Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 1: Birthday ceremony

Lu Mingshu always remembers the day of his seven-year-old birthday.

She was born in the second day of February, and she spent a lot of time in the flower festival.

In the morning, Hui Niang gave her a peach blossom and inserted it on the desk. It is beautiful.

Hui Niang also said: "Get up early in the morning, the magpie is called out the window, Miss is born today, there will be good things."

Just finished, Xiaohuan panted and ran from the outside: "Miss Miss, something happened!" When Hui Niang yelled at her for rash, she shouted, "You yell, you sent someone!"

Hui Niang swallowed back the reprimand, and stunned: "What?"

"I am?" Lu Mingshu turned back.

She has never seen her since childhood. Niang told her that when she was still in the abdomen, she went out to study and apprentice, and then she did not return. Niang said, I may have something to delay.

"Yeah, there was a guest who just went to the door and said that it was sent by you..."

Xiaohuan hasn't finished yet, and she was beaten by Hui Niang: "What you are jealous, there is no rule, call the lord!"

"Oh..." This is not the point. Xiaohuan can't wait to say that Lu Mingshu can't wait to say, "Miss, you didn't see the carriage stopped outside. It's so beautiful! Even the people who sent it are as beautiful as the fairy! I I secretly heard it outside, saying that the master is the head, it must be the master who worships the famous teacher and becomes a master!"

Lu Jiayu Fu Ze, very talented in martial arts, but the town of Qingfeng is located in a remote, hundreds of miles, not even a good martial arts museum. Seven years ago, Lu Jia almost took out all his savings and helped him to go to Beijing to find a famous teacher. There was no news.

Lu Mingshu had a wish since childhood and hoped that when he returned, they would reunite with the family. She did not expect that this wish actually came true on her birthday!

Is this the birthday gift that God gave her?

"There must be a master who will come to pick you up! Miss will have a good life..."


Lu Mingshu stood up and ran to the outside quickly, regardless of Hui Niang shouting behind.

She rushed to the living room, where the voice of the woman came.

"This is for you."

Lu Mingshu gasped, picked up his toes and looked intently.

Aye and Niang are in the hall. On the guest seat, a woman who is walking around her face is facing her. She can’t see her face. She only sees the flying scorpion, and the butterfly trembles and trembles. Fly away at any time.

She stood next to a maid and handed a delicate box to Aye.

The box is opened and a piece of paper is taken out.

Then, she saw that Grandpa’s face turned red quickly and shivered and asked: “What does this mean?”

The maid smiled lightly, with arrogance and contempt on the high side: "All said that your Lu family is a farmer's house. Although it is poor, it is literate and literary. Lu Laotai will not even understand the words?"

Lu Mingshu stunned, is this laughing at Ah Ye? A maid?

"Ruixiang." The woman on the guest seat made a sound, and the voice was still so sweet.

The maid turned sideways and respectfully bowed her head: "Yes, miss."

The woman said: "They are born in the countryside, and it is inevitable that they will have less knowledge. You should say well with them, don't be rude."

"The slave knows."

The maid turned back, and the chin was slightly raised: "Lan Laotai, since you can't read it, the slave said to you. This is after the book is signed, and after the signature of love, I will return to the bridge with my head and return to the road. No more relevant."

Lu Mingshu's big eyes, and the book? Wouldn't it be to send people to pick them up, but to stay away from the mother?

Mother stood up, grabbed the piece of paper, looked at the contents incredulously, and the hand was shaking more and more.

"No, I don't believe it!" Niang suddenly tore the paper with tears. "Azeri will not be like this to me! Others? Let him come in person!"

"Want to let the head come in person?" The maid snorted. "Mrs. Lu, do you know what the head of the Jiu Yao Palace represents? Even if you see the king of East Vietnam, you must respect and respect the guests. Why? See you a village woman?" Glanced at the paper she tore off and shook it out. "It’s useless to tear it up, there is still."

"Qingyi!" Aye stopped her mother and looked at the woman who was always out of the house. Shen Sheng said, "This girl must speak a word in everything. Azer is my son-in-law, and I have written on the marriage book." If you want to leave, you have to come back and make it clear?"

