Pet King

v2 Chapter 1530: Kite flying

Fina hated Zhang Zi'an's pretentious and mysterious virtue most, apparently she was hanging her appetite. The cat was naturally curious, and it was even more intolerable.

"Don't talk about these things, what are you going to do, don't you say?" It said with a cold paw.

Zhang Zi'an was a genius when he met soldiers.

"I'm not saying that, but I'm not sure. Whether we can safely enter and leave the slaughterhouse tonight depends on God's appreciation." He quickly explained.

"God?" Fina looked suspiciously at the night sky. "What's the matter with God?"

Zhang Zi'an raised his mobile phone. The local weather forecast was displayed on the mobile phone screen, but it was updated when there was internet during the day. Now there is no internet and there is no way to update the real-time weather forecast.

"The weather forecast says that there may be strong convective weather tonight. Do you know that the probability of precipitation is 90% of strong convective weather? It is extreme weather such as thunderstorms, winds, hail and so on."

Fina's face was colder. "You despise the IQ of this house?"

"No ..." He reluctantly clarified, sat up again, and pointed to the forest behind him. "Remember the red scorched red shirt hit by lightning? The first half I saw it, I remembered it The air here is humid and the hot and cold air meets here. Thunderstorms are not uncommon. "

Fina and the elves waited for him to continue.

"The red shirts are extremely tall. Those red shirts that are higher than their peers in the forest tend to be the natural targets of lightning strikes. The so-called Muxiu Yulin will be hit by thunder." He also compared the surroundings and let them see. Around, this is a private territory, and there are no particularly tall ancient trees serving as lightning rods. "

Under these circumstances, the elves also know that the trees in this private territory are relatively low, which is incomparable to those tall red shirts deep in the forest.

"So if lightning strikes nearby, where would the lightning strike?" He didn't expect the elves to answer this question, but instead pointed to the tallest building in the slaughterhouse, saying, "You can see clearly Where is it? A long lightning rod stands on that building. "

The slaughterhouse was brightly lit, and the elves could indeed see a tall, thin pole on the top of the building pointing to the sky.

"There is no tall red shirt nearby to act as a natural lightning rod, and the slaughterhouse must set up its own lightning rod to prevent it from being struck by lightning."

The area of ​​the slaughterhouse is not large, but it is not small, and the buildings are scattered. Several buildings have lightning rods on the top.

The elves seemed to understand a little, but they didn't fully understand, and almost broke the last layer of window paper.

Zhang Zi'an pulled out a Swiss army knife from his pocket, and began to cut the insulating rubber on both ends of the wire to expose the copper core of the wire more than ten centimeters at both ends.

Then, he took out the box containing the drone, opened it, and assembled the drone.

"So, I'm going to fly this wire to a high altitude with a drone, at least much higher than the highest lightning rod in the slaughterhouse, and the other end of the wire is left on the ground and put on the grid. If ... I mean If, tonight, a thunderstorm really occurs, the lightning will not be attracted by the red shirt or the lightning rod, but will hit the grid along this wire. "

After he finished speaking, it took a few seconds for the elves to suddenly understand what he meant.

Richard couldn't see his eyes clearly, but he understood. He patted his head with his wings and said, "Quack! According to Uncle Ben, you don't have to be a pet shop manager anymore, you have a better future as a terrorist. "

Lao Cha asked eagerly and excitedly: "So ... what if lightning strikes the power grid?"

Zhang Zi'an shrugged. "I don't know, let's do a scientific experiment."

"Have you considered the idea of ​​a slaughterhouse that is being used as an experimental subject without authorization?" Richard spat.

There is a scientific story that is well known to both China and the United States. Many Americans are convinced and even included Chinese language textbooks, which are no less famous than Newton's Apple and Galileo's two iron balls. This story is "Franklin's kite".

The 18th-century Franklin is a very historical person with a large number of loud titles, such as writer, inventor, scientist, diplomat, philosopher, and enlightenment thinker, etc. His outstanding contribution, especially in the field of electricity, was one of the pioneers of electricity.

According to legend, one day in 1752, Franklin took his son William to an open place, flying a kite in a thunderstorm, and tied a copper key to the end of the kite line. When the kite flew into the thundercloud, a flash of lightning passed He felt his hands feel numb, so he moved his hands closer to the copper key. As he expected, a spark ran between his finger and the copper key, and he cried in surprise: "William! I have been shocked! Now it can be proven that lightning is electricity!"

This story is almost universally known. Lightning is indeed electricity, but it is doubtful whether Franklin did this experiment himself.

The famous rumor show "Terminator of Rumors" explored this legend in the fifth episode of Season 4, using rigorous methods, and it was also concluded that if this experiment is successful, Franklin will certainly die.

In fact, in order to verify this experiment, a Russian scientist was hacked to death by lightning in 1753.

Franklin is an unquestionable great man, but he may never have done this experiment, at least not in a legendary way, otherwise his awesome list of titles may be less ...

In addition, his son William is not a little boy like the illustration in the Chinese textbook. If the legend is true, William in 1752 was 21 years old and a handsome young man. William himself is also a politician ~ ~ but he never mentioned that he had participated in this famous experiment.

There are countless mysteries of history, and this one is no worse than that, and the legends that people impose on great men are not uncommon. Whether or not this experiment happened, it did not detract from Franklin's greatness.

Franklin was the inventor of modern lightning rods, but today Zhang Zi'an wants to replicate his experimental method to bypass the lightning rods in the slaughterhouse.

How high is the voltage on the high-voltage network?

Do you think 100,000 volts have reached the sky?

The voltage of lightning is as high as 100 million volts!

He didn't use a kite line wet with rain, but a real copper core wire.

The erratic kites have also been replaced by stable and controllable drones.

At least this night, he was a modern, Chinese version of Franklin.

The only thing that is uncertain is whether the weather forecast is accurate?