Phoenix Destiny

~: Postscript: This is not a tragedy

This postscript, which was supposed to be written yesterday, can't be written, so it was put to today.

Delayed, it just happened to let me see the reaction of everyone to the outcome.

Writing this ending is not intended to abuse readers. Therefore, I feel it necessary to interpret it so that you can understand the intention. Even if not everyone can accept it, at least let everyone see where it is.

This book is a robbery in my writing career. There are many, many, and I think I can’t pass it.

Its birth is inherently inadequate.

I don't know how many readers have read my previous "Fairy Map". This book can be said to be my ultimate fantasy about the subject of comprehension. So after I finish writing, I will consider it and I will not write it again in the short term. .

First, many of my imaginations about this subject have already been shown in that book. In the absence of a new brain, rewriting is just a repetition. Second, I clearly realized that I knew too little about this on the road. I can even say that I still didn't know how to write a web.

I am a very lucky person. I just didn't even think about how to write a "red book" when I wrote the first work "The Immortal Difficulty" in the Girls' Network. It’s just because I saw the mortal man’s biography. I have a great interest in the world that the author has shown, and indulging my imagination, I have such a concept.

So I started to write this work with great enthusiasm.

Since I didn't think about whether it would be "red", the psychological acceptance ability at that time was very high. Some readers and I were happy and happy together, so I was not happy. Being able to have later achievements has exceeded the imagination too much.

Because the results are beyond imagination, I have not experienced the cold reception of a new author, still retaining innocence and self.

This book ultimately cannot be a good ending because of the reality.

Many of its ideas, in my opinion, have great flaws, and this flaw is also a major cause of the outcome.

It opened up my new world and became my black history.

I feel sorry for it.

In this case, I am going to write "Fairy Map" to correct the mistakes made in the previous work.

I want to tell myself that I can write better works.

Then, I experienced all the tests that the debut had saved.

The cold reception of "Fairy" is something I have never thought of. The initial boring, rejected most of the readers.

But as I said before, I was still naive and I combed the whole story and thought it was a good story. There is no reason why others don't appreciate it.

So, I buried this story, and I want to write it out and show it to everyone.

Later, I did it. Although this subscription is not as good as the previous one, it has brought me to you.

Until now, I still think that this is my most sincere work, although not many people accept it.

This work, 3.7 million words, has been written for nearly three years.

In the process, I finally realized that writing a web is not that simple.

And I am no longer a newcomer to write for my interest. Now I need to rely on it to support my family.

I began to consciously learn other people's works, understand readers' preferences, analyze their own defects, and find the direction of breakthrough.

In the process, I wrote a lot of works that were practiced, some were destroyed, some were left on the hard disk, and some were experimented.

Calm down and analyze, the cold encounter of "Fairy" is not innocent, it has made many taboos that should not be committed. A woman with a vague gender consciousness, not easy to substitute, a beginning without a refreshing, straightforward, a story that is too long and not explosive.

This is basically half the battle.

However, the story of the lack of explosions can still be written very well.

It didn't have enough results, it just couldn't be good enough, I didn't write it very well.

After the end of "Fan Ling", I have not opened a new half a year.

In the past six months, I have reflected many problems and wrote many short and medium articles.

After the year, the editor urged me to open the pit.

It has been stopped for too long and a new journey should begin.

At that time, what I was preparing was the story of "Moving." Therefore, Lu Mingshu and Xie Xingshen’s people are supposed to belong to this story.

But at the time, it was not perfect enough, and there was no good entry point. I had a problem at the beginning.

I couldn't write a satisfactory beginning, so I accepted the editor's suggestion and decided to write a transition.

In his own new and old pits, he chose the framework of "God to Phoenix".

Since the people have already done almost, I also fell in love with these two characters, so I put them in this story and made corresponding adjustments.

Since it is a transition, it must be changed here.

The direction I chose at the time was to move closer to the masses, so this one had a very **** beginning.

Looking back now, a transitional work is destined to be inherently inadequate at the outset.

Not everyone, the first structure of this book is a different kind of shuttle. As I said before, it was originally inspired by the "Knights of the World". Now look at the opening settings, you can also see the traces, I mixed the world, it should be a series of copies of the world shuttle, there are magic world, there is a world of stars, and even the modern world.

But after opening the book, I found it impossible.

Write a fantasy, then your overall world view should be illusory. Adding magic will give you a feeling of being incomprehensible.

