Pet King

v2 Chapter 1617: Donate blood

Hearing Zhang Zi'an's words, Megan and the elves were all holding back.

"Blood transfusion? You mean blood transfusion to this cat?" Megan confirmed subconsciously.

Zhang Zi'an nodded, "Yes."

As soon as Fina's eyes lighted, it never wanted to owe humanity, but this time she owed a huge humanity because of her care. Although the blood transfusion could not be fully repaid, it could at least make her feel better.

So it jumped out first and said, "Is it a blood transfusion? Use the blood from your house!"

"Scared? Lose ... blood transfusion?" Snow Lion flinched in fear, as if he was afraid to grab it and draw blood, "Does blood transfusion hurt?"

Megan further asked: "Is it meant to ... use the blood of the other three cats to lose to the injured blue cat?"

The other three cats, of course, refer to Fina, Snow Lion, and Xinghai.

Zhang Zi'an shook his head, denying both Fina's request and Meghan's inquiry, "No, not with their blood."

Snow Lion breathed a sigh of relief, "It scared his mother ..."

Megan and the other elves are stunned, because there are only four cats in this place, and the blood of the other three cats is not needed. Where can I find blood for the blue cat?

Zhang Zi'an's eyes fell on Feimas at the door, walked over to squat, and patted his body, "Feimas, lend some of your blood to Vladimir?"




"Meow meow meow?"

As soon as this word came out, Megan's eyes were almost glaring, the elves' jaws were almost falling to the ground, and they couldn't believe their ears.

"Quack! You idiot, your uncle understands, but are you anxious?" Richard exclaimed from his hood.

Snow Lion: "It's over, the man's head is flooded!"

Feimas was also aggressive, he always thought that he couldn't help, "Uh ... I don't care, but can my blood be lost to Vladimir?"

Megan rushed over and took Zhang Zi'an's arm. "Hey! Are you crazy? Although I don't know much about pets, but how can a dog's blood not be lost to a cat? It will definitely have a severe rejection, not only to save It won't die, it will even ... "

This is cross-species blood transfusion. In her conception, even if humans and monkeys can transfuse each other, cats and dogs are impossible. After all, even distant relatives are not counted.


Zhang Zi'an solemnly gave a positive answer.

"Cats also have blood types, most of them are type A, and a few are type B. Type AB is very rare. Like humans, different blood types cannot be mixed." He looked at Vladimir and glanced at other cats. "But I I do n’t know what blood type it is or what blood type they are. No matter what blood is drawn from any of them and lost to Vladimir, they are gambling. "

In addition to this level of worry, he also wondered whether the ancient cats such as Fina and Snow Lion were different in blood type from modern cats.

"But even gambling has at least a half-win percentage. Don't you say most of them are type A?" Megan still doesn't understand, and the elves also don't understand, "But if you use dog blood, it's not Don't you even have a 1% win rate? "

Zhang Zi'an took the syringe out of the first aid kit, which was scraped from the bathroom cabinet in this house.

"You don't understand. Dogs can lose blood to cats, and don't worry about blood type." He explained while preparing for blood transfusion, otherwise Megan might refuse to help.

"Since 1962, more than 60 cats have survived by injecting dog blood, and four related papers have been published. The general principle is that the cat's immune system does not immediately reject the dog's blood cells that are first introduced into the body. It takes about a week or so for rejection to occur, "he said.

"Ah?" Megan was stupid.

"The point is, the half-life of dog blood cells in cats is only 4 days! Understand? Before dogs have a rejection reaction, dog blood cells have all died naturally, and 4 days is enough to survive the dangerous period of urgently needed blood transfusions!"

As a good student with excellent academic performance, Megan finally understood that this is a time lag. The cat's immune system responds slowly to dog blood cells. By the time the reaction comes, the dog blood cells that have been input into the body have naturally died out. Therefore, there is no severe rejection reaction, which is much better than random cat blood transfusion and luck in the case of unknown blood type.

"It's amazing ... cats and dogs still have such a relationship ..." she murmured, "God has made cats and dogs the closest animal friends to humans for a reason ..."

"Then the other way around? Give cat blood to dogs ..." she asked curiously.

"No," Zhang Zi'an said, "The other way around is not okay, and this is only a contingency plan, because a cat can only accept dog blood this time. If it is the second time, even if the blood comes from the same dog, "If you lose to the same cat, the blood transfused cat will also experience severe rejection."

The cat's immune system may respond slowly for the first time, but it is not stupid. It will remember the characteristics of the dog's blood cells and mark them as invading foreign bodies. The second time if the dog's blood enters the body, it will immediately show no mercy. Launching an immune offensive and treating dog blood as a foreign body will not only save lives, but will cause cats to die.

He is not very clear about the situation in North America and Europe, but basically all pet hospitals in China do not have a cat blood bank, let alone China, even if there is a cat in the neighboring country, which is much richer and treats pets better, there is no cat. The blood bank, when blood is needed, can only be drawn temporarily from healthy cats in the hospital.

What if there were no healthy cats at the time of the hospital ~ ~ or the cats were too old, too young and too weak to draw blood? That can only be widely advertised, enthusiastic people please volunteer to bring cats to donate blood for free.

What if there is no one nearby to voluntarily bring a cat to donate blood, or if the situation is so urgent that you ca n’t wait for a voluntary blood donation cat?

If there is a dog nearby, as long as it is a healthy adult dog, it can be a temporary donor as a blood donor, and the dog is usually larger than a cat and the impact of blood donation is small.

However, few people know this. Very few people may have heard it occasionally as an anecdote, but they do n’t understand the principle, even most veterinarians in China do n’t know it. Fortunately, he knows a major of pedagogy. veterinary.

Zhang Zi'an handed a syringe to Megan. "If you understand, just get started and listen to my instructions."

"it is good!"

Megan took the syringe excitedly, and his heart was filled with a sense of sacred mission.

Feimas squatted down at the coffee table and put a front paw on the table. "Come!"