Pet King

v1 Chapter 276: Alone in a foreign country

During his time studying in the UK, Meng Li tasted the loneliness.

It is true that from a physical and biological perspective, he is not alone. There are schools, teachers, and classmates during the day, and the homestay family is very warm and considerate at night. However, all this cannot replace the real home. Walking on a foreign land, breathing foreign air, eating foreign food, hearing foreign languages ​​in his ears, all made Meng Li very uncomfortable.

Before he left the country, he was also full of ambition, and after making up his mind to succeed in studying abroad, he tried to stay as far as possible to find a job and not return to China. What's so good in China? Food safety, air quality, and some social chaos that have not been resolved for a long time ... But when he really came abroad, he missed the things that he hated--air quality is poor, but he is very familiar, food safety Poor, at least delicious. What does social chaos have to do with him?

It's not just him who can't adapt to the environment. Several of them who came out of the same group lost themselves because of sudden changes in the environment.

The homestay is very welcoming. Although he was unable to integrate, he had to admit that the family was very hospitable and did not treat him as an outsider, but he restrained himself, always felt that there was a gap, and they always felt that they were looking at him with a different eye.

There was a puppy in that family. He didn't care about it at first, because there were so many pets abroad, it was too common. In addition, he didn't know what kind of dog it was, and he had never seen it in China. After he asked, he knew that it was Julie and it was a Cocker Spaniel.

The family of the host family is really good. They may see that Meng Li is unhappy, so they will be assigned a task-take Julie out for a walk every morning, one night.

This task is easy but time consuming. Cocker Spaniel is a hunting dog. It is more lively and energetic than ordinary dogs. It takes a long time for each walk and at the same time shoulders the responsibility of picking up shit.

Meng Li had never raised a dog before, and had no expectation but did not reject it, but he hated the feeling of walking on the street and stepping on shit. However, when he came to the British town where he was staying, he learned that because of the large number of dog owners, the situation of **** in the UK was no better than that in China.

Julie looks very similar to this one in the display case, with a pair of large, round brown eyes and a well-defined cheek that makes it look like a serious old philosopher when she doesn't bark. Meng Li often forgets that it is actually a young female dog, and he always calls it "Lao Zhu".

The cocker spaniel has very long hair and is very active. He likes to drill and drill. This causes Julie's hair to be caught by grass and thorns when walking the dog outside, making him sob and whine. When Meng Li untangled his tangled hair, he happily licked his hand to express his gratitude, and soon forgot the pain, and continued to drill in the mess.

At the beginning, Meng Li walked the dog only near the host family, and gradually went further and further, even all the way to the outskirts of the town. After a while or two, the residents along the road also knew him, and often people who were familiar with him greeted him. Occasionally, someone led the dog to catch up with him and chat with him.

The days passed so dullly, that nothing big to remember was happening until the end of his studies. After graduating, he changed his original intention and decided to return to his homeland, which was imperfect but familiar. The night before boarding the plane, the host family hosted a lively farewell party for him on the lawn in the backyard, and many town residents who knew or had never met came to attend.

He prepared many gifts, hugged and thanked the family one by one, and said goodbye to Julie. Julie probably didn't know he was about to leave, biting the corner of his pants and dragging him out, urging him to go out for a walk. He patted his head, pulled out the trouser corner from his mouth, and said goodbye to it in Chinese, he couldn't understand anyway. Julie didn't continue entanglement, glanced at him and ran to the farewell party to chase the dogs brought by others.

Early the next morning, because he was rushing to the airport of a big city for a flight, he got up early, drew his suitcase quietly out of the house, and took a taxi to leave.

There was nothing left, only the expectation of returning home occupied him.

It wasn't until he boarded the plane, sitting in the plane's seat, and looking through the porthole to the busy airport, that there was a trace of nagging in his mind. Really leaving ...

Flight attendants are conducting final inspections and announcements before take-off to remind passengers that the plane is about to take off, please turn off your phone.

At this moment his cell phone just rang, making the surrounding passengers look sideways, the stewardess smiled at him kindly and reminded him to turn off the cell phone.

Meng Li was embarrassed and hurriedly turned off the ringtone. In fact, this is not the ringtone of the phone, but the alarm on him. At this point every day, it is the time when he takes Julie out for a walk-he sometimes forgets about his homework, even if it is only a few minutes late , Julie will be anxious, chaos around the house, the host or hostess of the host family will knock on the door politely, reminding him to finish his work. Could this be the British stereotype and punctuality?

After one or two visits, he was also embarrassed, so he went to the alarm clock of his mobile phone in case he forgets it again. When the alarm sounds, as long as there is no wind, frost, rain or snow outside, he will put down his homework at home, change his clothes, take the traction rope and shoveling tools to go out on time, and Julie will leap at the door. After tying it to a traction rope, it is not so much that he can't wait to drag him out of the house ...

Meng Li apologized to the surrounding passengers with a smile and apologized. He cancelled the alarm that must be heard every day, because it is no longer necessary.

He put his finger on the power switch, and was about to press and hold to shut down. At this moment, he received a message from the host of the host family. There was a photo in the message. Julie squatted at the door of his room, pulled out a paw to rest on the door, and looked back at the camera, her eyes full of confusion. There is a very short sentence in the message: it is still waiting for you to go out.

Until this moment, the long-depressed emotions erupted ~ ~ he remembered the long-term care taken by his host family for a long time, the friendliness and enthusiasm of the town residents, and the time he took to take a walk with Julie every day, He burst into tears.

The passenger nearby thought he was sick and hurried to call the stewardess, but he could only smile in tears, saying that it was okay, but he was reluctant to leave.

Meng Li has always thought that he was not integrated into British life. In fact, only he himself thought that, whether it was Julie or the host family, he had already regarded him as a member of the family, and did not treat him as a guest. Go do this and do that.

He suddenly regretted it. He should say goodbye at least in the morning, and he must behave like a coward.

With repeated reminders from the stewardess, although he wanted to reply something, he turned off the phone.

The plane took off, left a country that was once unfamiliar and familiar today, and flew to a country that was once unfamiliar with today ...

Speaking of this, Zhang Zi'an heard Meng Li's pocket phone ringing.

Meng Li pulled out her phone and turned off the alarm interface.