Pet King

v1 Chapter 1193: No way

In fact, when he saw Lippit, Zhang Zi'an already had a hunch. Otherwise, why did Lippit visit the shack in Nabari? Nabari is neither a slick lady in waterslides nor a skilled health care technician. He has no specialties. His only specialty is the desert guide.

Unsurprisingly, Lippit also hired Nabari as a guide.

Lippit and Zhang Zi'an spoke in Chinese, and Nabari and Salem couldn't understand.

However, observing their tone and expression, Nabari guessed something inside. It is unusual that he often cannot enter the desert once every few months, and most of the time to enter the desert is in the winter. He did not expect that he would retire at a young age, but suddenly became a sought-after citron in this hot summer.

Zhang Zi'an was energetic, but his face remained relaxed and flat.

"Mr. Lippet, you mean, you want to ask Nabari to be your guide?" He asked knowingly, figuring out a countermeasure.

Li Pi characteristically said, "Yes, I have inquired. Nabari is the best guide nearby, and not only me, but my companions will also enter the desert together."

Zhang Zi'an regretted his face. In order for Nabari to understand, he switched to English and said, "Is it? It's a pity that you take one step late. Mr. Nabari has promised to be a guide for me. I'm afraid you can only ask for more.

Lippet chuckled quietly, "Is that so?"

"Yes, I have agreed to Mr. Zhang's invitation to be a guide for their scientific team," Nabari confirmed.

Zhang Zi'an breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still not completely relieved, because what was the mysterious confidence in Lippet's face?

Lippitt told Nabari "I can double the price."

Salem was stunned. The newcomer didn't even know the scientific team's bid, so he wanted to double the price?

"Sorry, we Bedouins don't have much money, but we are very credible. This is also the rule of survival in the desert-if I am a man who sees money, you are not afraid of me being in the desert for your money. Do you mean? "Nabari refused arrogantly.

Zhang Zi'an nodded secretly and chose Nabari as a guide.

Bedouins are the people who are most familiar with the desert. If Nabari deliberately introduces tourists into the depths of the desert and then escapes, he rolls food and water overnight and waits for tourists to return to harvest money and jewelry when they are all thirsty. That is invincible.

As for how to explain to others when they are out of the desert, as long as they insist that the team is separated by a storm, others can go into the desert to verify his words?

Lippit did not feel discouraged, but instead gave a thumbs up and praised "OK! Very good! I like you! I like you very much! Now I want you to be our guide!"


Nabari frowned. How could this person seem to be incomprehensible? He was waiting for the third time to refuse, but he was astonished to hear Lippit's next words!

Lippit laughed. "Your chief has agreed to my request. Do you want to disobey your chief's order?"

Zhang Zi'an was a little hesitant in his heart, and his heart said that it was bad. This turned out to be Lippet's calm and easy card!

Unlike Zhang Zi'an, Lippit did not have Salem as an introduction. He felt that he rushed to find Nabari might be rejected, so he took the curve to save the country and first convinced the tribal chief to use top-down pressure. Forced Nabari to agree.

Before that group of people gathered in the chief's shack, they were probably discussing the matter with the chief.

As for how they persuaded the chiefs, it is unknown, they must have promised benefits that made the chiefs difficult to refuse.

The Bedouins are a very strange people. Due to thousands of years of customs and historical reasons, they do not recognize any country or government, nor do they recognize any laws.

These Sadie Bedouins, although they live in Egypt, still do not recognize the Egyptian state power, because there is no customs in the Sahara desert, they nomadic to Egypt today, they can pat their **** tomorrow and leave, passing through nomadic to Libya, so nearby It is difficult to count the number of Bedouins when the country counts its population.

The Bedouins in the tribe only obeyed the chief's order, which was the law.

Nabari heard that Lippit had obtained the chief's permission, and even if he himself was unwilling, he did not dare to disobey the chief's order.

He glanced helplessly at Zhang Zi'an and spread his hands, meaning he had no choice but to accept the chief's order.

In other cases, Zhang Zi'an will certainly not be difficult to be strong, but now there is no other way, watching the cooked ducks fly away, no one can swallow this breath.

"Mr. Lippet, let's do things first, come first? Obviously it's Nabari I invited ..." Zhang Zi'an argued ~ ~ He knows that it is unlikely to convince people, especially face to face. For these fanatical mystics, but only try.

Lippit interrupted him, "Jeff, you were wrong. We came first. You should see our parked car at the village entrance."

Zhang Zi'an was speechless for a while. Strictly speaking, Lippit was not foolish. They came to find the chief, and Zhang Zi'an came directly to Nabari.

The stalemate caught in the scene for a while, but such a stalemate is only good for Lippet. Unless Zhang Zi'an abducts Nabari, he will lose the confrontation.

He racked his brains and thoughts about the countermeasures, while Lippet laughed with confidence.

Just then, Salim, who had been silent, suddenly said with a lack of confidence, "Jeff, I have a proposal, but I don't know if it is appropriate ..."

"I'm listening." Zhang Zi'an motioned him to say, don't worry, he should try any method now.

Salem looked at Lippit and said, "Jeff, since your scientific expedition team has no specific goals, then you might as well join these teams and be led into the desert by Uncle Nabari. What do you think? ? "

Zhang Zi'an and Lippit stunned at the same time.

Nabari frowned. The two waves were obviously not the same. They did not have any common language. Will there be conflict after entering the desert? Besides, he never brought so many people into the desert.

Lippit wondered, Zhang Zi'an wanted to go into the desert without a specific place to go? What's going on?

Zhang Zi'an thought about it, and couldn't think of any other better method. This method is already a dead horse.

He took his heart to the side and smiled at Lippit with a kind smile and said, "Good way! I agree! Mr. Lippit? Would you like to walk with us?"
