago's words, Li Yan turned to look at Whitebeard.

This is the first time he has really seen Whitebeard since he came to this world, this height...

No wonder they are not married!

To be honest, there are not many women in the whole pirate world who can match his height.

It's not easy to have a child, so it's not always necessary to find BIGMOM, right?


"Are you Li Yan of the East China Sea?"

"If it's a replacement, you can say what you want to talk about, I can call the shots!"

Nodding, Li Yan said. UU reading

This is not because he is arrogant, but he has already contacted Akainu before coming here.

According to Akainu, as long as Whitebeard surrenders, Li Yan can call the shots as long as it does not damage the reputation of the Navy.

"I just want to know one thing!"

"you say."

"My children, what should I do?"

Sure enough, do you care more about your son than yourself?

This is the same as the white beard in the original.

"In this way, I say one way, you agree, we will continue to talk, if you disagree, then everything has not happened, how?"

"I'm listening!"

Staring at Li Yan, the white beard said sternly.

"It's very simple. Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates is investigated. Those who have killed civilians will be sentenced to prison, and those who haven't will serve in the East China Sea Navy."

"The territories of your new world will be handed over to the navy and the revolutionary army to jointly control, as for you, Whitebeard..."

"Get old, I will arrange a place for you, and your sons can come and visit you at any time."

"Well, the conditions should be pretty good, right?"