People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 551: The redhead who was exposed by the black

The first half of the great route, paradise.

Will Island.

Eight warships have been docked here at this moment, and the seamen have begun to supply supplies and are busy in the port.

As for Marr and dozens of others, they got off the boat and walked into the town.

Of course, the red hair and the others did not choose to attack from the frontal port. After all, with the speed of their ship, it would take more than half an hour for a distance of ten kilometers.

During this period, it would be very troublesome once discovered. After all, after entering five kilometers, it is easy to be perceived by some squad leaders with strong knowledge.

Therefore, the redheads chose to make a circle and landed from the west of the island.

Fortunately, the island is not small, and the towns and ports on the island are concentrated on the east side. If you land on the west side, it will be almost five kilometers away from the town.

In this way, there is no need to worry about being discovered on the sea, and thus suffering from the embarrassment of being hit by fire and having nowhere to hide.

Originally, this plan was fine.


What they didn't know was that someone was watching their every move at a height of 10,000 meters.


It took a lot of time to go around the circle.

An hour later, the pirate ship finally came to the west side of the island, and the people from the three pirate groups also landed one after another.

In this operation, there were not many people who came. The three regiments together had more than 100 people, but each of them was an elite.

Even if they are not cadres, they are the strongest among the combatants, and this force can even wrestle with the Navy headquarters.

"How do you fix it now?"

After jumping from the boat, Blackbeard looked at Shanks and asked.

Shanks, on the other hand, looked at Beckman, his strategist.

"Send a team of people to take it down without causing damage to the warship as much as possible. Those are all good things."

"The rest rushed into the town at the fastest speed, and when the other party didn't react, take them all down!"

Beckman also quickly said that he had already had a draft for how to do it, and he didn’t need to think about it now.

For Beckman's tactic, others have no opinion.

Soon, each regiment was divided into a few people, a total of more than ten people were responsible for capturing the warships in the port, and the rest rushed to the town quickly.

For them, there are only those ordinary sailors left in the port. As long as they make a surprise attack, more than a dozen people are enough to deal with those sailors and take down the warship.

However, when everyone entered the town a few minutes later, they felt something was wrong.

It's not that the squad leaders of the Baituan escaped, nor that they sensed an ambush by the navy.

But they all came here, but they didn't respond at all, still in the bar in the middle of the town.

Could it be that there is no one who has used the sense of sight to perceive the surrounding?

If that's the case, aren't these guys too alert?

"What are you waiting for, since there was no ambush, and they didn't notice us, then hurry up!"

"There are a lot of powerful fruits waiting for us over there!"

"As long as this wave is harvested, our strength will grow a lot again in a short period of time!"

On the side, looking at the hesitant redhead and Beckman, Blackbeard said impatiently.

For him, the dozens of people in the bar in the center of the town have the most delicious food in the world, and they have been very careful, and they are very sure that there is no naval ambush.

At present, how can there be any reason to hesitate?

"Okay, let's go!"

Gritting his teeth, Shanks said.

Hundreds of people immediately rushed towards the bar.

And in the bar at the moment.


"Marco, this redhead and bigmom are here, is it really okay?"

Bista's heart beat a little.

If only Blackbeard and the guys he rescued from the advance city came, he wouldn't be worried.

If you add a redhead or a bigmom, then with the support of Yixiao and Taotu and the others, it won't be a big problem.

But if the redhead comes with bigmom, it's a big problem...

Is the battle strength here really enough?

"Speaking of which, I'm a little clueless, but Li Yan told me that Yixiao and Taotu now both have the strength to suppress the Four Emperors..."

"This is impossible!"

Hearing this, everyone's first reaction was that it was impossible.

Even though the imperial capital is claimed to be the pinnacle power on the sea, in fact, there is an insurmountable gap between the emperor and the emperor.

Otherwise, why can there be many people who can fight with the generals, or even be on a par with each other, but there are only four people who can become the four emperors?

"I don't know, but that's what Li Yan said, and he also said that there is no problem with Luffy and his gang crushing the cadres of the imperial regiment!"

"Indeed, this is outrageous!"

"But have you ever thought that we are also the cadres of the Four Emperors, but there are too many people in the East China Sea Navy who can crush us in terms of strength..."

"Otherwise, why am I a major general now, and all of you are only brigadier generals, or even colonels?"

Hearing this, the others were also taken aback.

That's right, we are not also cadres of the Fourth Imperial Regiment. As a result, after arriving in the East China Sea Navy, we were really abused. Even the most powerful Marco only got the rank of major general.

It's not because they were born pirates that they were suppressed in military rank, but...

After some tests, their strength really can only obtain such a military rank.


Are all those words Li Yan said serious?

"Okay, don't think about it too much. Since they are all here, let's go out and meet them!"

Soon, the captains of the former white regiment and the captains of the pirates under his command all followed Marco out of the bar.

At this time, people from the Red Hair Pirates, the Bigmom Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates also happened to be surrounded.

"Marco, long time no see!"

"Red hair..."

To be honest, Marko is still a bit complicated to see red hair.

After all, although Bai Tuan and Hong Tuan were not allies, their relationship was actually pretty good.

If it wasn't for that.

"Redhead, I know what you guys are doing here, but I have a question for you before the fight begins."

"go ahead!"

"It was you who designed our Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy before?"

Although I have heard Whitebeard's speculation, but after all, I have not really confirmed it. Taking this opportunity, Marco still wants to ask clearly.

Hearing that, the red hair naturally intends to deny it. After all, the cadres of the red group are here, so they can't let them know about these things.


Before he could open his mouth to deny it, Blackbeard grabbed the words.

"Thief hahaha, Marco, have you guessed it? That's right, it was me and the redhead who attacked your first team, killed everyone in your team, then knocked you out and erased your memory, Sent to the Navy Headquarters!"

"So, you're right, we really designed the Whitebeard Pirates to let you go to war with the Navy!"

As soon as these words came out, the cadres behind the red hair were in an uproar, and even Beckman looked at the red hair in disbelief.

The redhead glared at Blackbeard fiercely.

Why this guy said that, what kind of crazy idea is in his heart, he knows too well.

But now is not the time to settle accounts with him.

"I'll explain this to you later, but now is not the time!"

He turned his head and said to the cadres of the red regiment.

Out of trust in Shanks, although the cadres have too many doubts, they also know that now is really not the time.

So, they all nodded.


The kind of unreserved trust that used to be, but a crack has appeared!