People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 574: love hate im

Although the ancient city was shot down.


But none of the powerhouses present appeared to be relieved, but their faces became more solemn.


Because, through seeing, hearing, and seeing, they can clearly perceive. . .


The terrifying aura still exists, and it hasn't even weakened.


In other words, even if Pan Gucheng crashed, Yimu was not hurt, even if it was only a trace.


Imagine, if you were in the fallen ancient city of Pan, you would be absolutely dead, and there would be no chance.


More than 90% of the people present thought so.


Boom. . .


Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded again in the Holy Land, and dust and rubble flew all over the sky.


And after the dust in the sky gradually dissipated, two figures also appeared in front of everyone, who else could it be if it wasn't Yim and Shanks.


However, compared to his immaculate posture, Shanks was a little embarrassed.


Not only was the clothes torn, but even the corners of the mouth were bleeding.


This is the first time everyone has seen Yimu's true face. Many people have never heard the name Yimu before, and all of them have grown up mouths and are full of surprise.


Yim turned out to be such a beautiful woman, even more beautiful than Hancock, who is known as the world's most beautiful woman.


And in the camp on the side of the new world, there is one person who is more shocked than everyone else.


because. . .


He knew this woman, and he did some absurd things with her a long time ago.


As a result, this woman is the so-called King of the Dragons, Im?


Drago was completely dumbfounded.


"Long time no see, Drago!"


He didn't use a loud voice, just like he usually speaks, but Im's voice entered the ears of everyone on the battlefield, as if it was spoken in their ears.


However, just such a simple sentence made everyone look at Drago.


Immediately, after realizing that Drago's face was very strange, a sentence flashed in his mind.


Wouldn't Drago really know that woman?


"Dorag, do you know her?"


"Yes, when I was very young, maybe fifteen years old, I haven't seen her for decades, but her appearance is exactly the same as it was decades ago, with no trace of age at all."


Drago's answer also made Akainu slightly relieved.


I met at the age of fifteen, and I haven't seen each other for decades, so Drago shouldn't have much to do with her.


However, what Drago said made him very concerned.


For decades, Yimu's appearance has not changed, and there is not even a trace of time?


Ageless surgery!


After savoring this sentence, Akainu also remembered that Li Yan once said that Imho may have lived for more than a hundred years.


Then, the only reasonable explanation is the ageless surgery.


The conversation between Akainu and Drago did not deliberately avoid the people around him, however, just when everyone around them, like Akainu, was slightly relieved.


Im's next sentence made them fry the pot again.


"You are really ruthless, and it's okay to attack me, even your son?"


As he said that, Im even looked at Shanks with a distressed look.


This time, everyone exploded.


"Dorag, didn't you see him when you were fifteen?"


"Wait, if you do the math, you were fifteen... that was 38 years ago?"


"And then the red-haired guy is 37 years old, don't you mean it?"

Akainu calculated in his heart, the time was right, and he instantly lost his calm.


This guy, Dorag, actually did that kind of thing at the age of 15. Is this a crime?


Obviously, Akainu's thinking direction at this moment is completely deviated.


However, everything is fine, the problem is, Drago himself is very confused.


He was young and arrogant back then, and then it was absurd, so he had an extra son, and he was still red-haired Shanks?


"I don't know if Shanks is my son, but from the perspective of time, it is indeed possible."


Sighing slightly, Drago said to Akainu.


"What about Luffy? Could it be you and..."


"How could it be possible? It was just me being absurd 38 years ago. As for Luffy, it was naturally born to me and my deceased wife."


"Is that so... But who is your wife? Why isn't there any record in the naval intelligence?"


Akainu asked suspiciously.


"I had already left the navy and set up the Revolutionary Army, and we met and got married after that. In the end, shortly after Luffy was born, she was brutally murdered. So far, I have not found out who the murderer is."


"And after that, the Holy Land deliberately erased all of my wife's information. The old man of the Warring States Period should have known about this."


On the side, Sengoku also nodded.


"I do know about this, but I don't know why the Holy Land does this. It doesn't make any sense to completely erase the existence of a woman."


"This... I'm a bit immature, although this idea is scary..."


After the Warring States period finished, Kizaru spoke up.


"Is this... is it because of love and hate?"


. . . . . .


Hearing this, several people were stunned.


Hate because of love?


I have to say, it is indeed possible!


The family worked so hard to conceive in ten months and gave birth to a son for you, only to find out. . .


You are already married to other women and have a son.


And the most important thing is that it doesn't seem to matter to Im, whether he kills someone unconsciously or wipes out a person's existence.


After a few moments of indifference, they all looked at Drago, and there was even a trace of contempt in their eyes.


However, UU reading www. Drago was angry, and immediately turned to look at Im.


"Eighteen years ago, was it you..."


There were bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and Drago roared.


"Yes, it's me. After giving birth to Shanks, I slept for 20 years, but when I finally woke up, I found out that you had married that **** and gave birth to a son, even more so. Besides, that **** is a pure blood from the D family..."


"With so many conditions to kill, how could I let her go?"


"So, that night, I directly ended her life in the cruelest way, but that was still not enough. I not only wanted her to die, but also to let her lose her existence!"


"So, whether it's her name, experience, or people who know her well, I haven't let it go, I've wiped it all away."


"Of course, except for you and Karp!"


When he said this, Yi Mu became more and more crazy, and his originally beautiful face was now a little distorted.


Everyone, the same thought flashed in their hearts.


This woman is crazy!


And this scene also passed through the mobile phone held by a war reporter not far away. . .


Live broadcast to the world.
