Pet King

v2 ~: 【Fanwai】Despise the chain

Fiction: King of pets: are broken Update Time: 2020-09-1521: 51

Several customers looked depressed, because they felt that it was too difficult to buy only a cat of the desired breed, and the shop assistants were gloating.

Zhang Zian comforted: "There are still real formal catteries. Of course it is really hard to find. I can give you some suggestions on hardware."

They listened curiously. After all, this is a reference from a cattery competitor. They say that the person who knows you best is not your friend but your enemy, right?

Zhang Zian shook his fingers, "First of all, the cattery must be registered with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and must have a formal business license. You can not register with the CFA, or you can not register with the TICA, but you must register with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. This is your legal business. Second, no matter whether you pay the deposit or the final payment, you can’t transfer the money to the other party’s personal WeChat account. You must transfer the money to the other party’s company account. Didn’t you register with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau? Then you must have a public account."

"After satisfying these two items, whether you can buy a satisfactory cat, whether there is a problem with the cat you bought, etc., put it aside first. Once a transaction dispute arises, you at least have a place to complain, but if it is the appearance Controversy, the Bureau of Industry and Commerce can't control, at most, it can control cats that are infected with diseases after they are brought home."

"The third point, if you live in a big city like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and you find a cattery in the same city, the other party will not let you come, but will ask you to meet in a coffee shop near the cattery. At this time, you can pay attention. If the cafe you meet is within the Fifth Ring Road, basically you don’t need to expect the other party to raise cats in a single-family villa. Ninety-nine percent of them rent a house in a residential area and you can buy it. People who can afford and can afford to rent a single-family villa within the Fifth Ring Road will still work hard to open a cattery? If you don't care about this, it doesn't matter."

"The above three points are all hardware conditions, but even if they are all met, there is still no way to solve the problem of visiting cats and deposits. Some catteries can come to watch cats after paying the deposit. Try to choose such a cattery... Of course, being able to come to see a cat can only guarantee that what you see is believable. It cannot guarantee that the cat you see will satisfy you. What if you are dissatisfied whether it is the appearance or the price?

"As long as you hand over the deposit to the other party, it is equivalent to giving up the right to shop around. You can only bind it to the cattery where you paid the deposit. There is no solution to this problem. During the waiting period after the deposit and before picking up the cat, if you meet another cat, or hear about the black history of this cattery, you find that this cattery is not as formal as you think. Or your enthusiasm for raising cats has passed, and you suddenly don’t want to raise cats. At this time, you are the most entangled. The bigger the cattery, the more you can play with futures. After paying the deposit, you will have to wait for a few months and half a year. Years are very common."

Although he intended to comfort them, they became more discouraged as they listened. Why?

The reason is simple, the theory is the theory, and the actual operation is another matter.

If the seller is strong enough, you ask to see their business license and ask for a public transfer. People can ignore you. If you like to buy or not, some people want to buy if you don’t buy, maybe they will scold you, ", what can you do?

Nowadays, even if the otaku go to the vegetable market to buy a vegetable, they can’t save face and bargain with the vegetable seller, and want to negotiate with the customer service of the cattery who has seen countless people? It's basically a gift.

Let alone the cattery customer service, look at the Taobao customer service that sells ordinary goods. Or is it still the grandfather coaxing you before you pay, and you are too lazy to care after you pay?

Oh, Taobao customer service neglects you, you can at least give a bad review, but there is no Taobao shop in the cat house.

On the other hand, at the pet shop, no matter how much you scold the pet shop, at least the pet shop always pays the cat with one hand. There is no cat you like in this shop. You can pat your **** and go to another one. After the cat is bought back, there is a problem. As long as you sign the sale agreement, you can come to ask for justice. If the shop owner doesn’t solve it, you can pull up a banner, you can sit in front of the shop, or you can call the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to come over. You can call 12315, maybe you can send the owner to the 315 party next year.

As for the cats themselves, the vast majority of cattery cats are kept secretly in cages. A considerable number of cattery cats are not in natural heat but are catalyzed by drugs. There are even some catteries secretly bought from pet shops or individual breeders. Cats, sell them to customers several times, and how do you, an ordinary consumer, know?

All catteries will claim that they feed big cats and kittens to top cat food, so customers must also be rich. Then I also said that the cats in my shop grew up eating dragon liver and phoenix brain, anyway, you can’t come to your door. I don't do live broadcast, you can't refute it.

Every cattery will call itself a regular cattery, and no one will put the word "irregular" on their forehead.

It's not something to be proud of, but these chaos exist objectively. The cattery and pet shop are just fifty steps and one hundred steps.

