Pet King

v1 Chapter 43: The door to the new world

Zhang Zi'an hopes to kill these two weirds as soon as possible.

Wang Qiangan raised his head and smiled, "Master, we all saw."

Li Kun also looked up, "Yes, Master, don't try to lie to us."

Zhang Zi'an was even more puzzled. The two people looked less like mental patients. Are they paranoid and manic? I heard that this type of patient is usually no different from a normal person, but the six relatives will not recognize it once they are ill ...

"What did I lie to you? I lied to your money or my ethics?" He turned his eyes to the door while imagining the situation, hoping that someone would come in at exactly this time, and see that the situation was wrong and help him.

Bian Wanggan: "Of course, Master, you did not lie to us, we have no money to lie to."

Li Kun: "Just **** or something, it has been thrown away."

子 Zhang Zi'an shook his head and tried to persuade him as gently as possible. "If the two want to buy pets, you can just look at it. If not ... I'm afraid there aren't two things you want in the shop.

He didn't dare to scold these two people so as not to anger them and make them sick.

Bian Wanggan: "Master! Please do not give up treatment for us!"

You go back to the mental hospital for treatment! Zhang Zi'an groaned in his heart.

King Wang Gan also said that when Li Kun's eyes turned, he pulled Wang Wanggan and said aloud, "The disciples understand, Master must be testing the sincerity of the disciples."

The king of kings suddenly realized that how could a master in the hidden world accept a disciple at will, and that disciple is too worthless, and must pass a lot of tests! So he didn't say much any more, and Li Kun, who had read N multi-cultivation novels, came up with the idea.

Li Kun stood up and pulled Wang Qian up and said to Zhang Zi'an, "Please, Master, rest assured, the sincerity of our two brothers can be seen!" Let Master be moved by our sincerity and put us on the door! "

"Don't! How else do I do business?" Zhang Zi'an cried. The two men came faster and faster, and then turned around and left the shop.

Fina yoyo's words came from behind him, "Since the two of them sincerely committed themselves as slaves, we might as well take them down and serve as many people as possible in this palace."

Xinghai Xie also said happily: "Meow! Xinghai likes to be lively! Everyone hide and seek!"

Zhang Zi'an held his forehead, this day can't pass!

Uh ...

Wang Wanggan and Li Kun both left the pet shop, bathed in the warm sun again, looked at the bustling streets, and recalled the magic scene seen in the pet shop, sighing together, as if they were reborn.

"Brother," Wang Qian held Li Kun's hand, moved to tears, "the door to the new world opened."

坤 Li Kun wiped the tears from the eye, "I'll just say that Xiuxian's novel is true, you used to believe it ..."

King Wang Gan bowed his head in shame, "Brother, I'm wrong. I apologize to you!"

坤 Li Kun countered Wang Qian's hand, "My brother, what an apology!"

King Wang Gan: "Brother!"

Li Kun: "What's wrong?"

Wang Wanggan: "People seem to look at us with something wrong ..."

Li Kun: "What are you afraid of! We will soon be the protagonists of Xiuxian's novels! Once we have successfully cultivated, who dares to glare at us, we will kill their entire family!"

King Wang Gan: "Brother, you are too suffocated, you must control, otherwise the cultivation of immortals will not enter the magic road ..."

Li Kun: "In fact, I don't want to, but the protagonists of Xiuxian's novels are decisive and decisive, ready to show revenge, and receive everything ..."

King Wang waved his hand: "I won't talk about this first. How old are you, Master?"

坤 Li Kun groaned for a moment: "Although the visual inspection does not exceed 30, the practice of Dacheng's natural beauty has its own skills. I estimate that the age of the master should be over 100 years old."

The King of Kings took a breath of air, "Isn't that ..."

Li Kun nodded, "Being able to make advanced animal control so amazing, Master's realm has reached at least the congenital period, and even the half-step Jindan period is possible ..."

The king of kings was frightened. He knew that his brother had a deep research on Xiuxian. Since his brother said so, he would be sure.

"A half-step Jin Danqi's hidden world master, even our brothers met ..." he said with emotion.

Li Kun ignored the pedestrians' silly X general eyes and laughed a long time, "Ha ha ha! That's right! This is the treatment of the protagonist of the novel! As long as the Master will put us on the door wall, our brothers will be in the world in the future. Block! God blocks God, Buddha blocks Buddha! "

Suddenly Wang Qiangan was blessed to his heart: "Should we call another name?"

坤 Li Kun agreed: "I will call you Master after that!"

King Wang Gan laughed and said, "You will be my second sibling in the future!"


"Second Brother!"

Uh ...

While the brothers were in love, Wang Qian's cell phone sounded as if he could not see the atmosphere.

Ye Wanggan took his sweaty hand out of Li Kun's palm, picked up his mobile phone, and the caller was one of their classmates. Although this student did not read the same major as them, they also met at the Haige Forum, so they got to know each other.

喂 "Hello! Laizi, is there something wrong? Brother has good news to tell you ~ ~ But you have to invite brother to dinner ..." Wang Gan answered the phone.

"Does your horse rider ask you anything? I eat you a big head ghost!" Lai Zi yelled. "The live broadcast of your horse ride is so eunuch? People know that I know you and come to ask me if you I'm in the palace, and my message box on the forum is almost full! "

"Sit down!" Wang Gan then remembered the live post, and he couldn't help being covered!

He didn't have time to say anything else, and said in a hurry: "I know! I'll hang up first and update it immediately!" After that, he hung up.

Switch to the Wanghaige Forum APP. Good guys, the number of replies to live posts has exceeded 200 pages and 4000 floors. Refreshing the page becomes Kaka, and the forum server is almost unable to support it!

He typed at the fastest speed in his life: "Water King is here, brothers don't panic!"

Li Kun also cooperated with typing: "Shui Sheng returns, everyone is calm!"

女性 A female ID took the lead in replying: "Ah, let me count. The two of you disappeared for 17 minutes and 42 seconds. The endurance is above average! Hee hee!"

Wang Wanggan and Li Kun looked confused, but they always felt that the chrysanthemum was tight at the same time, and they felt that the arrow symbols had penetrated into the chrysanthemum ...

"Second Olympic! Where did you two die? We almost called the police!"

"Yeah, we seriously discussed whether to call 110 or 911."

Uh ...

Squinting to see that the two were waterlords, they were drowned by the torrential flood. Wang Qian had to save the nonsense and go straight to the subject.

"I announce the results of this investigation!"

"We admit mistakes!"

"We have witnessed firsthand that the pets at Qiyuan Pet Store ... are really obedient and obedient!"