Pet King

v1 Chapter 953: Unopened area

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the latest pet king!

Seeing the wizard detection prompt on the phone screen, Zhang Zi'an's first reaction was the thing that had just run away. Could it be the wizard to be captured? Because it is too coincidental.

But there are two other doubts. One is that he did not see it through the game capture interface. The other is that it appeared earlier than the game issued a hint. At least it appeared on the square. Why is the game till now? Just prompt?

After thinking about it, he thinks there are two possible answers. One is that the thing just passed by is just an animal passing by, not an elf; the second possibility ... maybe that is a very special elf?

"Zi'an, what's wrong?" Lao Cha asked him when he looked different.

Zhang Zi'an lowered his phone and stared at the direction in which the thing ran away and replied: "An elf appeared nearby. I wonder if it's the thing just now?"

Lao Cha groaned a little, and said, "Linyuan envy the fish, it is better to retreat and lay the net-instead of guessing here, it is better to chase it down. What do you think, Zi'an?"

Zhang Zi'an thought deeply.

If it is an elf, what kind of elf is it?

He squinted and looked at the ten on the eaves ... no, it was eleven strange animals including chickens.

Dragon, Phoenix, Lion, Pegasus, Seahorse, Cormorant, Catfish, Cormorant, Bullfight, Xingshi, and Chicken.

It makes sense that each of these eleven strange beasts is eligible to become an elf. After all, they have stood on the eaves for hundreds of years, witnessing the rise and fall of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Under their silent gaze, the brave and incompetent emperor sang me like a marquee, but no emperor could change the fate of the decaying feudal dynasty.

They were placed on the eaves to protect the house from evil, but in the end, they did not calm the "house" and did not let any emperor escape the "fierce". In the end, they were nothing but a loess of loess, even the Palace Museum itself. It is no longer the "home" of the emperor, but instead becomes a museum open to all people-as long as the money is spent, anyone can step on it.

In addition, the houses in ancient China were made of wood, and they are afraid of fire. Several kinds of strange animals are related to water, but they have not been burned in the history of the Forbidden City.

However, not all these eleven beasts are suitable for pets, among which chickens can barely be regarded as pets. Since even pets are not, it is even more questionable whether they can become elves.

Although the thing just ran away, although it is not clear about its specific appearance, it is definitely not a chicken from the outline.

As for the hippocampus, it is the horse in the sea, not the hippocampus in daily life.

If not for the elves formed by these eleven beasts ...

Zhang Zi'an remembered that when he sang the national anthem in the square, pets were not allowed to enter the square. The only animal-shaped object was the stone ballast on the watch, but this was less likely.

Standing back on the jade steps in front of the Taihe Hall, looking back, the large army of tourists surged like zombies out of the cage. He and the elves couldn't stay here, otherwise they would be drowned.


Richard was caught off guard by his feet.

"Go and see where the thing went?"

Richard rolled several heads in the air, turning dizzy and dizzy, and fluttered his wings to stabilize his body so that he would not fall like a rock.

It only saw a vague shadow, and said angrily, "I've been running north ... you are absolutely a public grudge against the communist party, deliberately crack down on the revenge, Master?"

Zhang Zi'an certainly didn't admit it, saying hello to the elves: "Let's go, anyway, we have to go north, try to follow it, and see if we can find it."

"Meow ~ hide-and-seek ~ hide-and-seek ~" Xinghai was eager to try, and he walked out first.

Afraid of a mistake, Zhang Zi'an followed closely with the other elves.

He had promised it to play hide-and-seek in the Forbidden City before, but did not expect it to happen in this way.

In the eyes of the staff, in the empty Forbidden City, only Zhang Zi'an was struggling to fly, and passed through the Zhonghe Temple and Baohe Temple without looking back. There was no intention of stopping to visit, and he said that this person had to spend money to visit the Forbidden City. Fitness?

If the elves encountered a building that they were slightly interested in, they ran over to take a look, and if they saw enough, they ran a few steps and followed Zhang Zi'an.

In fact, the process of visiting the Forbidden City is quite boring. More than 8,000 houses are similar. The history and story of each house are not everyone's interest. Most tourists who have not been to the Forbidden City walk away to see what's new. Will come again a second time.

The Qianqing Gate is an important channel connecting the inner court and the outer dynasty. After passing through the Qianqing Gate, you come to the "harem" in the true sense.

Zhang Zi'an looked back. They had thrown the large army of tourists a distance away, and they stopped to catch their breath, looking for the trace of the elf by the way.

Richard just saw the elf go through the dry gate ~ ~ but he didn't see where he ran.

Xinghai and other elves are also looking.

"Zi'an, I seem to smell something." Feimas sniffed, and suddenly raised his head and said.

"Oh? The smell of that guy just now?" Zhang Zi'an asked in the past.

Feimas shook his head. "No, maybe. The taste is fresh anyway, extending from Taihedian to here."

"That's probably correct." Zhang Zi'an breathed a sigh of relief, and the broken thread finally resumed. "Where did it go?"

"Taste extends there." Feimas raised his claws and pointed in one direction.

"Meow ~ That guy knows how to hide and seek ~" Xinghai acted very positively, after all, this is a very fresh opponent.

Lao Cha also urged: "Zi'an, we have almost rested, it is not too late, shall we continue to chase?"

Zhang Zi'an didn't move. He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid I can't chase. You can only chase after chasing."

"Why can't you chase it?" Feimas froze, thinking Zhang Zi'an meant that his sense of smell was wrong.

Zhang Zi'an raised his chin and sighed in that direction: "Because there is an unopened area over there and it is not open to tourists, I will be stopped when I go."

When capturing π in the Binhai City Library before, he was worried that π would appear in the library's ancient book area or children's reading area. If this is the case, he cannot enter at all and can only give up capturing. Appears in the digital reading area.

This time it was a similar situation, but not as good as last time.

The guy who suspected of being an elf ran into the unopened area. What can we do?

Break through?

joke! At the foot of the emperor, there are a few heads who dare not break into the Forbidden City!

Can we just give up?