Pet King

v1 Chapter 537: Succeed

Readers disturbed by pranksters saw Zhang Zi'an typing in the chat room, thinking that he really found a book about life, the universe, and everything, and invariably looked back at him in the silent reading room. The sound of moving chairs sounded.

However, they were immediately disappointed.

Zhang Zi'an thought his posture was handsome, but they found his posture silly. In their eyes, he didn't hold the book at all, but kept the posture of holding the book casually, as if he really had the book in his hand, which reminded them of a famous fairy tale-"The Emperor's New Clothes" .

[Jaw Crow]: Is this person funny?

[Pancake Fruit]: If he is funny, then he succeeded, because I really laughed.

[]: Uh ... Maybe he means, no book is better than a book at this time?

Zhang Zi'an maintained the state of lifting the book for a few seconds so that it could be seen by the entire audience, and then lowered the book below the waist. Although he didn't know what kind of elves it was, he didn't think it would be a giraffe. He might not be able to lift it too high ...

He felt that since the book appeared with the elf, it should disappear together. At this time, since the book is still there, the elf should also be there.

Zhang Zi'an was holding a book with his left hand and holding a cell phone in his right hand to scan around, but still saw nothing.

After a few more seconds, just as he was upset, the book in his hand was suddenly pulled slightly. He quickly pointed at the left hand with his mobile phone, and the game also prompts.

[Game Reveal]: Target Confirmation-Molecular Monkey!

Zhang Zi'an opened his eyes wide. He didn't see anything at first. He noticed that a vague outline was taking shape in the air, his head, torso, limbs ... and finally round brown eyes like squatting on the table. Little kid on the beach.

Its hand was holding one end of the book, and Zhang Zi'an was holding the other end without letting go, which allowed him plenty of time to observe it.

When it fully appeared, Zhang Zi'an was surprised to find that it was a young rhesus monkey, that is, a macaque that inhabited South Asia, Southeast Asia, and southern China. It has yellow hairs of varying shades, a few light wrinkles on the pale pink face, a not too long tail hanging down the table, and his expression is full of flinches and uneasiness, but with a little bit Gratitude and excitement.

No, Zhang Zi'an thought it had fully appeared, but it wasn't there yet. Finally, a pair of clip-on glasses appeared on the bridge of his nose, which was the very old glasses without temples. Between the two thin lenses Connected with brass-colored metal.

It looked at Zhang Zi'an, and the book between it and him, and the other hand continued to circle on the table, and his eyes seemed to plead with pleading, begging Zhang Zi'an to return the book to it.

Zhang Zi'an was very curious about this book. He didn't want to own it, but wanted to see if it was all-encompassing. Should be returned to it.

So he let go of his hand, and the molecular monkey held the book tightly in his arms like a baby, grinning.

At the same time, Zhang Zi'an finally pressed the "Capture" button on the phone screen.

[Game Tip]: Capture! Molecular monkey!

A rhesus monkey wearing clip-on glasses holding a book appears in the pet bar.

Only then did he notice the strange general name of this monkey-the molecular monkey.

With quantum cats and molecular monkeys, can atomic pigs be far behind?

Second Brother, where are you? The master was arrested again ...

Zhang Zi'an's tense mood finally relaxed, he unbuttoned the shirt near his collar, as weak as healed in the beginning. He clicked on the molecular monkey and the game popped up.

[Game tip]: Pet attributes

[General name]: Molecular monkey

[Rarity]: elite

[Characteristics]: My life is boundless, and books are boundless

[Source]: not unlocked

[Real name]: Not unlocked

My life is boundless, and the book is boundless? What does it mean?

This sentence looks familiar to some people, and it is plausible to the one in "Zhuangzi". After thinking about it for a while, he can't think of any clue. There are so many weird things about this monkey that I don't want to understand at present.

Although the old tea also appeared in a robe and a horse jacket with a bucket hat, but those things only had a decorative effect. Whether put on or taken off, the old tea is still old tea, but this weird book is vital to the molecular monkey .

Other informed readers were on the sidelines all the time. They didn't see Zhang Zi'an's book or molecular monkey. The whole process was that Zhang Zi'an was performing a mime alone, leaving them speechless.

Zhang Zi'an, feeling relaxed, felt hungry in his belly, and as soon as 12 noon had passed, he sat down and typed.

[Bai Shuai ratio]: OK, the prankster has been persuaded by me, let's read it with peace of mind.

[Jaw Crow]: Where is the prankster? We didn't see anyone going downstairs at all.

[Bai Shuai ratio]: Anyway, he's gone, goodbye everyone!

Zhang Zi'an exited the chat room and turned off the computer.

Mr. Zhou Lao was still sitting beside him, watching the e-book intently.

"Mr. Zhou, I'm leaving now. What else do you not understand?" Zhang Zi'an asked.

"Ah? You left so early?" Mr. Zhou Lao stunned.

Zhang Zi'an let him look at the time on his mobile phone and reminded him: "It's noon, it's 12 noon. I see Mr. Zhou, you should go to dinner first. Come back in the afternoon if you want to read, don't starve yourself. "

"It's been a while ... the reading time has passed too quickly ..." Mr. Zhou Lao was surprised and regretted. "Well, I'll go to eat first too now ... Do you still come here this afternoon?"

Zhang Zi'an is not a real reader. He has already achieved his purpose, and of course he will not come again, so he said, "I have something to do in the afternoon, so I won't come."

"It's a pity. Thank you very much today ~ ~ Teach me how to use this computer." Mr. Zhou Lao sincerely thanked.

Zhang Zi'an smiled, "No, Mr. Zhou, I should thank you."

"Thank me? Why?" Mr. Zhou Lao asked with a beard.

"Because you let me know that good people will have good rewards ..." Zhang Zi'an pointed out. If it was not his whim and decided to help Mr. Zhou Lao, he would definitely return without success today.

"I'm leaving now, goodbye."

He waved to Mr. Zhou, who was puzzled, and left the library first.

After he left, Mr. Zhou Lao also wanted to leave with a cane, but seemed to find something. He carefully picked up a short hair from the table and looked at the sun, yellow.

After leaving the hall, Zhang Zi'an turned and looked back.

On both sides of the tall floor-to-ceiling glass door, the metal plaque reflects the brilliant light in the midday sun, and the two large lines of black italics are particularly eye-catching-Shushan has a route to learn, and the sea is boundless.