Pet King

v1 Chapter 1174: Surfer

The beach of the Cleopatra bathroom rarely comes, but it is not completely absent. Some tourists would like to see the legendary Queen Chou bathing place out of curiosity, and some tourists just think of Ajiba Beach and Gram. The beaches are two hot beaches with too many people and want a quiet place.

Zhang Zi'an was not in a hurry to find Xinghai and Feimas, but observed the movement of the car to see if the person in the car belonged to the former or the latter. If it is the latter, it does not matter. If it is the former, he will go ahead Shihua put it in her phone.

The car raised smoke all the way, getting closer and closer.

Other elves, such as Fina and Lao Cha, also heard the sound of car engines, but in their field of vision, the car itself had not been seen, and Zhang Zi'an could see the reflection of the front window glass through the naked eye.

Fortunately, the car did not continue to approach, but stopped at a distance that could barely see the shape of the vehicle, about one or two kilometers away from Zhang Zi'an. It did not seem to come to Yanhou bathroom for sightseeing.

Zhang Zi'an adjusted the focal length of Nehbet's camera. Looking through the telephoto lens, he saw a young man of medium size getting out of the car, wearing a tight one-piece swimsuit, taking out a surfboard from the trunk and sandwiching the surfboard. Walk under the arm to the beach.

It turned out to be a surfer.

Surfing is not very popular in China, but this sport is very popular abroad. Young adventurous young people step on surfboards and dance with the waves. Sometimes they are proud of the tide and make various difficult movements. Sometimes they are formed from huge waves. The water curtain hole passes through quickly and enjoys the adrenaline-promoting excitement, and even becomes addicted to it, making bystanders constantly sweat for them, both highly ornamental and competitive.

However, although the sport is thrilling, it is not as dangerous as it seems.

Surfing is the safest of all extreme sports, and it is safer than other extreme sports such as skateboarding, biking, bungee jumping, skiing, parkour, skydiving, diving, rock climbing, etc. Even if it falls, it will only fall into the gentle embrace of the sea In sports, the chances of sports injuries and direct injuries are close to zero.

Even novice girls with little experience can easily learn to surf as long as they can swim.

Of course, just like any competitive sport, wanting to become a master of surfing attracts the onlookers and the girls' blue eyes, it takes a certain talent and a lot of time to practice repeatedly.

Some wealthy surfers will even travel all over the world to experience the huge waves in different sea areas. This requires the gallant to be bold. After all, facing unfamiliar sea areas, everything is unknown.

There are generally three types of dangers that surfers may face. One is the sudden bad weather, the other is the sharks in the sea, and the third is that they overestimate their ability and rashly challenge themselves to cope with the huge waves.

There must be no sharks in the Mediterranean, at least there are no man-eating sharks. It is news that sharks bite or bite divers more than once in several famous tourist resorts on the edge of the Red Sea in Egypt. The latest occurred in August 2018.

The surfer also seemed to see Zhang Zi'an, raised one arm and waved at him as a greeting.

Zhang Zi'an also waved in response.

The surfer paused, then waved again, holding the surfboard and came to the beach. First, he did a few sets of warm-ups to warm up, then carefully moistened his body to adapt to the temperature of the seawater, and then went into the sea.

The surfer lays flat on the surfboard, paddles alternately with both hands and feet, drives the surfboard to slide into deeper waters, and then observes the movement of the waves. When the appropriate waves form and approach, the surfers adjust the surfing The direction of the board is such that the head of the board is facing the shore and paddling in the direction of the waves. When the surfboard reaches a sufficient speed, stand up from the surfboard, bend your knees slightly, and press your feet forward and backward to hold the board. , Use your arms to adjust the body's center of gravity to maintain balance, and then control the direction of the surfboard by using your hind legs and shoulder-chest strength to successfully ride the waves.

The surfer clenched his fists and cheered.

This person shouldn't be a novice, but he can't talk about superb skills. He should be a surfing amateur. He is certainly better than Zhang Zi'an, because he can't surf at all.

Zhang Zi'an observed for a while and made a judgment that the surfer would not intersect with Shihua, because when surfing, he obviously avoided the rocks on the seashore to avoid danger.

In this case, there should be no problem leaving it alone.

In addition, the surfer devoted himself fully to this thrilling sport, leaving no room to observe the shore.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zi'an no longer pays attention to this surfer, but continues to hide and seek.

It didn't take long for him to catch the helpless Pegasus, who thought he was hiding, but in fact, through the eyes of the sky of Nehbet, he could see that it had half a tail exposed from the hiding place without knowing it. ~ ~ You are too embarrassed, you have to practice hard in the future. "He said sadly, cheering for it.

"Excuse me, I don't need this kind of practice." Feimas muttered, and fell back weakly under the sun umbrella.

Finding the Xinghai is the real challenge. Zhang Zi'an worked up his mind and determined to win the hide-and-seek victory this time.

As he stared down at the remote control across the parasol, he suddenly heard Fina utter a strange word.



He thought he heard it wrong and asked, "What are you talking about? Denmark?"

Fina narrowed her eyes, stared into the distance, and repeated the word again, "Hammerdan."

This time he heard it clearly, but still couldn't understand it.

Zhang Zi'an looked to Richard, and he kept birds for a thousand days, and this low-level bird, who is well-known as a master of international languages, should know what this word means?

"Quack! Even if you wink at Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben can't help ..." Richard spread his wings and said he didn't know.

In this case, this should not be a strange language, but a specific noun.

"Zi'an, there seems to be wind in the distance, and the wind is not small." Old Tea narrowed her eyes and looked down Fina's eyes.

Zhang Zi'an also looked in that direction, and saw that the sky over there lost the original azure blue, but turned into the gray-faced and pale face of Cairo, and it became more and more intense.

Fina's eyes frosted, and he murmured, "The fury desert and the **** of seth, Seth, brought Hamedan wind to the world! This is a demonstration to this palace, and wants to warn this palace to stay away from the western desert ... ... hmm, will this palace be threatened by him! "

Zhang Zi'an heard it right now. After a long time in trouble, Hamedan is a stormy name?