People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 566: start to act

the next day.

East China Sea Navy, Eighteenth Branch.

Li Yan's office.

"Marshal, I heard that you have made a lot of money in the ocean fishing industry recently?"

"You kid, are you trying to tease me on purpose?"

Hearing what Li Yan said, Akainu said angrily.

"Hunting the sea kings has indeed brought a lot of benefits to the headquarters, but in the same way, we have also lost a lot!"

"For warships alone, more than 30 ships have been lost before and after, and even a lieutenant general has been lost, not to mention the losses of navy and other officers."

"Speaking of those sea kings, it's like being commanded by someone. It's very difficult to deal with. If you continue like this, I'm afraid that before these sea kings are suppressed, the warships of the headquarters will be gone!"

There was also some bitterness in Akainu's voice.

Most people just saw the income from hunting sea kings in the headquarters, but ignored...

This is a high-risk industry, otherwise, if it was so profitable, someone would have done it long ago.

Look, even the elite of the Navy has lost so much...

"Okay, but Marshal, this problem should be solved soon."

"Have you found out the cause of the Sea King riots?"

"Yes, I knew from the beginning, but there has been no way to solve the source, but now, the time has come to completely solve this problem!"



"You mean the sea king, one of the three ancient weapons?"

Hearing this, Akainu's eyes suddenly stared.

"Yes, but what you think may be different from what you think about the Marshal. The sea king is different from the king of heaven and the king of the underworld. It is not a weapon in the actual sense, but a kind of bloodline inheritance. People who have this bloodline and wake up , You can communicate with the Sea Kings!"

"And this also involves an ancient contract, the contract between the sea kings and the mermaid!"

"Of course, this bloodline is not able to awaken every generation and become a new generation of Sea King. At least as far as I know, Sea King has not awakened for hundreds of years."

"But unfortunately, the sea king of this generation... has awakened!"

Hearing Li Yan's words, Akainu also reacted suddenly.


A few months ago, people were attacked, and the mermaid princess Shirahoshi was kidnapped!

"What do you mean, the awakened sea king of this generation is Princess White Star of Mermaid Island?"

"Yes, in fact, I have long known that Bai Xing is Neptune, but on the one hand, she has not officially awakened, and on the other hand, I did not expect that the Holy Land would know about this. It is my negligence..."

"Isn't it a negligence to leave it alone, you just said that this problem can be solved now?"

Before Li Yan could finish speaking, Akainu interrupted.

He only cares about how to solve it now, otherwise, if it continues, the headquarters will be unable to hold on sooner or later.

"Marshal, I have a rough idea of ​​where Bai Xing is actually being locked up, but that place is a restricted area even in the Holy Land, and the guards are strictly guarded. The key is..."

"Em is right there!"

"Even if the East China Sea Navy, the Navy Headquarters and the Revolutionary Army are tied together, I don't dare to say that they can kill and rescue Bai Xing."

"However, the situation is different now. The marshal should know Bruno, right?"


Akainu naturally knows it. After all, this guy played a big role in the battle of Corona Island.

Moreover, when Li Yan set a trap to besiege Shanks, Charlotte Lingling, and Blackbeard, he finally rescued some of them.

It can be said that Bruno's detailed information has long been placed on the Akainu table, and has been defined as one of the highest threats by the headquarters.

"Bruno is in my hands now. He has agreed to surrender and serve the Navy in exchange for letting him live a peaceful and stable second half of his life after everything is over."

"And I said yes!"

"With his ability, I can directly enter there, and before everyone can react, I can take Bai Xing away through the space gate!"

It was so...

Akainu understood Li Yan's plan.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with the conditions he promised Bruno.

But what he has to admit is that this is the best way.

Moreover, Bruno's ability is indeed quite useful, not only this time, but also can play a huge role in the future.

"When are you going to act?"

"Tonight, I have information, because the five old stars were abolished by three, and Yimu felt that they were ineffective, so he had taken back the power of the five old stars and personally took charge of the Holy Land, and just tonight, she will leave. The restricted area meets the patriarchs of the nineteen tribes of the Heavenly Dragons of the Holy Land."

"So, this is the best time for you to move?"

"Yes, after tonight, this matter can be resolved!"


Night falls.

Holy Mary Joa, restricted area.

"Shanks, I'm going to see those old guys, watch the mermaid, don't let anything go wrong!"

"I see!"

Shanks nodded yes, and Im then walked out.

To be honest, although she is the king of the Heavenly Dragons, in fact, even among the Heavenly Dragons, not many people know her existence, so if you want to fully grasp the operation of the Holy Land, you still need to convene all the Heavenly Dragons' patriarchs and declare themselves. identity of.

Believe it or not, he is not worried.

Are there five old stars?

When Im left, Shanks came directly to a huge cage.

In this cage, there is a mermaid with the same size and size, which is Shirahoshi.

However, when Bai Xing saw Shanks, his face immediately showed a look of fear, and then he shrunk his body into the corner.

"Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, I will not hurt you, and Fishman Island will not be attacked, but if..."

"I will be obedient, and don't hurt everyone on the Fishman Island!"

Obviously, Bai Xing had been threatened so many times before, and Shanks was only halfway through, so she hurriedly shouted, for fear that he would attack Fishman Island.

However, just after she finished shouting, her beautiful eyes widened with surprise.

Because he saw it, a white door of light appeared behind Shanks, and a figure was walking out of the door.

The point is, she still knows this figure!

You know, in order to relieve the boredom of Bai Xing who has been locked in the tower all the year round, Nepton specially contacted Morgans and wanted a huge mobile phone.

Well, the kind that White Star can use.

Of course, Morgans can't make this thing, but Bai Wei can.

In the end, I really used the ability of the mobile phone to make a super-large mobile phone.

So, Bai Xing, who lives in the tower, is using her mobile phone every day, and there is no news that she has not read.

So she can naturally recognize who this person is.

Admiral of the East China Sea, Li Yan!

Seeing Bai Xing's expression, Shanks was stunned for a moment, and immediately saw that the color had been activated.

The next moment, when he noticed that there was someone behind him, his first reaction was to pull away first, without even wasting time looking back, he just jumped forward.


At this moment, a hand has firmly grasped his shoulder, and then a huge force bombarded his back.
