Pet King

v1 Chapter 1169: Lost city

More than 2000 years ago, the predecessor of Alexandria was just an insignificant small city in ancient Egypt. Later, after Alexander the Great included Egypt in the map, he took this place.

It is close to the Nile Delta, but the distance is far enough to avoid the Nile flooding caused by river siltation. At the same time, the traffic here is convenient, with Africa to the south, the Mediterranean to the north, and the Middle East to the east. Los Island can protect the port with its horns, and has a unique geographical advantage.

So he decided to build a new city here and named it himself.

After his death, General Ptolemy under his command took the opportunity to cut ancient Egypt and declare himself to be the Pharaoh. The final capital of ancient Egypt was set here until the Cleopatra defeated and died. Ancient Egypt was annexed by ancient Rome and became ancient Rome. One province.

For three hundred years when Alexandria existed as the capital, the Ptolemy family used their national strength to build and transform the city, and they built the Alexandria Lighthouse and the Great Library. Unfortunately, they were subsequently destroyed by natural and human disasters, especially the latter. Although it is not listed in the Seven Wonders of the World, the destruction of large libraries has caused even greater losses to human civilization.

It was also during this period that the worship of cat gods in ancient Egypt reached its peak. Although the Best Temple was located in Dzazizig, the cat-loving tradition in Alexandria has remained to this day.

Like Cairo, Alexandria is also divided into the Old Town and the New Town. The stray fish market where stray cats are entangled is located in the Old Town. Although the overall situation is better than Cairo, it gives the impression that it is more dilapidated than the small county towns in China. They are all low-rise buildings in the Chinese style in the 1990s.

Although attracted by stray cats to the fish market, the elves are not interested in Egyptian-style grilled fish. After eating the scaled grilled fish in the morning, Zhang Zi'an still has bitter taste in his mouth, and he does not plan to eat grilled fish anymore.

There is a saying that if you don't know what to eat when you are abroad, look for KFC or McDonald's and have a large glass of fat house happy water, because these fast foods are almost the same in all countries in the world, at least not dead.

Zhang Zi'an found a Kentucky Fried Chicken and ordered a lot of takeaways to solve the lunch problem between him and the elves. While they were eating, Vladimir took the opportunity to run out to deal with local stray cats.

There is not much time left for Vladimir to set up a local meow branch.

Although Alexandria has a long history, those glorious pasts have long since disappeared, all that can be destroyed is destroyed, all that can be moved are moved to other countries-the library was rebuilt on the original site, not to mention restoration, because no one Know exactly what the Great Library looked like, and the original site of the Alexandria Lighthouse has even been occupied by the dove, two obelisks called "Cleopatra's Needles", and one moved to the River Thames in London The other was moved to Central Park, New York, which caused me to feel that there were no sights to visit after coming to the city, and that Fina was not left with a place to hang her, which disappointed her a bit.

Zhang Zi'an drove to the beach and found a remote corner to enjoy the scenery while eating.

The advantage of a seaside city is that the air is not as dry as the inland, the sky is just clouded with just the right clouds, covering Egypt's excessively violent sunlight, and the sea breeze dissipating the scorching heat for days.

The two breakwaters took Donggang into their arms like two arms, leaving only a not too wide passageway for ships to enter and leave. As early as the 8th century AD, Donggang was abandoned due to an earthquake and can only be used as a leisure place for people. Place of entertainment, the current main port is Westport.

Large and small private yachts float on the blue sea, which shows the wide gap between the rich and the poor in Egypt.

On the breakwater, there are pairs of couples walking hand in hand, and some parents are running happily with a few children. As a city on the border of Asia, Africa, and Europe, the geographical characteristics are also reflected in the color of the local children. Many are Beautiful mixed-race children, couples often have different skin tones.

On the beach farther away, dense parasols filled the beach like mushrooms after the rain. A large number of tourists from Europe came here for vacations, not only enjoying the exotic atmosphere, but also enjoying the low prices in the local area.

There is a significant difference between the beaches here and the beaches in other parts of the world. Generally, there are too many fabrics on swimmers. This is true for both men and women. It disappoints Zhang Zi'an. He even saw several people wearing robes and headbands. The local women just went straight into the sea, standing in the waist-deep sea water and playing with their children. They didn't know they thought they would drown and commit suicide.

Fina squatted on a rock by the sea, looking out at the sea where Qian Fan raced, wondering what she was thinking.

More than 1600 years ago, Cleopatra's palace had sunk into the ocean floor in the earthquake ~ ~ under this not too deep wave. Many archaeologists and divers are full of strong interest in this. They have repeatedly organized diving archeological expeditions, trying to find the secrets of the Ptolemy dynasty from the ruins of the bottom of the sea. What they are most eager to find is, of course, the tomb or sarcophagus of the Cleopatra.

There are many speculations about the location of the Cleopatra's tomb, but there is no evidence to support it.

After she disappeared, all the information related to her disappeared, and even the cause of her death was not determined by suicide or murder. All relevant descriptions came from the historian Plutarch The biography of that famous film was also based on this model. Unless the parties are resurrected, no one knows the truth.

In common sense, although she is the last ruler of ancient Egypt, the tomb or sarcophagus of the ruler cannot usually be located in the royal palace, so the search on the sea floor is probably futile.

Octavian should give her a decent funeral because the Egyptians at the time loved her so much that he did not need to risk offending the Egyptians for a dead woman.

Fina's glittering hair reflects the appropriate sunlight, and the sea hunting makes its fur fluctuate like smooth brocade, attracting the attention of pedestrians passing by. In this cat-loving city, they have seen many cats, but not Any cat has hair like it.

It may know some secrets of Cleopatra's death, but has no intention of speaking for the time being. As long as the trip to Egypt continues, if it is comfortable to serve, maybe it will reveal some clues from the past, making Zhang Zi'an slightly satisfied with curiosity and gossip.

After dinner, Vladimir also hurried back, Zhang Zi'an took the elves into the car and proceeded westward, leaving this once harbour city where the scenery was once limitless but now only reminiscing.