Even in the United States, the birthplace of cattery, according to the definition of "backyard" in domestic cattery, there are more backyard catteries in the United States.

Not only in the United States, but in developed countries like the United Kingdom and Australia, there are many backyard catteries that meet the definition. It is not that the moon in foreign countries must be round, even if you dislike domestic catteries and pet shops and go abroad to buy Bringing the cat back will not necessarily be what you want.

"This world is full of chains of contempt."

Zhang Zian suddenly changed a topic that seemed to be undesirable.

"Top2 students despise 985 students, 985 despise 211, 211 despise double-fee, double-fee despise college-graduate students... and TOP2 are despised by Harvard and Cambridge."

"Youbute despise people who watch station B, people who watch station B despise people who look at Douyin, and people who watch Douyin despise people who watch Kuaishou... and Pornhub shows that the above are all spicy chickens. You can even learn quantum physics and Programming."

"Watching British TV dramas despise American TV dramas, American TV dramas watching Japanese TV dramas, Japanese TV dramas watching Korean TV dramas, Korean TV dramas watching Hong Kong and Taiwan TV dramas... Then all these were crushed by anti-Japanese dramas."

"People who promote'adoption instead of buying' despise those who buy cats, those who buy cats in cattery despise those who buy cats in pet shops, and those who buy cats in pet shops despise those who buy cats in flower, bird, fish and insect markets... …However, some hunters with the Beastmaster attribute are lucky enough to pick up cats such as puppets and short cats during a walk in the evening. They have breed cats without spending a penny, and they can also enjoy the pleasure of saving stray cats. Winner."

"People who make cat food for cats at home every day despise those who feed cats with imported cat food, those who feed imported cat food despise those who feed domestic cat food, those who feed domestic cat food despise those who feed cats with leftovers... Everyone has the money and time to make their own cat food or buy imported cat food, don’t the poor deserve to raise cats?"

At first everyone thought Zhang Zian was talking about irrelevant topics, but slowly realized that it was not, and there seemed to be something deeper in this topic...

If you find in the Chinese examination room that the composition question asks you to write an 800-character essay about pets, and the topic is self-designed, then you can write pets throughout the article. You may get a high score if you write well, but if it exists The full score composition, the concept of the full score composition must be based on pets and higher than pets, sublimate the theme at the end, arouse deeper thinking, so that it can be favored by the scoring teacher.

"In life, everyone is a link in the chain of contempt. You despise others on this chain, and others despise you on another chain. Even if you are the leader of the country, you will still be the leader of other countries or the people. Contempt, no one can escape the chain of contempt."

Zhang Zian looked at the girl in red again, she was finally completely discouraged, because today if there is a fanatical propagandist of "adoption representative buying", her so-called "cathouse loves cats more" theory is still despised in the eyes of others Object? People will say, "If you really love a cat, go and adopt it."

So are those who promote "adoption instead of buying" invincible?

Of course not, does he or she eat meat? Do you wear any clothing related to animal products?

As long as you eat meat, even if you eat eggs, or even if there is a hair in your clothes that comes from an animal, you will be despised by vegetarian environmentalists-you are just adopting a few cats, what forcing you? Is a frog at the bottom of a well worthy of environmentalism? What is cat love? We love nature!

The morality of the cattery is just a pile of **** in front of the The morality of the adopter is a pile of **** in front of the vegetarian environmentalists, so are the vegetarian environmentalists invincible?

Not necessarily, you cannot stand on the highest moral point in every place.

Only the keyboard man on the Internet is truly invincible. As long as he does not reveal his true identity and what he does in reality, the keyboard man can despise everything.

Keyboard Man graduated from the top 2 universities in the world, advocating nature, environmental protection, walking to pick up puppet cats, making cat meals every day, studying **** station P, watching anti-Japanese dramas in his spare time, and only when he is really bored do he go online to follow Netizens are funny.

"The cattery and pet shop are only worth living at the bottom of the chain of contempt, but they still want to get rid of the other side and hurry up. From a higher perspective, isn't it ridiculous? They are born from the same roots, so why are they frying? anxious?"

This is Zhang Zian's summary statement.

Several customers, including the girl in red, as well as several shop assistants, were all lost in thought. Everyone's mood was very complicated, as if listening to a class that was about learning and debating on the surface, but actually thinking about life.

The cattery and the pet shop, the enemies who despise each other, are just a small part of the longer chain of contempt. What's the point of arguing for length and height?

Do what you want to do, be responsible for your choices, and don't be kidnapped by morals, because no matter how hard you work, you still have to be despised by people at the highest moral point.

There is only one life, so why not do it rashly?



This time the series comes to an end

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