People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 556: 1 hit to destroy the island

Over Gaya Island.


"There are hundreds of space doors at the same time, and are you sure the redhead called Bruno's name?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure, you know this Bruno?"

On the phone, Taotu asked curiously.

"Well, he was originally a member of cp9, and the devil fruit is the door fruit. This is a fruit that can open the door to any place within the ability range and has the ability to jump in space."

"But according to what you said, if he can open hundreds of doors at one time, I am afraid that his fruit ability has awakened..."

While explaining, Li Yan was also very puzzled.

Originally, according to this time point, Bruno couldn't reach the level of fruit ability awakening. What went wrong?

"Li Yan, is that the case?"

"Forget it? How is it possible!"

"But they escaped through the space fruit, and we can't pursue them."

"Is this a problem... As far as I know, although Bruno's door fruit has the ability to jump in space, the distance is also limited, and it also opens hundreds of space doors at the same time, I don't believe the distance will be very far! "

"You mean they probably didn't get too far?"

"Yes, there is a high probability that it is still on an island somewhere in the paradise. Leave the rest to me. You come back first, but Blackbeard must be careful and make no mistakes!"


After hanging up the phone, Li Yan immediately contacted Violet, the person in charge of Tianwang.

Today, on the first half of the great route, Skynet has covered more than 90% of the area. As long as they are in these areas, they will not be able to escape Skynet's investigation!

And after determining the location, as long as a small tungsten rod is enough to solve everything!

A few minutes later, as Li Yan had guessed, on an uninhabited island about 500 kilometers away from Will Island, a radar station in a nearby branch found the whereabouts of Red Hair and others.

Although the radar developed by Radar Begapunk cannot show who each target is in detail, nearly 20 strong men are gathered together, and two of them are identified by the radar as the highest threat.

In this paradise, other than the red-haired and the others who just escaped, who else is there?

However, it still needs to be confirmed, in case something goes wrong by accident?

Therefore, Li Yan directly asked the satellite observation brought by Vega Punk to finally confirm that the target was not wrong.

At this moment, headed by redhead and bigmom, nearly twenty people are resting on the island.

"Old Bei, the power calculation is more accurate. After all, more than 100 kilometers away, there is a naval branch and an inhabited island."

"Rest assured, I understand that an attack with the smallest tungsten rod is enough to destroy the island in one blow, and the scale of the tsunami will not be too exaggerated. Although it will still have some impact on islands more than 100 kilometers away, it will not cause any damage. Too big a disaster."

"Well, that's fine. As for other losses, the East China Sea Navy just needs to compensate them, let's do it!"

"it is good!"

A minute later, when everything was ready, under Li Yan's order, the Punishment No. 2 on the track shot out a double tungsten rod in an instant.


At the same time, uninhabited islands.

"Damn, **** it!"

"Li Yan's subordinates, how can everyone master that kind of power!"

"How is this possible, how is it possible?"

After sitting on the ground and resting for a while, bigmom started to growl.

"Charlotte Lingling, do you know what kind of ability they use?"

Hearing bigmom's words, Shanks also asked.

He has fought with Taotu for so long, and naturally he has a deep understanding of the special power of spiritual power.

However, what kind of power this is, he has no idea at all.

"Yes, of course I know, that is the power of the soul, the power of the world of the dead, a power that should not be controlled by the living!"

bigmom is still roaring continuously.

But these words made Shanks even more confused.

What is the power of the soul?

What is the power to look at the world?

What is this guy bigmom talking about?

He wanted to continue to ask clearly, but just as he was about to speak, a cold sweat broke out behind him.

Maybe other people will not care about this situation, but Shanks will not.

As the number one of CP0, he is more sensitive to danger than anyone else.

Danger, huge danger, if you don't act immediately, you will definitely die!

This is the alarm that Shanks' body is sending out at this moment.

"Bruno, open the space door, hurry up!"

I didn't have time to think about it, so I called Bruno directly.

After a few seconds...

A tungsten rod weighing one ton slammed into the center of the island at a speed exceeding Mach ten.

The island, which was not very big at first, fell apart at this moment because of the huge kinetic energy.

Immediately, with the collapsed island as the center, a tsunami with a height of hundreds of meters appeared and continued to spread around.

"It's done, is there anything else?"

"If it's all right, I'll continue to study the Scarot seeds!"

After finishing, Vega Punk turned around and asked.

Speaking of which, if there is not much time left, this ship will be requisitioned by Li Yan and will directly rely on it to land on the moon.

In other words, Vega Punk won't have a few days to study Scarot's seeds.

Therefore, these days, he has suspended all other scientific research projects, just researching Scarlot's seeds, how can there be time to waste...

"Okay, let's go."

Li Yan, who had long been familiar with Vega Punk's character, also nodded directly.

For the rest, it doesn't matter if Vegapunk is gone.

"Move a satellite over and confirm through observation if anyone escapes!"

"Yes, General!"

After Vegapunk left, Li Yan said to the researcher who was operating in front of the console.

Then, he took out his phone and contacted Akainu.

"I'm Akainu!"

"Marshal, I'm Li Yan!"

"Li Yan, I heard from Kizaru, it seems that apart from some cadres, Blackbeard and most of the pirates have all been left, right?"

"Yes, that's right, Marshal, you can now do something to the new world!"

"Do it? Didn't the red hair and bigmom escape, is it too hasty to do it now?"

"It doesn't matter, if there is no accident, they will not be able to return to the new world!"

"what do you mean..."

After hearing Li Yan's words, Akainu had some guesses, whether Li Yan took down Red Hair and Bigmom without him knowing.

But I can't be sure about this guess, because it's a bit ridiculous.

How did you find them in such a short period of time?

And even if you find it, how did you get it? It's not enough time to rush past it, right?

"It's nothing, UU reading to find out which island they escaped to through the door door fruit, I came straight to it, and now the whole island has been destroyed by me, so...the probability of them surviving Minimal."

"You said you destroyed an island? How did you do that?"

"The marshal doesn't know, I'm not familiar with that thing outside the planet, ah, by the way, you'd better inform the g2 and g3 branches, although I control the power, but after all, destroying the island will cause a certain tsunami, let them Take precautions!"


In the Office of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters.

Akainu was completely dumbfounded.

Li Yan, are you still human?