"Isn't it clearly written in the book?" The maid said, "Our head..."

"I didn't talk to you!" said Lu Laotai. "You are a slave, what is your mouth here? Isn't the master not teaching you rules?"

"You--" The maid was furious and immediately straightened. "Let, Grandpa, call you a grandfather. It is already my family's courtesy of the old man. I am a slave? You know, my slave is also going to the palace?" Your senior officials in Dongyue must be polite to me!"

Always staying out of the way, the woman who waited for the maid to fight with the old lady of the land raised her head: "Ruixiang, talk well, don't make the same thing as the inferior."

"Sorry Miss, the slaves immediately told him clearly."

The woman waved her hand: "No, it's me."

She is facing the angry anger, and the crying mother-in-law, whispering: "Lan Laotai, when the hero is also in trouble, when the paying body has no longevity, it is difficult to stretch, your Lujia claiming to be a good home, Not only did he not lend a helping hand to him, but he also forced him into the shackles. This is a dangerous thing for the people. This is a marriage book..." Lu Mingshu was younger and could hear the disdain in her tone. "If I were you , no face."

Listening to her saying that, Grandpa’s eyes widened, and the mother even forgot to cry, and looked at her with surprise.

Lu Mingshu slammed the pane, which was both surprised and uncomfortable. what does she say? Aye forced to swear? If the grandfather is not good at it, he will not come up with all the savings and let him go out and look for a famous teacher. Their family is not a big rich man. Only the house and the 100-acre field that the ancestors uploaded, she listened to her mother, and sold half of the field for the cost of the trip.

For a long while, Ah Ye trembled and asked: "Is these words all he said?"

The maid snorted: "Why, you don't recognize it?"

The woman waved her hand and continued to say: "He has a broad mind, and now he has entered the sea and is not embarrassed with you. As long as he signed this paper and left the book, he will not be related to your Lu family. I heard that he still has a child? The silver ticket in the box, when he raised the child's money, also returned to your family's meals for the past few years."

The maid quickly whispered: "Let, Grandpa, you are entangled, and it doesn't make sense. Our head is not the one you are calling to drink. He is very talented, just seven years away from the inner world. Straight into the realm of the gods, now in the entire Xichuan, are ranked top players, if not delayed by you, it is also the list of the sky. Such a character, is this your family is climbing? Self-knowledge, if I were you, I would sign and leave the book with ease, so as not to be humiliated!"

"You--" Lu Mingshu saw that her eyes were red. "What are you talking about? It was Ming Aze..."

"Qingyi!" Ah Ye stopped her mother's words and bite her teeth. "Don't talk nonsense with them, sign!"

When the mother stayed, she shouted: "Hey!"

Ah Ye coldly said: "Don't they say it very clearly? People who can't stay, you don't sign, you can't stay. Since he made up his mind to erase the past, it's like his wish!"

The mother was silent, and finally she signed a word with tears in her book.

The thing was done, the maid said: "Well, Mrs. Lu, signed and left the book, and it’s irrelevant since then, you are still young, pick someone personally, and still have time. Just don’t look for my head. You want to find a young talent. Everyone understands that you have to look at your own conditions. Is it true? If you are not greedy, you will be able to live forever!"

The woman stood up and bowed her body, but her voice was unspeakable: "I have more trouble, I have to say goodbye."

Lu Mingshu watched them come out in the hall, and could not help but follow the door.

The woman found her, turned her head and glanced.

Like Xiaohuan, it is as beautiful as a fairy.

But why, a person who is as beautiful as a fairy, makes people feel so uncomfortable?

When the carriage started, she heard the voice coming from inside: "Ruixiang, you have too much to say, and tell them what to do?"

The voice of Ruixiang is completely different from what she just said. She said with a sigh of relief: "The slaves are not angry. What kind of people are in the head, so they have done this in such a family..."

Lu Mingshu never imagined that her seven-year-old birthday ceremony was not a reunion, but a piece of paper and a book that was given to her mother.