Pet King

v1 Chapter 513: Fun games

The next day, Zhang Zi'an got up in the morning, pulled the curtains, and found that the weather was good, the sun was sunny, and the wind stopped after a day, just right to go out for a walk.

After Xiao Celery and Wang Yaning left yesterday evening, Feimas came up with another idea—to pull a sleigh with Zhan Tian. It is better to pull two dogs together than one dog alone.

Zhang Zi'an also thinks this idea is good. Dogs are very human. For a dog with a wounded heart, nothing can rebuild confidence than applause and applause.

The only question is, in these short days, can we let Zhan Tian obey his order smoothly, after all, Zhan Tian is not an elf.

After finishing the routine in the morning, Uncle Li also brought in the breakfast of the elves. In the foam insulation box, there were kebabs and fried steaks of Feimas. Zhang Zi'an dumped the fried beef into Pegasus' food bowl, and then brought a bottle of half-red Great Wall Dry Red, and poured Pegasus a glass.

Pegasus stared at the fuchsia liquid flowing into the glass, and its extremely sensitive smell told it that the quality of this bottle of wine was different from that of red wine in the world of the mind, but it still stuck its tongue into the glass and was intoxicated He took a sip.

Fina opened her eyes slightly and saw Zhang Zi'an wearing a coat. She was not happy and asked, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Zi'an Yao pointed to the back of the shop. "It's a nice day today. I plan to take a battle day to train in that green area. Would you like to bask in the sun too?"

"This palace can bask in the shop, why do you need to go out?" Fina asked.

"Because the air outside is very fresh, you can't breathe such fresh air in the store." Zhang Zi'an advised, "It's boring to stay in the house. You go out for a walk, so you always eat and sleep Eating land to raise children ... "

"What did you say!" Fina was furious. "This palace has no children!"

The old tea almost sipped out, and I always felt that Zhang Zi'an was dying. He hurried to the road: "Ah! Older also thinks it is good to go out and walk. The plan for the day lies in the morning. When you are full, you just go out to digestion. . "

Fina still wanted to give old tea some face, and Xinghai was also eager to go hide and seek in the green space, so she glared at Zhang Zi'an and kept silent.

As for the Snow Lion, it has always been Fina's horse, and Fina will go wherever she goes.

Richard, who likes to be hilarious, doesn't have to say much.

After Lu Yiyun came to work, Zhang Zi'an confessed to her and asked her to call her if she had something. He could rush back to deal with it in a few minutes, and then took the battle days and the elves away from the back door of the shop and went straight to the green space. .

The green space was still a desolate place, with snow and ice on the needles of pine and cypress, and the withered yellow grass fell, and even the wild cats that roamed here in the autumn were gone. Wang Qian and Li Kun lead puppies in the shop to walk dogs in the green field almost every day, except when the weather is bad.

Zhang Zi'an found an old baseball and a pair of baseball gloves from the storeroom before going out. His father took him to play baseball in the park when he was a kid. There was a period when he was a middle-school boy. Fastball is the goal-of course, it was unsuccessful. Baseball requires both talent and hard work, and he doesn't have both.

But today he is not training himself with baseball, but training combat days.

He rolled out a tarpaulin for camping on a flat stone bench so that Fina and the Snow Lion would not get cold when they got up. Lao Cha jumped up to the wall to see if there were any other people nearby.

"Zhantian." Zhang Zi'an untied Zhantian's traction rope, squatted down and held the baseball in front of him. "Come and play together?"

Zhan Tian stared at baseball and sniffed cautiously. Although there was nothing special, Zhang Zi'an saw curiosity in his eyes.

"I throw it out and help me pick it up?" He threw the baseball in his hand, caught it again, threw it again, and caught it. Zhan Tian's head also fluctuated with his movements.

Although there are titles in the training courses for police dogs, it is training after all, and this is just a game. His purpose is to let Zhantian rebuild confidence and dependence on people in the game.

"Okay, I'm throwing it." He moved his wrist to prevent injuries.

When he threw for the first time, his movement was very slow, so that the battlefield could be seen clearly, and the throwing distance was short, without letting the ball roll into the grass.

The baseball draws a beautiful arc on the blue sky, and it slams on the ground with a loud noise, bounces a few times, and rolls forward.

Zhan Tian is still staring at baseball, but does not move, as if hesitating.

Feimas yelled at him twice, ran to lead by himself, picked up the baseball and ran back to Zhang Zi'an.

Zhang Zi'an was not discouraged and showed no irritability. He followed suit and threw the baseball out again.

The front leg of this battle day moved a little, took a half step forward, and retracted again.

Pegasus is also very patient, demonstrating back to baseball for the battle day.

By the third time, Zhantian finally trot past, returned to baseball, and handed it to Zhang Zi'an.

"Battle days, it's awesome!" Zhang Zi'an rubbed his head lightly, and took out the beef jerky from his pocket like magic, and fed it to his palm.

In order to train this morning, he deliberately did not let Zhantian have breakfast.

Zhan Tian quickly put out his tongue, ate the beef jerky into his mouth, chewed it, and looked at him expectantly as if he had tasted the sweetness.

After that, Zhang Zi'an threw the baseball again. Each time, it was farther and more challenging than the last time. Sometimes it fell under the stone bench and sometimes it fell into the grass. It took a few days for the battle to return successfully.

Every time the battle returns to baseball, waiting for it is Zhang Zi'an's praise and delicious beef jerky. It becomes more lively and more engaged in this game.

Zhang Zi'an praised him, he watched Xiao Yuhong's training process at the police dog nursing home ~ ~ so his tone and movement were consciously imitating her. Zhantian has the same basic training as police dogs, and he is very smart. He quickly adapted to Zhang Zi'an's training, otherwise he would not easily become a trump candidate for the special police force.

The school day is coming soon. Time is tight. Zhang Zi'an was busy playing games with Zhantian. Xinghai shook his head and looked around. The wild cats who played hide-and-seek with him last time were gone, which made him a little disappointed.

"Xinghai, do you want to play hide and seek?"

Xinghai looked back, it was Feimas.

"Meow ~ play!" Xinghai said cheerfully.

Feimas asked again, "Who is going to be a ghost?"

It has long expected for today, because it owed Xinghai a hide and seek from a very early age.


Today's public account issued a humanoid figure of Xinghai, surprised! Is she actually a loli? Search for "jiepo666" on WeChat, follow it, and you can see the history message!