Pet King

v2 Chapter 1487: vote

Father Yang tensed his cheeks, and unconsciously pulled the corners of his mouth into a straight line. The hands holding the knees under the tabletop were bulging with force.

finally coming?

Although he had a hunch before deciding to go to the United States, he could not help but be shocked when he heard the proposal to activate the seal.

Not only him, but also several other people in the gray robes were obviously shocked mentally, with complex expressions conveying meaningless glances to each other.

Fortunately, all of us here are very well-educated people, and we are full of unwavering faith in our Heavenly Father. If it were replaced by ordinary people, I am afraid it would have been loud and loud.

Father Yang was delayed because of some private affairs. He came late and did n’t have time to change clothes. It looks a little different among the gray robes, but he and them do n’t care. The clothes are just forms. The most important thing is the faith in his heart. And a cross hidden under a suit shirt or swinging over a gray robe chest.

They come from all over the world, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Japan, Sweden, South Africa and China. The oldest people have always lived in San Francisco. This is not distinguished by their nationality, but after the place where they are responsible for preaching, they join All brothers regardless of nationality.

They rarely get together like this, but thanks to modern technology, they have regular video conferences, so they are not strangers to each other.

On the other hand, since they are together today, it also means that the situation is serious enough.

The older gray robes expected that this proposal would surely shock everyone, so after speaking, they have been standing without sitting, hands folded in front of the lower abdomen.

After a while, when everyone digested some of the spiritual shock, he said again, "I know that holy things cannot be moved lightly, but the current state of affairs has run counter to the logic of nature. Animals are terrified and would not have attacked people's suburbs. Wolves frequently report incidents of injuries, and if we continue to watch, the situation will probably get worse. "

Another gray robe man said: "But we have not yet confirmed that these incidents are related to supernatural evil forces, and rashly used the holy relic, the Vatican ..."

The older gray robe interrupted: "If we care about the Vatican, we won't sit here today, will we?"

This rhetorical question with a pronounced contempt did not surprise the attendees.

"Next, let's listen to Chris' opinion. He has experienced similar incidents before. Maybe his opinion can be an important reference for us." The elderly man in gray robes nodded to Father Yang.

Father Yang stood up. "Not long ago, there was an animal anomaly in Binhai, China, where some of you have heard, others have not. In short, that incident originated from cat abuse And it spread to the whole of China in an unusual trend. Many people claimed that they were deceived by a suspicious bronze cat statue to cause cat abuse ... This is strange enough, and even more strangely, the incident went to another The extremely abused stray cats seem to have formed some kind of alliance to unite against cat abusers. "

A few gray robe men took it lightly when they heard the accusations against the Vatican. When they heard this, their faces changed drastically, exclaiming: "Bronze cat statue, is it ... no! This is impossible! We have already resorted to the saint The power of the relic expelled it 800 years ago, why ... "

Father Yang focused his head, "Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, a series of signs show that our old enemy is back, borrowing the body to return to another cat statue and raging in the modern society 800 years later."

Several other people in the gray robes who knew the details said, "That's why you proposed to use the holy thing at the time? But why did you stop the plan in the end?"

Father Yang's firm eyes highlighted confusion. "Because ... the statue of the cat **** and a series of vicious events caused by it stopped abruptly before they could reach the point of being out of control, and disappeared completely. The reason for this is so far I think do not understand……"

The gray robes were silent.

After a long time, someone said, "Maybe, something else stopped it. You see, although we wholeheartedly believe in God, there are all kinds of other believers in the world, and they also have their own relics ..."

"Huh! But heresy!"

"Heterosexual beliefs are also beliefs. How could the cat **** statue survive if the Germans believed in heresy 800 years ago?"

The gray robes held their own words and argued endlessly.

The older man in gray robe patted the table, "You, the past was set aside in advance. Today we are going to discuss whether we should lift the seal of the relic here and let the light of the saint bathe in this cursed city. Let the holy faith purify all evil spirits here? "

Someone proposed: "Let's vote."

The older man in gray robe nodded and raised a hand, "I think it's time, this city is not worthy of its sacred name. All over the place are tramps and beggars, evil-like animals are everywhere to do evil The corpses are vegetarian, and the perpetrators are increasingly rampant. It is time to end all this. "

Some people in the gray robes raised their hands, some people in the gray robes were still hesitant, and some people in the gray robes thought the time was not up.

Of the eight gray robes present, four raised their hands.

Everyone's eyes fell on Father Yang. Although he was not wearing a gray robe, he was also one of them.

Father Yang raised his hand slowly and firmly.

"Okay ~ ~ more than half of the votes." The elderly gray robe person breathed a sigh of relief. Those who didn't raise their hands were not against it, but they tended to act cautiously. At least he thinks so.

He pressed a hidden button under the table and squeaked, and the wall on the side of the round table was separated left and right along the slide, revealing a dark room.

Everyone stood up, held the cross on their chests, and bowed their heads in the direction of the dark room.

The stale air escaped from the dark room.

There was nothing else in the dark room, only one ... no, there were two statues, a person and an animal.

The man, wearing a simple robe, barefoot, looked down at the animal lovingly, with his hands on top of his head, his lips slightly open, as if preaching to him.

And that animal is exactly that beast, it seems that he has been touched by that person. The violent atmosphere of the beast has been lost in his eyes. He looked up at the person with pious head, and raised his ears, as if listening attentively.

One person and one beast, the expression is lifelike, which shows the exquisite carving craftsmanship.