There are already examples in front of me. I saw another book, which is also the way to write. The author told me that the rate of readers’ abandonment was very high and the subscription fell. Later she broke even more and has not finished writing until now.

So I began to adjust the structure, reducing the content of the shuttle outside the world, and even reduced to only a few embellishments, mainly in this world.

In this way, the reader is indeed more coherent, but it is out of my original expectations.

Since then, I have lost control of it.

The more you write backwards, the stronger the sense of loss of control.

I have prepared all the plot points, I can't use them at all, I can only adjust while writing.

This is not the biggest problem. The most terrible thing is that my personal emotions have broken out.

As I said before, after writing "Fairy", I decided not to write the truth in the short term. Therefore, "Destiny" itself is a compromise.

I am in a depressed mood, the more I write later, the more I am rejected. Ask yourself over and over again, since you don't want to write, why do you want to be stubborn. Since I started writing, why can't I stick to it. Reduce the story to this, is it worthy of the characters in the pen?

Then I went back to see this work and found that the existing version had too many deficiencies and did not write the feeling I wanted. It shouldn't be like this. If you let me rate it, it will even fail.

The most bitter code word is the low eye. The ideal is too high, the level is too low, too much is thought, and too little is written.

Anyway, since I have already started writing, I have to give it an ending.

So I re-planned the architecture again.

This ending was fixed at the end of July.

In fact, I think this is the best ending I can give them.

Lu Mingshu experienced a lot of injustice in his life. The death of my grandfather and mother sent her into the world of martial arts. Even if she relies on her own efforts and shines, others still think that she is too rigid and has no good results.

There is a fire in her heart, and once it breaks out, it is the consequence of the original.

But she also met a good person.

Master, who was completely abolished by the meridians, revived her. The sorghum of the childhood sweetheart is holding her up. There are also Zhuo Shishuzu, who can help her as much as I can.

For these good people, she has been trying to control the fire in her heart.

The higher the strength, the less anyone can control her, the more she has to control herself.

She is not willing to dominate others with the same strength because she is treated unfairly.

Therefore, she would rather let herself become a good person, leaving room for others, and not willing to ruin the end, cold face killing.

This is her self-cultivation.

Therefore, at the last moment, when faced with that choice, she decided to become a building, giving those good people a better world.

She hopes that she will be able to see the world with kindness even if she has been treated with a cold shoulder.

Finally she did it.

Ask for the benevolence.

And Xie Xingshen, his personality is more complicated, but his request is very pure.

The experience of the first half of life, when he merged into a new Xie Xing Shen, became a simple self.

He wants to be with the one he loves, to make her happy, and let her pay what she wants.

Therefore, when Lu Mingshu faces that choice, his attitude is that you are going to pursue what you are asking for, and I will follow you forever.

Where you are, that is what my heart is.

I once said to myself that I don't write BE, and this is really not BE.

Are they ignorant of this?

of course not.

I have already written in the text, Xiao Sang is tangible, she can be transformed, and Ming Shu can of course.

Think about Fang Xinyu in "Fairy", her body is a grass!

As for the Tiantian petrochemical spirit, do I need to tell you about a book called "Stone Book"?

So, I really didn't think that everyone would think this is a tragedy.

I imagined that after thousands of years, the new Jianmu finally cultivated the form and turned out the woman who looked like a snow.

At the first sight of her transformation, she will see the romantic son sitting on the Tianshi.

They have endless years, and of course they will be together forever.

A happy ending.

Maybe many years later, Jianmu will become the marriage tree of the world, which is full of prayer cards.

And Tianshishi... Sorry, you will probably be covered with names, and you will write sentences like "I love you forever and forever".

I have to be moved by myself, and you said that this is a tragedy? ?

As an ununderstood author, am I going to make a fuss? !

The ending is explained here, and finally it is a deep self-reflection.

For me, writing a text is a breadwinner, but it is definitely not just a breadwinner.

It is my spiritual world, my life goal.

These years, I have been urging myself and writing better stories.

Thank you for your subscription, so that I can continue to pursue this as a career.

Although it can't make me rich and rich, I can be so lucky to be a professional.

Maybe we won't go to the end together, but hope that this paragraph of peers can bring you spiritual enjoyment.


I hope to see you next time.

The chapter on P.S. endings misses a very important point. After the Ming Shuhua is built, the dead sky wheel owners will be resurrected. It was written too urgently, and it was omitted. It has now been completed.